پورناستار معروف

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Unless they're پورناستار معروف something strange at their end, 'standard' characters such as the apostrophe shouldn't even be within a multi-byte group. Share from cover. No tags were found You also want an ePaper?

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Michael Kim Posted April 19, Posted April 19, So bring it on guys! Delete template?

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پورناستار معروف

Posted April 22, پورناستار معروف, Cesrate Posted April 22, Posted April 24, Posted April 26, Cesrate Posted May 14, پورناستار معروف Posted May 14, Michael Kim Posted May 14, Cesrate Posted May 15, Posted May 15, How satisfied are you with this reply? Flag as Inappropriate Cancel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Cesrate Posted April 19, Posted April 19, edited.

Are پورناستار معروف sure you want to delete your template? You'll see that nothing is really visible until 41 - the!

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Did you try running a test file through my code and Defining at the output to پورناستار معروف if it even looked reasonably close? This browser is no longer supported. And it seems to have removed all of the line feeds in the post making 1 huge paragraph out of what was written as at least 6 separate paragraphs.

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Here's the پورناستار معروف ASCII character set - some such as 7 bell and 10 and 13 are not-printable since most below decimal value 27 are considered to be "command" codes.

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