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Journal of Health Literacy. Shokoufefard S, Khormaei F. Ravanshenasi-va Din. Schnitker درد داد. An examination of patience and well-being. Euro J Pain.

J Appl Psychol. Pain Management Nursing.

Golkarian P, shafiabady A, Delavar A, درد داد. Bandura A. Self-efficacy: the exercise of control, NY, W. H: Freeman; Health literacy, knowledge and self-care behaviors to take care of diabetic foot in low-income individuals: Application of extended parallel process درد داد. Alidosti M, tavassoli e. Religiousness and spirituality in fibromyalgia and chronic pain patients.

Relationship satisfaction, communication self-efficacy, درد داد chronic fatigue syndrome-related fatigue. Functional self efficacy and pain related disability among older veterans with chronic pain in a primary care setting. Clini Psycholo Stud. Health Psychol.

Self- efficacy mediates the relation between pain-related fear and outcome in chronic low back pain patients. Asghari A Nichilas MK. درد داد investigation of pain self-efficacy beliefs in Iranian chronic pain patients: A preliminary validation of a translated English-language scale, درد داد.

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Jour Guilan Uni Med Sci. Effect of chronic and recurrent pain on the self-management of درد داد spinal pain: Moderator role of pain self-efficacy and catastrophic thoughts.

J Health Psychol, درد داد. Self-efficacy, Heealth literacy, and nutrition and exercise behaviors in a low-income, Hispanic population. J Rehab Health. Investigating Health literacy, knowledge and self-efficacy in patients with type 2 diabetes referring to health centers in shahrekord.

مرکز تحقیقات مراقبتهای پرستاری

Medic Care. Exercise quotas, anticipatory concern and self efficacy expectancy in chonic pain: A preliminary report.

Feuille M, Pargament K. Pain, mindfulness, and spirituality: A randomized controlled trial comparing effects of mindfulness and relaxation on درد داد outcomes in migraineurs. J Altern Complement Med. Mawani A-N. Reducing chronic pain using mindfulness meditation: An exploration of the role of spirituality.

Thesis, University of Manitoba, Canada. Mwaria C. The Journal of IMA. Clayton-Jones D, Haglund K, درد داد. J Holist Nurs. Eur J Pain.

لطیف ناصر: داستان شگفت انگیزمردی که به ما تسکین درد مدرن را بخشید | TED Talk

Journal of Clinical Psychology, درد داد. Soc Sci Med. Nurse-led pain management program: effect on self-efficacy, pain intensity, pain-related disability, and depressive symptoms in chronic درد داد patients. J Posit Psychol. Khormaie F, Farmani, A. Clinical Psychology and Personality] [in press.

The chronic pain coping inventory: Development and preliminary validation. Proceeding role of religion in mental health Hoseinsabet F. Kalantari S, Farmani A. J Sci Study درد داد. A cognitive-behavioral treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Bandura A, درد داد, Locke EA.

Negative self-efficacy and goal effects revisited.

Anger management style and associations with self-efficacy and pain in male veterans. Anesthesiology and Pain. Pain Med. Med Ethics.

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Exercise quotas, anticipatory concern and self efficacy expectancy in chonic pain: a preliminary report. Pain Med ; Jennifer B. Levin Kenneth R. Lofland Jeffrey E, درد داد, et al. The درد داد role of self-efficacy on the relationship between emotional distress, pain severity and pain-related disability in patients with chronic pain.

Pain coping strategies in a Dutch population of chronic low back pain patients. Nicholas MK. The pain self-efficacy questionnaire: taking pain into account.

دین و درد: پیش‌بینی ابعاد درد بر اساس صبر - Iran Journal of Nursing - نشریه پرستاری ایران

Curr Pain Headache Rep. Are spirituality and religiosity resources for patients with chronic pain conditions? The Neuroscience Journal of Shefaye درد داد. Immig minority health. The relationship between self efficacy and disability in chronic low back pain patients, درد داد.