18 taong gulang

LANGUAGE — The film may use any kind of language; provided that such use is justified by the context, narrative, or character development; and 18 taong gulang into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least eighteen 18 years of age.

NUDITY — The film may contain natural and sexually-oriented nudity; provided that it is discreet and its depiction is not gratuitous and is justified by 18 taong gulang context, narrative, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary 18 taong gulang and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least sixteen 16 years of age.

It is provided for informational and research purposes. The film depicts in a patently lewd, offensive, 18 taong gulang, or demeaning manner, excretory functions and انقاذ conduct such as sexual intercourse, masturbation and exhibition of the genitals. Offensive, menacing, threatening or other equally negative language, as well as references to sex shall be suitable for viewers who are at least thirteen 13 years of age.

Title and publication information

Summary Detailed Information Description This checklist has been developed to support schools, continuing care facilities, 18 taong gulang, activity organizers, employers, 18 taong gulang, and businesses facility operators in reducing the risk of 18 taong gulang of COVID among attendees and staff. VIOLENCE — There are no restrictions on the depiction of violence except that it should not be gratuitous and that it is justified by the context, narrative, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least eighteen 18 years of age.

Resource Dates Date Created In determining the proper classification 18 taong gulang, the Board shall consider the purpose, genre, and time slot of the program as well as the treatment and depiction of attendant factors such as, but not limited to: Theme TemaViolence KarahasanDrugs DrogaLanguage LenggwaheSex Sekswal and Horror Katatakutan.

DRUGS — The depiction of drugs or their use may be allowed; provided that such depiction is justified by the context, narrative or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least eighteen 18 years of age. Only the current version of the checklist is retained.

THEME — There are no restrictions on themes; provided that the treatment is appropriate for viewers who are at least sixteen 16 years of age. LANGUAGE — The film may use any kind of language; provided that such use is justified by context, narrative, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who 18 taong gulang at least sixteen 16 years of age. SEX — Sexual activity may be depicted, but it should be discreet, infrequent, brief, and without graphic detail; provided that its depiction is justified by the context, narrative, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least thirteen 13 years of age, 18 taong gulang.

The film is libelous or defamatory to the good name and reputation of any person, 18 taong gulang, whether living or dead. 18 taong gulang — The depiction of drugs or their use may be allowed; provided that such depiction is brief and infrequent, and the same is justified by the context, 18 taong gulang, narrative, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least thirteen 13 years of age.

DRUGS — The non-gratuitous depiction of drugs or 18 taong gulang use may be allowed; provided that its depiction is justified by the context, narrative, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least sixteen 16 years of age. The use of strong swear words or sexually-derived or suggestive expletives and expressions as well as the use of swear words and expletives shall be allowed; provided that its use is infrequent and not vulgar.

THEME — The film may contain mature themes; provided that the treatment of any of these themes is suitable for teenagers above thirteen 13 years of age. HORROR — The depiction of horror, frightening scenes, and occasional gore are allowed; provided that such depiction is justified by the context, narrative, Hollywood adress sex character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding 18 taong gulang a Filipino viewer who is at least thirteen 13 years of age.

Place of Publication Edmonton. The film condones or encourages the use of illegal drugs and substances.

The movie shall not in any case promote, condone, and encourage drug use. HORROR — The depiction of horror, frightening scenes, and gore are allowed; 18 taong gulang that such depiction is justified by the context, narrative, or character development, and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least eighteen 18 years of age.

COVID-19 information : Alberta Health Daily Checklist (for children under 18) [Tagalog]

Open Government Licence - Alberta. Frequency Other. NUDITY — The film may contain sexually-oriented nudity; provided that it is non-gratuitous, 18 taong gulang, and is justified by the context, narrative, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a 18 taong gulang viewer who is at least eighteen 18 years of age.

VIOLENCE — Violence may be allowed; provided that it is infrequent, not gratuitous, and without graphic detail, and 18 taong gulang use is justified by the context, 18 taong gulang, narrative, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least thirteen 13 years of age.

Title and publication information Type Fact Sheet. Alberta Education. HORROR — The non-gratuitous depiction of horror, frightening scenes, and gore are allowed; provided that their use is justified by the context, narrative, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least sixteen 16 years of age.

The film glorifies criminals or condones crimes. The use of sexually-oriented or suggestive language and other references to sex shall always be suitable for viewers who are at least thirteen 13 years of age.

SEX — The realistic depiction of sexual activity may be allowed; provided that such depiction is not gratuitous, and is justified by the context, narrative, 18 taong gulang, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least eighteen 18 years of age. The film must contain social redeeming values. NUDITY — The film may contain occasional, natural and sexually-oriented nudity; provided that this is brief and discreet, and its use is justified by the context, narrative, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least thirteen 13 years of age.

Archived This item has been replaced by 18 taong gulang more recent resource or the content may be otherwise out of date, 18 taong gulang. The film clearly constitutes an attack against any race, creed, or religion.

Checkup ng Batang-Walang Sakit: 14 hanggang 18 Taong Gulang | Community Health Network

This checklist is updated as required. Publisher Education. The film shall not gratuitously promote or encourage any dangerous, violent, discriminatory, 18 taong gulang, or otherwise offensive behavior or attitude. SEX — Sexual activity may be depicted; provided any depiction does not contain graphic detail, and such depiction is not gratuitous and is justified by the context, narrative, or character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least sixteen 16 years 18 taong gulang age.

18 taong gulang

VIOLENCE — Violence and gore may be allowed; provided that their depiction is not gratuitous and is justified by the context, narrative, 18 taong gulang character development; and taking into account the contemporary values and understanding of a Filipino viewer who is at least sixteen 16 years of age.