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Organization At-a-Glance Staff directory and info about the Office of the Dean and other library departments. Butch and femme modes of socialization were so integral within lesbian bars that women who refused to choose between the two would be ignored, or at least unable to date anyone, and butch women becoming romantically involved with other butch women or femmes with other femmes was unacceptable. Medical consideration of hermaphroditism depended upon measurements of the clitoris ; a longer, engorged clitoris was thought to be used by women to penetrate other women. Along with a coalition of other activists, Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected government official, organized the "No on 6 Campaign" to defeat the measure. This constrained version of gay and lesbian visibility perpetuates what Lisa Duggan calls "homonormativity," a mode of LGBT identity that does not challenge but rather is wholly compatible with the raced, classed, and gendered inequalities of neoliberalism and thus limits the challenge to gendered and sexualized inequalities that visibility hopes to achieve. … Read more

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Add to collection. Like all relationships, there will be both good and bad times. The major difference between gay and straight relationships is that there are two men instead of a man and a woman. … Read more

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