Atomic heart sex secen

Twins Sex scene in Atomic Heart l 3d animation -

Everyone including myself Atomic heart sex secen their fingers crossed for a sex scene in Atomic Heart involving these two. For perverts like me who were looking forward to any mature content with the robot twins, you may now groan in disappointment. Even P-3 admits to being attracted to them. Muhammad Furqan, Atomic heart sex secen. Sechenov are capable of doing more than just bodyguard work.

So is there really any sexual content in the game or just another crazy rumor from the internet that Atomic Heart is the unfortunate topic of?

Atomic Heart Sex Cut Cene. Related Posts. This information has drawn mixed reactions from gamers and fans. Referring to existing informationreportedly the developer, Mundfish, said that there will be a 6-hour sex cutscene between the main character and Mechanical Ballerina Twin.

Atomic Heart barely has five hours worth of cutscenes in its average playthrough. English Indonesia English. Dark mode. Google wants to be a key technology partner for live-service games. Gamedaim Trending.

No, 'Atomic Heart' Probably Won’t Include a Six-Hour Sex Scene

Nonetheless, this information is one of the interesting things that make people talk about Atomic Heart. Leave Comment.

Facebook Twitter Email WhatsApp. Just use 2B from Nier Automata for a reference. Unbelievable rumors have surfaced online about a six-hour sex scene hidden somewhere in Atomic Heart.

For now, there is no official confirmation or news that Atomic Heart has cutscenes with a duration of 6 hours. Come see the following review from Gamedaim. Still it seems that the developers did anticipate this reception or even hoped for it.