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Earlier women used to Beatiful girl masrk iran the masks by hand but with time sewing machines have taken over. Red is worn by married women. Mask with ornaments. Bandari women have been wearing masks for centuries.

While her husband was away at sea, sailing from port to port — Muscat, MukalaMogadishu, Berbera, Zanzibar, Lamu — she learned to sew boreghehs Her hands are covered in indigo. The forehead and Alain sex are covered, the mouth often hidden by the addition of a veil For centuries the masks were embroidered by hand, now, sewing machines have taken over Although the masks make them look like women from another century, Bandaris are well acquainted with Instagram and Viber, Beatiful girl masrk iran, neither of which is censored in Iran In the Bandar Abbas region, black masks are worn by girls from the age of 9, Beatiful girl masrk iran.

As well as being part of their religion and culture, the masks also protect the eyes and skin from the sun, which can be very strong in the Persian Gulf. The mask in no way prevents women from enjoying a social life or speaking to men as happens in a strict regime such as Saudi Arabia.

They also signify good financial health for anyone who wears such an ornate mask in everyday life. Many kinds of masks can be seen across the province.

Shiite Muslims Beatiful girl masrk iran to wear red rectangular masks and the embroidery style also shows the ethnicity of its owner.

The golden ornaments on the veils and masks add a touch of sparkle during ceremonies. The rectangular masks.

In 5 years there will be no more boreghehs here" Ameneh is one of three Sunni seamstresses who make masks in the village. But the boregheh masks worn by many Bandari women, both Sunni and Shia, are probably the most striking of all.

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The roots of the tradition are unknown, although some say that it started during Portuguese rule, when women were trying to avoid recognition by slave masters looking for pretty girls.

In fact, similar masks Beatiful girl masrk iran be found around the region, in Oman, Kuwait and other parts of Arabian Peninsula, Beatiful girl masrk iran.

Mask-wearing on Qeshm Island is rapidly dying out among the young. Most locals wear different attire from other provinces of Iran, with women often sporting colourful dresses instead of the typical black chador, and men in Arab-style clothing. Yet their grandmothers maintain the tradition, wearing masks that cover much of their faces.