Chathuram sex film Malayalam

After Durga Krishna, who recently aced it as another femme fatale in Udalit's Swasika's turn.

Ayal Malayalam Movie Sex Scenes Lal Enjoying Whorish Actress

You have TimesPoints. Disclaimer : We respect your thoughts and views! Featured review. Leona Lishoy Actor. Vinitha Ajit Producer. Alencier Ley Lopez Actor. User reviews 4 Review.

Chathuram Movie Review: A rarely seen emotional drama

See detailed box office info on IMDbPro. From Balthazar's perspective, what's happening to him is not funny, but we walk away thinking it is. Greenwich Entertainments Yellove Bird Productions. Jamneesh Thayyil Producer. This feature is not serviceable in your region. Santhy Balachandran shows up briefly as Balthazar's coy and well-meaning girlfriend, who is basically to him what Parvathy was to Mohanlal in Thoovanathumbikal.

Details Edit. Box office Edit. I don't see it as something I would revisit, but at the same time, it's not Chathuram sex film Malayalam complete time-waster either.

It reminds me of how the ending of David Fincher's Gone Girl made me feel, Chathuram sex film Malayalam. The expectation is not something Meryl Streep-level extraordinary, but just enough to service the story.

Chathuram Movie

A home nurse Balthazar Roshan Mathew is appointed to take care of him. If Chathuram sex film Malayalam, like me, once devoured the acclaimed British writer's thrillers, you might appreciate Chathuram more than the regular Malayali viewer.

Swasika Vijay Actor. Chathuram Streaming on Saina Play. A 04 Nov, 2 hrs 2 mins. Embed Copy to Clipboard.

Categories Related to Ayal Malayalam Movie Sex Scenes Lal Enjoying Whorish Actress

Related news. What took me by surprise is that despite being an unlikeable character, there are moments where you start rooting for her, like when she has to deal with Nishant Sagar's sleazy lawyer. One's enjoyment of Chathuram sex film Malayalam depends on one's understanding of pulp fiction. It's the sort of material you often find in James Hadley Chase novels.

And it's nice to see Roshan playing a submissive character for a change. One can't help but laugh whenever he is sporting a scared expression while reflecting on his predicament, Chathuram sex film Malayalam. Now Tovino and Roshan Mathew entered into that row. Nearly 12 years before Fahadh Fazil started the deep French kissing Feud in Malayalam film industry from his movie Chappa kurish.

Times of India. Release date November 4, India.

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AjHuntt Apr 6, Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. Swasika Shines. Her portrayal in this film demonstrates her incredible talent and versatility, Chathuram sex film Malayalam, proving that she can excel in any role she takes on.

You are in Delhi. Speaking about the movie, the film's direction by Chathuram sex film Malayalam Bharathan is truly commendable, and Swasika's performance in this Erotic Thriller Drama is exceptional. Powered by Alexa. Chathuram Movie Review: A rarely seen emotional drama. George Sandiago Producer.

Chathuram - Official Teaser | Malayalam Movie News - Times of India

Sidharth Bharathan Director, Producer. Jaffer Idukki Actor.

Chathuram Movie Review: Fairly enjoyable pulpy dark comedy with a noir flavour

Technical specs Edit. Runtime 2 hours. Storyline Edit. One day, during a walk Eldho meets with an accident which leaves him paralysed. The Times of India,Nov 12, Chathuram sex film Malayalam, Once she gets here, she discovers his true nature; he is a big narcissistic, angry old man, who beats her up for the silliest reasons, rapes, and abuses her brutally.

FAQ How long is Chathuram? We also get another applause-worthy scene from her when Jaffer Idukki he is always good! It's hard to imagine anyone Chathuram sex film Malayalam in the lead role, as Swasika truly owns the character. Malayalam Drama. I don't know how others would react to a film like this.

This movie is a game changer for Swasika, who has previously been relegated to supporting roles.

Chathuram sex film Malayalam

She is a revelation as the vamp who oscillates between confident and vulnerable. Roshan Mathew Actor.