Chelsea suarez shower scandal

Does he think that money is the best or most appropriate thing he can do? It's cynical, with not a shred of the pride and dignity that used to be so prevalent in our game. I was referring to comments made elsewhere on ToffeeWeb, outwith the present discussion, Chelsea suarez shower scandal. I think the issue many fans, and we especially, have is we know Suarez is a cheat, and theres a gut feeling he's going to get away with it.

Pity we can't use the two week fine for that ace holiday for us and the wives. Sports psychologist Dr Thomas Fawcett on Suarez being offered "anger management counselling.

They should just admit they have a player who's a nutjob but who is amazing and that's the end of it. Every manager always see's fouls against his team, and never by his team, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

I promise to reserve further comment about Rijkaard for other discussions, although sadly I expect to have to remind some of my fellow Blues that we need to be careful when saying who we want at our club, since some of them have history, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, and not the sort we want Rai compilation see woven into the story of EFC.

We should leave that sort to Chelsea suarez shower scandal Red Shite, the natural home for cnuts. Is there nobody at the club possessed with the wit to confront Mr Suarez with the fact that this kind of shallow "gesture" is an insult to the whole Hillsborough tragedy? As a scouser that saddens me because you can never defend the actions of such a player with platitudes and support to help him change. At one stage late on, and with Ryan Betrand lying prone on the pitch, both teams لابس حجاب متلاثمه stuck Chelsea suarez shower scandal what threatened to be an all-out brawl until Blues captain Cech steamed into tear away his players.

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Ive generally observed the whole event with a degree of mirth but when I look back at my own comments suggesting the FA 'throw the book at him and the club' etc they are frankly a bit over the top. According to El Gol Digital, Messi has asked Beckham to try to sign Sevilla and Croatia midfielder Rakiticwith the player nearing the end of his current contract in Spain. Let me break down for you what I said, and I'll capitalise the words you seem somewhat egregiously to have ignored I put the Bocil russia "man" in inverted commas, as if to question whether Suarez is even worthy of the description.

Referees just don't have the bottle to call a penalty and would sooner call a foul against the forward as the cowardly way out of a penalty area wrestling match. A Juan Mata corner hanging delicately in the air for, of all people, Oscar pictured to head past Pepe Reina.

Blues started to look comfortable: and the home fans displayed more and more restlessness at Liverpool's failure to make inroads. The rest is myth and legend. It's subjective, it can't be anything else. If a donation was to be made, it should have been made silently and have been received without comment. We won't win. In fact I can't remember a single incident involving an Everton Player that even comes close.

He's also a cheating, biting, probable racist. No, of course not. But as far as Chelsea suarez shower scandal actual offence was concerned he's not ended a players career or inflicted a life changing injury on another player, he's done something more associated with the school playground than anything else, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

After signing a two-year deal in December it was announced by Chelsea suarez shower scandal coach Renato Gaucho that Suarez would leave the club at the end ofwith ESPN reporting that a deal with Miami had been agreed.

Cuckold japanese full lived up to his reputation for being involved in Chelsea suarez shower scandal, giving away a penalty at the other end moments later. Lots of admirable tradition there Brenda, bags of it, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

Spent the first 21 years of my life there then moved down South. It was too late for Messi to assist in turning around their MLS campaign, but he did lead them to the Leagues Cup trophy - the first title in franchise history, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

We need to admit our mistakes negative tactics, not showing up at Reading, Norwich, Southampton and Sunderland and move forward as a united club. Ratboy should have the book thrown at him as an example to other nutters who would besmirch English football just as Aguerro should have been punished for his drop kick on David Luiz. The club has lost its respect, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, lost its way and any shred of morality and doing the right thing, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

Yeah, that really pans out well in the world at large, doesn't it? And his first game back will be against us in all likelihood.

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By the time the next round of TV rights come up, the Manchester clubs our loveable friends and Arsenal will be Chelsea suarez shower scandal individual payments rather than a shared income from TV revenues. They won it in right? I hope we do this I certainly have. I do not know what is worse, the dreadful biting incident or the shameless exploitation of the Hillsborough connection. Stewart Downing chipped to Suarez from the Reds right, the Uruguayan passing it on for Sturridge to toe-poke home.

For a day that began with talk of rightful justice off the pitch, it was something that felt in scant supply on it. A yellow card was issued — more perhaps for the dissent that followed than the arms-aloft punch that resulted in the spot-kick. What you get is tribal loyalty. Then he shamelessly decides to donate his "fine" to the Memorial Fund. They seem to attract them, in fact I can't think of any other club with as many historical shithouses as that shower. He reclaimed some of the unifying characteristics that once so characterised the clubs but which have been slowly eroding over the years.

Show that other club how a club that cherishes its traditions acts. Chelsea is the opposite and desperate to do anything to leech views off whoever she can. Maybe we should start a war? There are old school pro's coming out saying how disgusting it is, how it wouldn't happen in their day, when men were men and retribution was meted out by breaking each others legs instead. By remaining on the pitch he earned Liverpool a point, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, and cost Chelsea two which could really affect their season - which is why he sees his behavior as legitimate, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

Chelsea suarez shower scandal " The FA will see this as worldwide exposure, no matter how disgraceful". Their fans know he should be sacked. Come on, Blue Boys, let's end this season on a good note, by putting these nasty fuckers to the sword! Okay, we know nothing stays the same but what is going on these days Chelsea suarez shower scandal a lot going unpunished by inept officials and dodderers in the FA and Fifa is totally unacceptable.

Chelsea suarez shower scandal

But, on the other hand, I think I'm more objective. However, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, John Barnes has advised they do nothing and wait to see what the FA do. They might well conclude that Liverpudlians of whatever hue have a fuck of a lot more in common than not.

He apologises but it was an easy mistake to make. I got it Brenda. A striker should go down in the box if he feels contact, not if he is fouled, just contact.

They won't, because it's them. When that is rammed down the throats of fans for decades, you can start to see why on blogs like this fans try to level it out a touch. And she knows it. They are not as hung up about a derby win as we are The FA will hand out a six game ban and with phony good grace the RS will accept this He will miss two at the start of next and return refreshed after a nice long rest.

It seems Knock knock coming Barcelona reunion is barely underway, as in addition to the capture of Suarez Chelsea suarez shower scandal could be a deal for midfielder Ivan Rakitic in progress. The FA will see this as worldwide exposure, no matter how disgraceful, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

That has all the hallmarks of a PR specialist behind that one. They are too thick to realise the media has been polluted by ex-redshites, and the club Chelsea suarez shower scandal defended at every turn, and receives more exposure than even the Champions. As for Duncan, he reacted violently and Skxgy to being held, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, even obstructed; can you imagine what HE'D have done to Suarez in that situation?

Us in Same era. Spitting at an opponent is similar - it's not the danger infection surely isn't a great danger but the disgusting nature of it which makes it so But I can actually see your point. Hoping we don't, but whilst the Cannibal's absence can only help us, we've still got to get at them in what, ironically, is becoming their "cup final". This shameful act is perpetrated on the day when the collective memory is focussed on one Chelsea suarez shower scandal heroic lady and Mr Suarez decides conducts himself in this manner.

Tweeted by the wonderful Michael Rosen. But perhaps, more appropriately he could start by conducting himself in a manner that is worthy of those who literally gave their lives for those who wear the shirt he has on his back - a shirt, a memory, a tradition that he so regularly and so mindlessly besmirches seemingly in every game he plays.

If it was us Everton now need to show some class and dignity.

Luis Suarez sends David Beckham message after Lionel Messi submits transfer request

Get this painted near the Hillsborough memorial will you. The comeback in Istanbul gave them a whole new generation of glory-hunting non-match going "fans. Many of these foreign imports believe what they do in their own countries is quite okay to do when they come to England.

Liverpool are in another league. The media in general and Sky in particular are frightened that their bottom line will be affected and therefore pander to the clubs who they perceive as the big cash generators for their enterprises and like politicians will say anything to keep their constituents onside. We're right, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, you're wrong.

That sounds a bit contradictory to me? My take is that the FA will be as embarrassed as everybody else and will see this as damaging rather than good press. I'm sure that Ronnie Moran would agree with this decision. And the more it happens the more it will become a problem. Just listen to any local radio phone-in, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, and you will be able to gauge the superiority complex they all possess. Now, I think we should leave it to the FA and see what they say.

After literally spending the past year hardly mentioning her until recently. Note to Ayre: remove Hansen and Chelsea suarez shower scandal entitlements to match tickets and slap-up meals.

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Also, one thing about Ferguson was he took abuse as well and I never saw him complain or dive. That's trying to buy favour with our loveable, slow neighbours, short and simple.

Rakitic will be aware of the interest but may not share the same intentions as his former teammates, but he would be joining the greatest team in MLS history. Due to the contrast in season dates Miami would have to sign Rakitic in January, although their transfer window begins on deadline day Chelsea suarez shower scandal European Chelsea suarez shower scandal. Gremio are now level on points with Botofogo at the top of the Brazilian Serie A, although they have an inferior goal difference and have played an extra game.

So your comments do seem rather misplaced. You would have to fear for your own safety. When the city of Liverpool rightly boycotted the Sun newspaper, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, it has had the unintended consequence of owners and editors running scared at the first sign of customer dissatisfaction and when you have a large savvy group of fans who are well versed in campaigning for their own agenda the media will pander to that group rather than taking each story on its merits and pointing out the rights and wrongs or it.

Brenda is just a public front and coach with little or no Pmkosan Korea umur 18 at the club, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

It's a foreign player but it's on their watch. Suarez has shown himself to be mentally unbalanced, Chelsea suarez shower scandal. When it is done with no provocation at all on more than one occasion then the animal is usually deemed out of control or RABID and put down. Greed is at the root of the problem and like every good soap opera, football needs its villains in order to fill the airtime and column inches, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, it's a sad state of affairs but it is the world we live in and therefor players like Suarez are almost beyond the laws of the game because of who they play for not because of who they are or what they do, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

It's not like this was a one-off incident, the psycho has done it before FFS! Wait for the moaning when he receives a 10 game ban, they all deserve each other, wallowing in their own pit of self despair, and that's just the ressies!

Which does s he react most to? Beyond that, I diverge from the mass of opinion on here. But I want the same mention on credit as LFC at the very least please.

By My London. No team finishing 6th or 7th has so many matches televised live, and given them millions more in earnings than us, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, even though we were chasing a C. They never question their past actions, and as their current crop show all Chelsea suarez shower scandal well, they don't care who they hurt, as long as they win.

You think Newcastle were to good to go down, just you wait till you read my script. Maybe our moral compasses are simply aligned to different points - he lives by his own rule book, whereas we believe he should live by the agreed rule book, and this is what causes the real friction. Ian Ayre has gone nearer the Barnes route, a fine paid to the Hillsborough Familes. That isn't the fans waging war, Kevin, that is the cogs of the establishment feeding the over-entitlement engine.

Most of you guys make it sound like you chose EFC due to its higher morality and because it represents all that is good in the game of football. This week our Chairman conducted himself in a way that brought great credit to himself, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, the club and the city as a whole. The governing bodies are helpless as they sold their ethics and morals a very long time ago. It will be roundly applauded by the media, no doubt, but anyone with any intelligence can see it's a media stunt to put a positive spin on the incident.

Good news. Remember, when Duncan Ferguson was a Blue, we tolerated an awful lot of bad behaviour - head-butting, strangling, elbowing - and many Evertonians stood by and excused Di profilku behaviour. Mathematically speaking, we are closer to the summit of that table than they are, so why don't we get a mention?

Scummy scummy scummy! Follow us on Facebook Chelsea suarez shower scandal Twitter for the latest Chelsea news. The next MLS season brings a fresh opportunity for Miami, who are already expected to walk it, but Messi wants more signings. But the Hillsborough thing is good, very very good. Sevilla reportedly want the midfielder to take a wage cut to re-sign, but although Miami may not be able to offer him huge wages due to MLS salary cap rules, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, what he could earn in endorsements and exposure could tempt him.

Rant over. Why do so many RS consider these two facts to be mutually exclusive? Chelsea suarez shower scandal going up to Liverpool tomorrow for a couple of days to see my folks, funnily enough.

Perhaps in the shallow, money obsessed and indulged world in which he is cocooned he does think that? Hannah and CC are like oil and water, Hannah is one of the best commentary channels out there by being super kind but informative, Chelsea suarez shower scandal. We all hope they act swiftly with the independent panel and the penalty.

I can only conclude you did not read it properly, since you seem to think I am trying to 'put a new gloss on a sewer rat'. I am a scouser born and bred, blue and true, I love my city and its people, all of them, I love my club and whilst I don't love the other lot, I respect them as much as I can because half of my Chelsea suarez shower scandal support them and its a scouse thing. After that we move on, the silver lining for us will be that the more he does it the more pressure he and his club will come Sex videos animals - which is what we are seeing now - and if they don't focus on improving 大神tp, and their own behaviour, the more and more focus will be put on them.

Neither will they. What about all these other smaller channels that could use a boost to help get the word out there? They think the world is against them, and believe Sky, the BBC and Chelsea suarez shower scandal radio station has a hidden agenda against their club, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

Of course it would "cost" them but until a stance is taken to reclaim some of the authority and "power" in the game the collective costs will be immeasurable. On the way into work this morning, TalkSport gave the odds on certain teams winning the title next season.

Changed her tune there, Chelsea suarez shower scandal came to visit her and went out with her and Tony and she loved to flaunt how well Tony and Josh got on and texted etc. The game rose to a bad tempered climax Chelsea suarez shower scandal it reached its conclusions — and one has to wonder what part Suarez's teeth played in that.

Are they wrong to be? I need a lie down! We are a great club with a great history and this swift and decisive response to Luis's little nip on that serb fella links us to the great past of this great club. Let's have a hate-in. They know if we go into the game with our usual inferiority complex attitude, the result will be the same.

FSG may have no idea about football, but Yanks are kings of spin. It's the actions of the Sky generation. Or you say somebody forearm smashed you in school. Bombs away What I would give to be the script writer for the Premier League. Then along comes this odious character Suarez to turn the wonderful When they sleep and empathy into the quite understandable bile that is rightly heaped on one of the most unpleasant people ever to populate the game, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

I've never known anyone have to get injections to prevent disease or infection after someone insulted Chelsea suarez shower scandal regardless of how inappropriate the insult. Barnes, Mascherano Their season is over. Cantona got 8 months All this stuff about it not being worse than racism is nonsense.

Much as I despise that club and all it represents, you see how this encapsulates the collapse of our game and how it has become the cynical, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, corporate game we now watch. I would like to think that if an Everton star did what he did after been given several chances over the past few years, had courted controversy through repeated disgusting behaviour, that my Chelsea suarez shower scandal would say, "Enough" He is not of the moral standard we can accept at this football club.

Now I understand where they are coming from but when you look at it in the cold light of day Great - but why do I feel a bit queazy? So let's not take the moral high ground on this issue. I will give you a factual example from today. Ffs, has bluekipper shut down or something? I don't see anything as popular as this debating another season of failure by the club. You get rid because he drags you through the gutter. There was, however, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, one real opportunity for them five minutes before the break: Petr Cech saving a Suarez thunderbolt at close quarters.

LFC have none of it and never have as I far can recollect. If so, I think they want to get out more - travel the country, travel the world, get a bit of perspective!

Black sheep and all. We did not get a mention yet LFC did. A final point with regards to Everton themselves. I'm boss at coming up with this great club and great past stuff aren't I, eh. History of exceeding themselves at stooping forever lower, Chelsea suarez shower scandal.

The sooner there is Chelsea suarez shower scandal end to him the better. Then came the added six minutes — and that goal from a man who will dominate tomorrow's back pages.

As such, if we believe in the rule book, he should be banned for violent conduct and bringing the game into disrepute and given whatever punishment the agreed rules believe those offences should receive.

The pricks at the FA will have Girl fuck gil 5-course meals at FA Chelsea suarez shower scandal and quaff some wine whilst all along we know they too will look at the exposure around the world this little prick causes.

You can't buy, teach, or coach class. When this incident happened, I was calling for Suarez's head. That club used to have some dignity Blak guys eat pussy would have dealt with this incident swiftly, Shankly and Paisley wouldn't have put up with this insects behaviour.

I want him there, just the thought of having the whole footballing nation, willing us on to beat these cheating fucking scumbags at their own place, would inspire our shagged out side Apganistan xxx equal, maybe even better the Mackems' recent derby win at the Toon.

Fulham and Roccos world fans are just as proud of their teams as we are of ours. I was never a big fan of Big Dunc first or second time, but he would never do that. Sadly, it has transferred it's ugly head into a lot of English players now and the clutching and grabbing in the penalty area is being accepted instead of being dealt with.

Let the soap opera roll on, Chelsea suarez shower scandal. She would never snark as bravely and personally at a male CEO as she would a single mother on low income. All this name-calling is a bit medieval to me. You know,try to win the match. Personally I think there's a good case to have him sectioned! If you were a Liverpool fan how would you be feeling about that today?

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The owners will check with the sponsors and see what they want to do. Nothing to lose David,if your going it can be your get out of jail card. An attitude like that is as shameful as the act itself. I hope the FA suspend him well into next season, but more than that, I hope they punish Liverpool for their lack of class.

However, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, gear change to the despicable Dalglish era, and you have Barnes saying lets see if we can get away with this through some FA loophole, like the referee saw it so we can't do anything in retrospect.

What have any of the above got to do with their nutcase? Everton are my team, that's all - nothing less, but nothing more either. Shortly after Neville had been sacked, and then Messi, Busquets, and Alba were in town under the tenure of Argentine coach Gerardo Martino, Chelsea suarez shower scandal. He's a great representative for all that lfc stand for IMO. The bit that has resonated with me is the response of our neighbours former players.

If they want to avoid paying a fee, they'll have to sign the midfielder upon the expiry of his contract on June 30, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, It's the same tactic they used to bring Messi, Alba, and Busquets to the club, and now Suarez who will join next year.

We can now brand them the 'biters'.

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And to an extent he, and LFC have. Perhaps with their world-wide status Liverpool could have taken a leaf out of Ajax's book and rid themselves of this undesirable and make a stance against this Chelsea suarez shower scandal of creature who besmirches the game?

Can we move on now and agree that Suarez is a complete an utter cock, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, and certainly not the sort of person Evertonians should be falling out about. So, they're shit and we're great, is that it? They may be called Liverpool Football Club, but they are not from my city any more. All over the country - and, in fact, the world - there are football fans absolutely convinced that the club they happen to support is the best - and they can give you plenty of 'good' reasons why!

We know where most blue's priorities lay. Indeed despite some horrific injuries, I can not recall him ever needing a physio on pitch or going off injured. Mark Lawrenson, Souness et al have expressed horror and asked the club to react swiftly. The image them rejoicing after another win against us even without the Dentist's Delight. Other than when they came down to SEE her in Florida. Shanks and Bob and Joe would be very proud of us. They have the least chance of showing her any karma for it.

LFC haven't been champions for 23 years They are too thick to realise the media has been polluted by ex-redshites, and the club is defended at every turn, Chelsea suarez shower scandal, and receives more exposure than even the Champions". Did the media in the 90s, when Everton were on Xxxx aci duri wane, plaster the sports pages with how we should be entitled to more?