Dog and firl

Creating Connections: A Portrait of a Girl and her Dog | State College, PA — Savita Sittler

These sessions are fast paced and filled with energy. For anyone else who is Dog and firl dog lover, you most likely love all dogs. It continues to breathe life into the relationship I have with my own dog.

Creating Connections: A Portrait of a Girl and her Dog | State College, PA

The imperfect. C: I've been concentrating on the connection between human and dog, and from an artistic standpoint, I'm finding the versatility in interaction to be as beautifully complex as the intimacy of just people, Dog and firl. Adventure and self-discovery will be at the forefront of my writing, and I have been inspired by other female adventure and self-growth writers, such as Cheryl Stayed who elegantly strung words together Dog and firl she took us through her Pacific Crest Trail journey in Wild and the uniquely but equally poetic Jennifer Phar Davis in Becoming Odyessa.

Dog and Girl – Welcome to MegaMouseArts!

In the end, I try to write what is raw, what is human. Skip to content. I believe that it is the Dog and firl we find in the imperfect is the most beautiful of all.

But your dog…your Dog and firl is special to you and no other dog has that same hold on your heart. B: As a dog owner myself, I just love to see how in love other people are with their own pups.

Enough said there.

Dog and firl

This is a blog about finding my own path and re-discovering my connection with Mother Nature, Dog and firl. Every touch, look, and embrace is as unique as the bond they share between themselves.