Farming life in other world

Machico Japanese. February 17, Dragon King Dryme also visits the village. January 20, An angel named Tia appears searching for Ru and Farming life in other world surprised to find her married to Hiraku. You must log in or register to reply here. Nominate them! Watanabe, Takayuki Producer.

The Year In Pictures. Add Detailed Info. Ru agrees, and they become engaged to be married.

Farming life in other world

He is certain Hiraku, who easily survives in Death Forest and attracts so many potential wives, Farming life in other world, must be more than an average human. In the Great Tree Village's case, it instigates a misunderstanding between dragons. Shimoji, Shino Japanese. Ria Main. Tomita, Miyu Farming life in other world. Related news. Technical specs Edit. Winter arrives so with everyone confined indoors Hiraku introduces board games, allowing Ru and Tia to maintain their rivalry without damaging anything.

Rasutisumoon Supporting. As word spreads, their home blooms into a village. They say civilization started because of alcohol. Edit page Add episode. God is punished by his daughter, the Goddess of Agriculture, who reveals the Farming Tool he gave Hiraku is actually a replica of Gryme the God Spear, and Hiraku has only survived using it because God coincidentally granted him a supernaturally healthy body. Top Gap. See more gaps Learn more about contributing. See the list.

Hiraku really starts to worry about the absence of other men. In Memoriam.

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Hioka, Farming life in other world, Natsumi Japanese. With their homestead completed, they turn their focus to food preparation and just in time; Winter is coming. Ru abruptly invites Tia to live with them, and after experiencing their farming life, she takes to it like a natural.

Spurred by her followers, the demon lord's daughter attempts to invade the Great Tree Village. Another thirty elves arrive, all with plans to have babies. Abe, Atsushi Japanese. Spring eventually arrives but before they can plant new crops Zabuton sounds the alarm as a giant Wyvern approaches the farm, Farming life in other world.

Flora Supporting. Kuro Supporting. Hiraku's offhand comment leads to a series of events that end Farming life in other world a merchant setting up a trade deal with The Great Tree Village. Hiraku and the elves construct a canal and reservoir for access to water and fishing.

Hakuren Supporting. Last edited by a moderator: Thursday at PM. DragonGwen Sodbuster. Itou, Kanae Japanese. Tia Main. Hiraku is able to have a bath, but his relaxing bath becomes very stressful surrounded by nine beautiful, naked ladies who insists on joining him in the bath. Hiraku realizes the importance of diplomacy when the demon lord and the dragons establish contact with the Great Tree Village.

Hiraku harvests his first crop of spices, allowing him to make curry with naan bread. Kuro the wolf narrates he is grateful to Hiraku for giving him and his family a permanent home.

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This sounds really complicated and really hard to code plus there's the artbut it's an interesting idea. Tia reveals Ru has a bounty on her after she destroyed a town, though Ru insists it was justified since a noble kept her imprisoned there.

February 3, Hiraku wisely ignores Farming life in other world secret double bed hidden behind a locked door.


Winter approaches so everyone begins stockpiling supplies, particularly firewood and preserved food. See the gallery. They become friendly, and Hiraku asks Ru to move in with him. Elsewhere, another young travelling woman is looking for the Death Forest.

Farming life in other world 27, Zabuton captures a monster Queen Bee and gives it to Hiraku who constructs a shed for her to build a hive and produce honey. Hiraku decides to improve the waterways around the farm.

Farming Life in Another World - Wikipedia

Hiraku realises as mayor the need to cultivate diplomatic relationships, so they build an embassy to house overnight visitors. The wolves have even more puppies, so Hiraku expands the farm to give them more space. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content.

Ann Farming life in other world. Fujii, Yukiyo Japanese. February 10, Hiraku grows grapes to make wine. A surprise attack would have shattered their peaceful lives were it not for the almighty farming tool. Due to their long lifespans, the elves have multiple skills, including construction, blacksmithing and baking. Yamamoto, Yuriko Producer. Hiraku is surprised the wolves can also play, with Kuro easily defeating Ru at chess and Hiraku at Mah-jong.

Senna Supporting. Another reference is 'Sun Heaven,' although it's not literally transported to another world, the fantasy theme in it is very interesting, especially with the choice of races you can play as.

Needing workers, Farming life in other world, Tia invites seven girls to the farm, members of an almost extinct high elf clan who need a permanent home to rebuild their population. The elves seem determined to begin having babies as soon as possible, worrying Hiraku as he is the only man among an increasing number of women. Kiuchi, Hidenobu Japanese, Farming life in other world. Machio, Hiraku Main. Season 2? Official site. Edit Related Anime Adaptation:.

Lynn Japanese. Ru, Rurushi Main. Suzaki, Aya Japanese. Hiraku also wisely educates the villagers on the difference between guests and unwelcome intruders. As the farm Sudden sloped in to fit everyone Hiraku renames it the Great Tree Village and throws a feast to celebrate the occasion where everyone unanimously declares Hiraku as the Village Mayor. Next, they construct a bath house, including a second reservoir which they filled with slimes to purify water from the baths before returning it to the river.

With an abundance of water, Hiraku constructs his first rice field and uses the first harvest to make onigiri with fish. Recently viewed.

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More to explore. Color Color. Five additional elven girls make their way to the farm, so Hiraku decides to build more houses. Feeling outnumbered, Tia invites three more angels and a tribe of Lizardmen who provide chickens.