
Dorico Pro 2. Dorico Help.

Fingerings – International Double Reed Society

Have a fingering suggestion for our database? Use the side bar on the Fingrngxxx side to check categories on or off and display results on the page. Inputting fingerings You can input fingerings on existing notes using the fingerings popover, Fingrngxxx, both during step input and by adding them to existing notes, Fingrngxxx.

Choose an Instrument. For example, you can input three fingerings at the rhythmic position of a chord containing three notes, but only one fingering at the rhythmic position of Fingrngxxx single note, Fingrngxxx.

Contrabassoon Fingerings. Use the interactive staff to choose which note you want to Fingrngxxx fingerings for. They are also marked with a circle icon, Fingrngxxx.

Recorder Fingering Charts - American Recorder Society

Note You can only add fingerings to notes at one rhythmic position at a time, and you can only Fingrngxxx as many fingerings as there are notes at each rhythmic position, Fingrngxxx. Use our online form to submit your fingering to our editors.

A big thank you to Bret Pimentel for the use of his fingering diagram builder Fingrngxxx bretpimentel. If you want to add fingerings to all notes in a chord, select all the notes in the chord, Fingrngxxx. Thank you to subcontrabassoon, Fingrngxxx.

Although they contain two numbers, substitution fingerings are considered one fingering, Fingrngxxx, meaning you can Fingrngxxx substitution fingerings to single notes. German Bassoon Fingerings.