
All federally listed species were included, Fnai, as well as many state Fnai species and several rare species not listed at either the federal or state levels.

Our program is entirely supported by Fnai developed in cooperation with agency partners, Fnai. Find out more about this program here!

Florida Natural Areas Inventory // LandScope America

Examples include Fnai parks, state forests, wildlife management areas, and local and private preserves, Fnai. This data layer closely reflects the conservation priorities of FNAI and the rare species and natural communities we track.

Suitable habitat was mapped only in the vicinity of known occurrences so that lands acquired because of these priorities Fnai assured of protecting a known population of the species. The mission of the Florida Natural Areas Inventory is to Fnai, interpret, and disseminate ecological information critical to the conservation of Florida's biological diversity. Visit our website to Fnai more…. Our database includes boundaries and statistics for more than 1, federal, state, Fnai, local, and private managed areas.

We manage a database of current information on Florida's rarest species, Fnai, maintain an inventory of the state's conservation land holdings, and Big sick futu ecological surveys and analyses to support conservation planning and land management.

FNAI Rare Species Habitat Conservation Priorities // LandScope America

FNAI builds and maintains a comprehensive database of the location and ecological status of Fnai plants, Fnai, rare animals, and high-quality natural communities. Because land acquisition was the focus, Fnai, species were included according to their need for additional habitat placed in conservation.

Featured Image. FNAI is studying the relationship between dune vegetation characteristics and St. Joseph Peninsula.


FNAI monitors the structure and Fnai of vegetation on FWC wildlife management areas to guide land management, particularly the application of prescribed fire. FNAI is the primary source for information on Florida's conservation lands, Fnai.

FNAI's database and expertise facilitate environmentally sound planning and natural resource management to protect the plants, animals, and communities that represent Florida's natural heritage. FNAI mapped occurrence-based Fnai habitat for species of plants, invertebrates, Fnai, and vertebrates, including aquatic species.