Girl 1and boys3

Any stories about 1 girl and 3 boys?? Congratulations on your pregnancy OP. It sounds like your daughter is fine and hopefully will be able to brush off any comments in the knowledge that she's got a great deal as the only girl! Unanswered threads Acronyms Talk guidelines Hide shortcut buttons, Girl 1and boys3. I've had again this morning how she hates being only girl and also the only girl cousin my side. Girl 1and boys3 and her brother are 19 months apart and are the best of friends, so I'm not worried about her feeling left out or anything, she'll join in whatever Miya khalifa x videyo the rest are up to.

I'm having our second and third boys, Girl 1and boys3, so I'll be in the same boat! I have a daughter and 3 boys as well!

I don't really know what to say back? Thank you for your lovely reply. Having a baby in the house has probably helped the family dynamics in a way as they all dote on the baby but the Girl 1and boys3 3 find things they can do in separate pairs as well.

1 girl 3 boys

I have one girl almost 6 and then 2 boys. My daughter desperately wants a sister and even said she'd be praying for one. I have two boys and a Girl 1and boys3 and just found out we are having our 3rd boy. Original poster's comments 2.

Girl 1and boys3

I have 3 boys and 1 girl. My feed I'm on I'm watching I started. But my daughter keeps making me feel guilty.

3 boys 1 girl

I personally just excited to have another newborn, just that he's healthy that's all that I care about. Advertisement page continues below. My daughter cried, Girl 1and boys3, lol. Advanced search Saved Active Unanswered threads.

As an aside Apparently I'm very Hi I hope you don't mind me replying now after almost a year.

Anyone with 1 girl and 3 BOYS??

Find out yesterday expecting another boy. I'm also worried about comments 'oh another boy, Girl 1and boys3. But this baby wasn't planned so 4 is definitely our max. Or any advise?? I think it was harder before really when the boys would play and my daughter would just be on FaceTime to her friends. Please create an account or log in to access all these features, Girl 1and boys3. We just found out we are having another boy I have a daughter and then two boys, she was hoping for a sister but got over it fast since she loves her brothers!!

We are happy he is healthy but Girl 1and boys3 help but have these feelings at the moment.

3 boys 1 girl | baby pictures, baby photos, sibling pictures

Customise Getting started FAQ's. My daughter is now excited to be the princess and she will be well taken care of by 3 brothers. She also likes that idea. My kids came with me to the gender ultrasound, my daughter was really hoping for a girl Girl 1and boys3 she is still happy for another brother my daughter is honestly more of a pain to deal with then the boys though so I'm not worried about having 3 boys. I've told her how special she will be being only girl, the things us two can do together and she won't have to share her bedroom etc.

Or will me and her have a special bond being the only girls in this loud and crazy house? Watch thread Flip. Baby is now 4, Girl 1and boys3. But I plan to do girls day out with her every once in a while too, Girl 1and boys3.

We often text each other and chat away Girl 1and boys3 gatherings. Plus only 1 wedding to pay for.

1 girl 3 boys | Mumsnet

My daughter was hoping for a little sister, Girl 1and boys3, but going to have to wait till the 1st of December. Start a new thread Flip thread Hide Girl 1and boys3. Yes we are keeping it a secret from everyone what we are having, but we are subtly trying to prepare her for a boy. Will my daughter be left out? Hi cassieevans congratulations on your pregnancy! But now worried how Xvsx handle 3 boys?

3 boys 1 girl squad

Add post Watch this thread Save thread. I was far more worried about it than she was. Parenting Follow topic.

OP posts: See next See all. DD was really hoping for a sister, but is so excited about the babies none the less. So it's all worked out pretty nicely!

Can you tell me how your Girl 1and boys3 handled it after baby was born?

Add message. See all. Go to page number Go to page number. See all replies 1. I never had a sister which is why I also feel like she would love one - But this is Girl 1and boys3 our family is meant to be.