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Mar 10,IST. Pakistani Tik Toker Hareem Shah has once again caught the attention of many after reportedly. The brother, Waseem, has been sentenced to life in prison. In the video, a woman -- who isn't in the frame -- can be heard speaking the following lines during a face-to-face call with a man: "Aap nanga Harim sha xxx vedio donlod mujhe dikhaate the.

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Hareem Shah has been compared to Qandeel Baloch, a social media star who made provocative videos and was murderd by her own brother in an honour killing. Take a look. Please type your location and search again.

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This is hardly Hareem Shah's first brush with controversy. You can change your city from here. Breaking News.

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Live TV Programmes. She caused quite the stir when a video showed her inside a conference room in Pakistan's foreign office -- and sitting in the seat meant for the person chairing meetings. Close Report This!

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Video pe galat-galat kism ki hartakein karte the. Right in front a portrait of Mohammed Ali Jinnah. Hareem Shah the tiktoker is in PM Office, how did that happen?

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Here are details. According to a Times Now report, her video was leaked on social media on March 1 and Hareen has claimed that her female friends, Sandal Khattak and Ayesha Naz, have leaked her private video over a rift that happened between them.

Hareem Shah: TikTok star sex scandal leaves Imran Khan government red-faced - India Today

According to other news reports, she said she would travel from Azerbaijan to Canada and ask for citizenship, with "no plan yet" to return to Pakistan. You did inappropriate things on camera].

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