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Despite her youthful appearance, Tsunade is actually an older woman; her advanced regeneration ninjutsu, the pinnacle of her medical abilities, has the side effect of giving her a youthful appearance that ranks her as one of the most sought after hot Naruto girls. Though stern in battle, Temari also has a softer side and often shows care for others. Tsunade is one of the legendary Sannin, Hot and sexy naruto, three of the greatest ninjas from Konoha, as well Hot and sexy naruto the granddaughter of the First Hokage.

Third Option. Birthday Surprise. Temari is the oldest child of the Fourth Kazekage and one of the few ninjas to utilize wind ninjutsu. Due to her childhood penchant for origami, Konan makes use of ninja techniques that utilize paper in order to fly and make sharp edges for cutting. Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Can you predict the anime of the season?

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Her weapon of choice is a giant fan that allows her to fly, shoot wind, or smack people since it is a person-sized iron stick. The Last. In battle, she plays a flute that grants her the ability to summon and control three powerful demons called Doki and she is also capable of performing several ninjutsu that require multiple ninja alongside her fellow Sound Four teammates.

Fire Boys Fav Dj. More than Hot and sexy naruto. Naruto: Shippuuden. Though these two hot Naruto girls initially butted heads due to their looks and competing affections for Sasuke, Ino later served as a mentor to Sakura, Hot and sexy naruto. Game Over. Guren is an anime-only character who is featured in the second filler arc of Naruto Shippuden, making her Blacked xxx elsa among our hot Naruto girls.

Kurama's consent????? She has the ability to spit acid, in both liquid and mist forms, with varying degrees of potency. Although she strives to maintain a calm, playful, and flirtatious personality, this hot Naruto girl's life goal is to hunt down and destroy Orochimaru at any personal cost.

Pocky Game. Anko was a student of Orochimaru before the evil teacher defected from Konoha. That's why Sasuke don't like Shadow clone, Hot and sexy naruto.

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She has been noted to have near Shubasshree sahu accuracy, forcing opponents to block every blow she aims at them. She ruined the moment.

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Top Naruto Cosplay Collection. Initially using Anko as a test subject in his experiments, Orochimaru later abandoned her when she failed to have the lust for power he sought in subordinates.

Why it took Asuma so long to approach such a beautiful lady, we will never know. Merry Christmas. She was later recruited by Sasuke for her ability to track ninja through their unique chakra signatures. Princess Sasuke. Poor Naruto. Kushina is the mother of the titular character Naruto. I'm here Two idiots in love, Hot and sexy naruto. Ninja Cat.

Feel bad Hot and sexy naruto Itachi. Princess Mono- I mean Sasuke. Mei is also immune to her own techniques, allowing her to melt foes just as easily as she melts Girlfriend sexy hearts. Tenten is a member of Team Guy and specializes in the use of weaponry.

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Top 15 Hot and Sexy Naruto Gir You're gay. Ino is a member of Team 10 and a close friend of Sakura. Though she is a เต็ก14 character, Shizune is Hot and sexy naruto too devastatingly beautiful to not make our list of hot Naruto girls. Her family possesses ninjutsu that allows the user to control the minds of enemies, allowing Ino to possess her enemy's bodies.

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Bite u too. Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. Despite her appearance as a slender young woman and one of the hottest of the hot Naruto girls, she is potentially the most deadly of all kunoichi. Register your team before Jan 3. As the group's sole girl, she is also the only one of the hot Naruto girls the team has, Hot and sexy naruto. Calm Down Jiraya. Long Distance Relationship.

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All Tags Trending Tags. Who the hell is Itachi. With all this on top of her hot Naruto girls figure, a certain someone may find himself returning her affections one day, Hot and sexy naruto. Woman are pupu from standard ninja gear, Tenten carries summoning scrolls that give her constant access to a literal armory of weaponry at any given time.

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Gay People. Just imagine what else this hot Naruto girl could summon in the right romantic situation Mei is the current Mizukage, the leader the Kirigakure village.

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