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While it was evident that Rashid Khan was trying to playfully make the child laugh, what really melted hearts online was the Agastya blowing kisses back to him.

Dance has the innate ability to invoke joy, nostalgia, or even introspection, Hot indian viral videos, making it a truly transformative art form.

It serves as a medium for self-expression, allowing individuals to convey their feelings, thoughts, and creativity without uttering a single word.

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A video taking Japanese boobsjo media by storm, shared on multiple platforms, from Reddit to TikTok, shows a brief encounter of a child with a garbage man. When Instagrammer Gabe Hot indian viral videos stopped man on the streets of New York and asked if he could teach him his favourite dance move, the Shah Rukh Khan fan quickly obliged — much to the delight of Indians.

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Viral video: Girl's sizzling hot dance to 'Khaike Pan Banaraswala' heats up internet, watch

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The power of dance as a universal language is evident in how it transcends cultural boundaries and connects with people across the globe.


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Many internet users slammed the teacher and even tagged the authorities, urging strict action against her.