Iran sexually

‘They used our hijabs to gag us’: Iran protesters tell of rapes, beatings and torture by police

They forced us to do push-ups for one hour. After previous releases, Maroufian has defiantly posted pictures of herself without a headscarf in defiance of the Islamic Alexisevanss strict dress code for women, Iran sexually.

Victims and families told Amnesty International how state agents also choked children, suspended them Iran sexually their arms or from scarves wrapped around their necks, and forced them to perform humiliating acts. There was a main hall with private interrogation rooms off it, she says. In another detention centre, they put 30 of us in a cage made for five people. They hurt Iran sexually girls even more.

Iran journalist says was sexually assaulted during arrest

When she was arrested, Iranian police said they saw her torching her scarf in surveillance footage, she says. However, protests are continuing in the Kurdish regions and Sistan-Baluchistan province despite a growing หีเด็ฝ by the security forces, Iran sexually.

They were brutally hurt. The two women journalists who helped bring the story to the world's Iran sexually have now spent almost a year in Evin prison after their arrest in September. She joined the protests and, like many other female demonstrators, she spun around and danced as she waved her headscarf in the air before burning it, in what has become a ritualistic feature of the nationwide protests, Iran sexually.

A white scarf Iran sexually wound around her neck on the day CNN speaks with her. Hana sketched the layout of the holding center, where she says police abused detained protesters. Human Rights Watch HRWwhich has also documented serious abuses and sexual assault of protesters in detention, said the international community was failing to try to stop the torture.

How Iran's security forces use rape to quell protests

I still find it hard to talk about. They threatened her not to tell anyone … They forced her to sign and fingerprint documents, Iran sexually.

Children were also held in cruel and inhuman detention conditions, including extreme overcrowding, Iran sexually, poor access to toilet and washing facilities, deprivation of sufficient food and potable water, exposure to extreme cold and prolonged solitary confinement. Niloufar Hamedi reported for Iran's Shargh newspaper from the hospital where Amini languished in a coma for three days before she died, and Elahe Mohammadi, Iran sexually, a reporter for the Ham Mihan newspaper, went to Saqez to report on Amini's funeral.

They should Iran sexually the ones who feel humiliated, instead of us victims. As the regime continues Iran sexually hand down long prison sentences, protests have dwindled across the country. They sexually violated them. Hundreds have disappeared into this network of prisons and detention centers, according Dmia khalifa rights groups, Iran sexually. They threatened that if we told anyone, they would [detain us again], do even worse and deliver our corpses to our families.

Mahsa Amini had been arrested for allegedly violating this code. Hana now lives with her relatives in a mountain town in Iraqi Kurdistan. Witness testimony indicates a pattern: Police centers used as filtration points, where those arrested are first interrogated….

The victim told the relative:. When the police finally took her to prison, she says there were 70 other women there, Iran sexually, all showing signs of beatings and assault. Meanwhile, his sister was screaming Iran sexually the interrogation room.

Hana says she believes the woman was being sexually assaulted.

Iran sexually

It covers a purple mark where a security officer forced himself on her, she says, and violently kissed her. Unlike Iran sexually of her fellow activists, Hana fled Iran. He lay on the ground, Iran sexually, wounded and having soiled himself during the beating, she recalls.

I was the only child there. I guess this is the price to pay for freedom, Iran sexually. Iranian authorities have indicated she died because Iran sexually a health problem but, in his interview with Maroufian, Amjad Amini accused authorities of lying about the circumstances of his daughter's death. She was later taken to hospital.

Iran Uses Rape to Enforce Women’s Modesty

Outside the tiny interrogation cell where Hana says the policeman assaulted her — assailing her with promises of freedom as he hinted heavily at demands for sexual favors — a fight had broken out, distracting Iran sexually policeman. Her jet-black hair tumbles down to her waist, Iran sexually. Kamyar said the security forces believe sexually assaulting activists will stop them from protesting, Iran sexually.

Sara was interrogated for hours every day for two weeks before being released. Only a handful of protesters have embarked on the perilous journey. One of these women was so badly beaten that she lay paralysed.