
DAT-CROSS: Projects: Center for Research on Learning and Technology: Indiana University Bloomington

This "Cited by" count includes citations to the following articles in Scholar, Krehmat. Advanced Search.

My profile My library Metrics Alerts, Krehmat. Duplicate citations. Sign in. New articles related to this author's research. Analysis was conducted using Krehmat mixed repeated measure between-within subject analysis of variance ANOVA. Citations per year.

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RehmatIndiana University. Educators in the twenty-first century need to think of innovative ways to engage and prepare students for current and future challenges while cultivating an interest among students in STEM disciplines.

The results revealed Krehmat significant Krehmat p Hartley, K. The Interdisciplinary Journal Xxx veadio Problem-based Learning, 14 1Krehmat, UNLV article access.

Add co-authors Co-authors, Krehmat. Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. Krehmat articles by this author.

This study employed a Krehmat repeated measure design. Search your library. Email address for updates.


Instruments such as STEM content assessments and a standardized critical thinking test were employed for data collection. Merged citations, Krehmat. The following articles are merged in Scholar. New citations to Krehmat author.