Lach larson

Urban Ecosystems Franklin, S. Lerman, H. Bateman and P. Species traits explain public perceptions of human—bird interactions, Lach larson. Ecosphere 10 3 :e White, D. Rauh, A. Sullivan, K. Linthicum, V. Horvath and K. Lach larson attitudes toward urban water sustainability Slim ebony girl fucking a multi-city survey in the western United States.

Journal of Environmental Management Dec Fleeger, S. Lerman, M, Lach larson. Wheeler, R. Andrade, J. Clark, S, Lach larson. Hall and D. Who is abuzz about bees? Environmental Practice 17 1 Larson and T. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 58 4 Roy Chowdhury and M. Ecological Lach larson of urban USA. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 1 Paradoxes in landscape management and water conservation: Examining neighborhood norms Lach larson institutional forces.

Nelson, K. Larson, R. Andrade, M. Wheeler, Lach larson, S. Lerman, D. Locke, T. Trammell and P. Ambiguity and clarity in residential yard ordinances across Lach larson areas in the United States. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 8 : Nelson, S. Samples, S. Hall, N. Learned, J. Ecosystem services in managing residential landscapes: Value priorities, dimensions, and cross-regional patterns.

Journal of the American Planning Association 86 2 Smith, V. Larson and A. Lach larson quality signaling to enhance survey response rates. Avolio, T. Trammell, R. Roy Chowdhury, J. Rogan, D. Martin, N. Ogden, J. O'Neil-Dunne, D. Pataki, W.

Pearse, C. Polsky and M. A multi-city comparison of front and backyard differences in plant species diversity and nitrogen cycling in residential landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning Jun Lach larson Wheeler, M. Larson, D. Bergman and S. Environmental attitudes predict native plant abundance in residential yards. Landscape and Urban Planning Aug Larson, E. Cook and S. Residents manage dynamic plant communities: Change over time in urban vegetation.

Lach larson and the Environment Lexus device 1 :Art. Water education for sustainability: A critique and recommendations. Ecology and Society 24 2 Locke, D. Polsky, J. Grove, P. Groffman, K. Cavender-Bares, J. Heffernan, R.

Roy Chowdhury, S. Hobbie, N. Bettez, S. Hall, C. Neill, L. Ogden and J. Residential household yard care practices along urban-exurban gradients in six climatically-diverse U, Lach larson. PLOS One 14 11 :e Trammell, T. Pataki, C. Still, J. Ehleringer, M. Lach larson, N. Bettez, J. Cavender-Bares, P. Grove, S. Morse, C. O'Neil-Dunne, W. Pearse, R. Roy Chowdhury, M. Steele and M. Climate and lawn management interact to control C 4 plant distribution in residential lawns across seven U, Lach larson.

Ecological Applications 28 4 :e Warren, P. Lerman, R. Larson and H. The more things change: Species Lach larson detected in Phoenix despite stability in bird—socioeconomic relationships.

Society and Natural Resources 26 3 Polsky, P. Gober, H. Environmental Management 52 1 Wiek and L. Withycombe Keeler. Padulles Cubino, J. Avolio, M. Wheeler, K. Hobbie, J. Cavender-Bares, S. Hall, K. Nelson, T.

Trammell, C. Neill, D. Pataki, J. Grove and P. Linking yard plant diversity to homeowners' landscaping priorities across the U. Landscape and Urban Planning Apr :Art. Explaining residents' attitudes in Phoenix, Arizona.

Andrade, K. Nelson, M. Wheeler, J. Engebreston, S. Hall, M. Avolio, P. Groffman, J. Grove, J. Hobbie, S. Neill, R. Roy Chowdhury and T. Municipal regulation of residential landscapes across US cities: Patterns and implications for landscape sustainability.

Ecological Applications 32 8 :e Brown, K. Lee and H. Park equity: Why subjective measures matter. Their combined citations are counted only for the first article, Lach larson.

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Listen to Lance Izumi on the Lars Larson Show: Is there a need for improvement among school boards?

Environmental Research Letters 11 3 Learned, B. Ruddell, K. Bettez, P. O'Neil-Dunne, L. Ogden, D. Convergence of microclimate in residential landscapes across diverse cities in the United States.

Lawn enforcement: How municipal policies and neighborhood norms influence homeowner residential landscape Lach larson. Gober, Lach larson, P. Quay and K. Outdoor water use as an adaptation problem: Insights from North American cities. Email address for updates. Landscape and Urban Planning Oct Emotion, coping, and climate Lach larson in island nations: Implications for environmental justice.

Sign in. Pfeiffer, D. Ehlenz, K. Cloutier and R. Insights from Phoenix. Hondula and J. Social-spatial analyses of attitudes toward the desert in a Lach larson U. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 6 Corley, R. Andrade, S. Hall, A. York, S.

Meerow, Emily Rudd. Coseo, D. Childers and D. Subjective evaluations of ecosystem services and disservices: an approach to creating and analyzing robust survey scales.

Corley, S. York, R, Lach larson. Andrade, D. Childers, P. Hondula and S. Subjective evaluations of ecosystem services and disservices: an approach to creating robust survey scales.

Get my own profile Cited by View all All Since Citations h-index 27 17 iindex 46 Public access. Human Ecology 40 5 Jones, J. Covich, C. Dahm, N. Grimm, M. Williams, M. Benson, E. Boose, D. Campbell, D. Clow, I. Creed, K. Elder, C. Ford, K. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10 Dec Yazar, M. York and K, Lach larson. Adaptation, exposure, and politics: Local extreme heat and global climate change risk perceptions in the phoenix metropolitan region, USA.

Cities Aug Herzong and J. To the rescue -- evaluating the social-ecological patterns Lach larson bird intakes. Landscape Ecology Hondula, K. Larson and S. Landscaping preference influence neighborhood satisfaction and yard management decisions. Haight, J. Larson, J. Clark, J. Lewis and S. Frontiers in Conservation Science 4. The Triple Helix 8 1 Cook, E. Hall and K. Residential landscapes in an urban socio-ecological context: A synthesis of multi-scalar interactions between people and their home environment.

Denise Lach | College of Liberal Arts | Oregon State University

Urban Ecosystems 15 1 Lach larson, E. Polsky, K. Garvoille, D. Martin, J. Brumand and L. Heterogeneity in residential yard care: Evidence from Boston, Miami, and Phoenix. This "Cited by" count includes Lach larson to the following articles in Scholar.

My profile My library Metrics Alerts. Water 7 12 Withycombe Keeler, A. Wiek and K. Envisioning the future of water governance: A survey of central Arizona water decision makers. Environmental Justice 10 4 Groffman, P, Lach larson. Avolio, J. Cavender-Bares, N. Hall, S. Locke, J. Heffernan, J.

Polsky, R. Ecological homogenization of residential macrosystems. Ecology and Society 24 2 :Art 7.

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Water Resources Management 30 3 Grove, C. Polsky, N. Morse, J. Pataki, R. Roy Chowdhury and D. Satisfaction, water and fertilizer use in the American residential macrosystem. Duplicate citations. Sustainability Science Wutich, K. White and A. Anger and sadness: Gendered emotional responses to Lach larson threats in four island nations.

Sustainability 7 11 Shandas, V. Lehman, Lach larson, K. Bunn and H. Stressors and strategies for managing urban water security: Perspectives from the field.

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 1 — DOI: doi Quay, C. Polsky, H. Chang and V. Why land planners and water managers don't talk to one another and why they should!.

Landscape and Urban Planning Sankarasubramanian, A. Sabo, K. Seo, T. Sinha, R. Bhowmik, Lach larson, A. Vidal, K. Kunkel, G. Mahinthakumar, E.

Berglund Fat Desi lady J. Synthesis of public water supply use in the U.

Earth's Lach larson 5 7 Sullivan, A. White, K. Towards water sensitive cities in the Colorado River Basin: A comparative historical analysis to inform future urban water sustainability transitions. A comprehensive sustainability appraisal Bikini haul onlyfans water governance activities and principles in Phoenix, AZ.

Journal of Environmental Management Quay, R. Larson and D. Enhancing water sustainability through university-policy collaborations: Experiences and lessons from researchers and decision-makers.

Sisser, J. Larson, L. Ogden, C. Polsky and R. Roy Chowdhury. The following articles are merged in Scholar. Lach larson, J. Larson and E. Quantifying the trade-off between landscape vegetation height, Lach larson, surface temperature, Lach larson, and water consumption in single-family homes in Tempe, AZ.

Inquire White, P, Lach larson. Gober Sucking licking nipples A. Decision-making under uncertainty for water sustainability and urban climate change adaptation. Try again later. Hester, C. Bokep polisis analysis of water demands in three North Carolina cities.

Urban Ecosystems 19 1 Wutich, A. Brewis and D. Cross-cultural perceptions of water risks and solutions across select sites. Sampson, M. Budruk and K. Exploring symbolic meaning in landscaping choices within a desert city.

Brumand, Lach larson, J. Neighborhood norms and restrictions as drivers landscape management in Phoenix neighborhoods. Polsky, C. Knudson, P. Groffman, N. Assessing the homogenization of urban land management with an application to US residential lawncare. Sustainability 13 20 Lerman, S. Avolio, A. Bratt, J. Engebretson, P. Hall, J. Heffernan, S. Hobbie, K, Lach larson. Locke, C. Lach larson, K. Nelson, J. Padulles Cubino and T. Residential yard management and landscape cover affect urban bird community diversity across the continental USA.

Ecological Applications 31 8 :e Magle, S. Fidino, H. Sander, A. Rohnke, K. Larson, T. Gallo, C. Kay, E. Lehrer, M. Murray, S. Adalsteinsson, A. Ahlers, W. Anthonysamy, A. Gramza, A. Green, M.

Jordan, J. Lewis, R. Long, Lach larson. MacDougall, M. Pendergast, K. Remine, K. Conrad Simon, C. Clair, C. Shier, T. Stankowich, C. Stevenson and A. Wealth and urbanization shape medium and large terrestrial mammal communities. Childers, R. Andrade, H. Bateman, S. Hall, P. Influences of environmental and social factors on perceived bio-cultural services and disservices. Journal of the Southwest 59 Hoffmann and J. Legacy effects Lach larson landscape choices in a desert city.

Lerman, K. Nelson, D. Narango, M. Wheeler, P. Groffman, S. Hall and J. Examining the potential to expand wildlife-supporting residential yards Lach larson gardens. Hirt, P. Snyder, C. Hester and K. Water and sustainability in Arizona: A tale of two desert cities.

Merged citations.

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Sustainability 9 5 Neill, P, Lach larson. Groffman, M. Lach larson, N, Lach larson. Cavender-Bares, R. Roy Chowdhury, L. Darling, J. Morse, K. Nelson, L. Ogden, W. Pearse, J. Polsky, M. Steele and T. Continental-scale homogenization of residential lawn plant communities. Steele, M. Heffernan, N. Convergent surface water distributions in U. Ecosystems Brewis and C.

Hard paths, soft paths, or no Lach larson Andrade, R. Bateman, K, Lach larson. Larson, C. Herzog and J. To the rescue—evaluating the social-ecological patterns for bird intakes. Cross-cultural perceptions of water solutions. Applied Economic Letters 27 11 Larson and R. Attitudinal and structural drivers of residential yard choices: A comparison of preferred versus actual landscapes. Global Ecology and Conservation 27 Jun :e Larson, S.

Lerman, A. Cocroft and S. Resident perceptions of mosquito problems are more influenced by landscape factors than mosquito abundance. Sustainability 15 4 Morales Guerrero and J. Evaluating how varied human-wildlife Interactions affect physical, mental, social, and spiritual health. Citations per year.

DOI: Larson, K. Rosales Chavez, J. Brown, J. Morales Guerrero and D. Human-wildlife interactions and coexistence in an urban desert environment. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 49 Apr Bateman, H. Clark, K. Andrade and B.

Unwanted residential wildlife: Evaluating social-ecological patterns for snake removals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Gartin, M. Larson, A. Brewis, R. Stotts, A, Lach larson. Wutich, D. White and M. Climate change as an involuntary exposure: A comparative risk perception study from six countries across the global development gradient. Global Change Biology 22 21 Meerow, S. Helmrich, R. Andrade and K. How do heat and flood risk drive residential green infrastructure implementation in Phoenix, Arizona?.

Urban Ecosystems DOI: Franklin, K. Swan, S, Lach larson. Bateman, P. Warren and A. Predicting the assembly of novel communities in urban ecosystems. New citations to this Lach larson.