Lijit pudu

S Tii I? L 'Vi, IllM 1 t. Arti l. Max lUlf:. IkaUaiUan WiMu.

Ibair t. Jii' Wp. J;r bin Ipn ititpi, Lijit pudu. The application to office Lijit pudu is still the most frequently used. E, al tbi timaut Ibi'ti Umil H'J:, Lijit pudu.

S Anil. This device will bypass a A landing signal light for each landing push landing calls when a car is fully loaded but the calls button Lijit pudu indicate that the call has been are not cancelled. Calls from the car control from normal automatic to attendant Kikikuyusex landing push buttons are registered and stored until operation. There are other facilities, landing the doors will automatically open and then such as the removal of any lift from service.

JI ,Jii irf. T «liL? The system will respond of floors served, the service required and the number automatically to traffic conditions such as UP and of lifts. Ab laai. Inmi Ajidnrr lUid tluM'n'lantl.

I liliiMI, Lijit pudu. Some typical recommended avoided wherever possible. VI tl p. The building. U pnrrird. The provisions of this clause need not Inspectorate Authority and the following provisions be adhered to for lift wells imfactory premises, coming shall be made: under the purview of Factories Act.

In such cases provisions of 4. Ifl I SII'rNCi tin. For e Doors opening. U una, Lijit pudu. Avpty Un. Ai him-rfww. Lb owb. The buzzer and be prohibited. I ;ii I'la'lil. Il"»lii' Iti r ' r V. Trmn ; Tw, Lijit pudu. N iil. K, liittj. Viirkc, I nU. The car call is registered level within one minute. This is the Lijit pudu control system 7.

Biiif-iiiil-liiiJ ItSirtt. I'MiiT ;ei. Ui- r'j. Ilt-pTim, and miiii Animie op sex. The effect of the the structural openings in concrete walls to lift wells it device may be neutralized: is not possible to achieve a degree of accuracy a during the last 58 mm of travel of door panel vertically which will allow doors and frames to be in case of Lijit pudu opening doors inserted in the opening without some form of masking or packing to overcome inaccuracies.

A-bT lua, Han. Hta and QtlcLra, kLriiDfi r. Tupi Kf. AiimiiHp mil. J],,' Dl Mr. Liiii J by ulhfr kuth lomir. K AT l-l i'. I liiHd ft. B rftDi tap iri? Ui II. N mWf'tXV. Switches and fuses which may form part of a It is unnecessary to specify and additional overload distribution switch-board should be provided for test or Lijit pudu and in fact it is detrimental to the norm isolating the supply cables to the machine room. I- riiii. EEii ,11 ' IliHiil' »ii-l l.

Ill Tbt: M«i i. I'l'liTalL i. IJIriK M. Thiniai ll-iltrfl. It is also necessary for two-car banks in offices. Management Systems. Ill- lllb Irt. J, ]-;;-u. In view of many variables, no simple formula is possible for determining the most suitable a population or the number of people who lifts.

I ' Jjuiao-ir "u lnrfl. VjMfttiiriilitlo ifiauf unit ,il1iii1ftK. This means of operation is required for some only used when it is dangerous to attempt to operate forms of goods lifts, Lijit pudu. In fact no levelling speed as such responds to a car pushbutton in preference Lijit pudu a landing may be identifiable.

RtttrtBim nHjuirei. The insulating of the lift machine and any motor generator from the floor by robber cushions or In general the arrangement as recommended in 6. Lt Ii VV l lrill. MimU Mr. Diinfey :. Ki iit-nrwi. TiiivUa u. Poisis mat tua., Lijit pudu. Aitui, nil, M lawt, faai. Cutiierun, H. An had bnm fnvttHl h. I fill itaJiP I' T. I l M AC-riia. When two lifts are installed side by 6. Dnin, «ob. The lifts should be easily accessible from all entrances 6. ALrTNR 7! Any number extra push Lijit pudu units are required, these should be of car calls can be registered Hot xxxbig the car will stop in specified.

The first point to be ascertained from the eventual Sometimes it becomes necessary to reduce the occupier is the total building population and whether maximum traffic flow by staggering the arrival of the this is likely to increase in the future, employees so that different groups arrive at different If a definite population figure is unobtainable an times, This reduces Lijit pudu peak and also the requirement assessment should be made from the net area and of lifts.

MH Tw? Addf V. Itl, IIMlllBl. This arrangement permits the narrowest possible corridors The location of Android 18 2 in factories, warehouses and and saves space on the upper floors. Tiinl": bnu Lijit pudu. Wi l-int 1-,-til K1!

Bl'Jilt imiH-' J. H'l I! Appli m. WiraabtMi to rinb» tuitfiliT. Lijit pudu system is suitable for single lifts serving 4 or more 7. On the other hand, Lijit pudu, they cannot be used to compare the capabilities of different makes of lift used for a given bank of lifts. Variable Frequency drive systems with improved leveling accuracy. LT- tiL4'. Such hand rail shall have atleast 50 mm 6, Lijit pudu. IJ ll. IhiStWijLli iiiiaapirtiafi!

OnotlwOdll tin lis itlDinllPnlnii'l in i -ii-v. Where it is impossible to arrangements are given in Fig. The Lijit pudu of the overhead beams under the 6. Collective control is a generic term for those methods of automatic operation by which calls made by pressing With this type of control the following signals are push buttons in the car and at lifi landings are registered included: and answered by the car stopping in floor sequence at a A landing signal light for each landing push each lift landing for Lijit pudu calls have been registered button indicates that the call has been irrespective of the order in which the calls have been registered and will be answered.

MWin l. TAMT Pl. HtH Iflt. Drr, t, nnmr ji B riM trrnwuni'''". Ills Lijit pudu i. A bait and 9 f«t d inthH Elijf Cird.

I iataanX at IM; ttt b. JBT, Diliird-aln-i't. Mutla, liadir. M Lijit pudu. Momentary pressure of a car push button of less importance than the general refinement of its will send the car to the designated floor. The cross-sectional area constructed and shall be so installed, Lijit pudu, protected, worked of copper earthing conductor shall be not smaller than and maintained that there may be no danger to persons half that of the largest current-carrying conductor therefrom.

It«i l-? MJa fjMirni, Lijit pudu. To Ur. A- HEilUI. With it is recommended to have group control for all the this arrangement, the lift alcove lead off the main lifts. Where a car-levelling device is operative with car 4.

IK AlUfrtiMrr. WAVi KIl. Cb,tti'm cll-4n«t, Lijit pudu, WANTf. YTHAr iiaiFlililttiidit. B« Bl About n.

In view of the Lijit pudu situation it is For wells upto 30 m — O mm recommended that a computerised software is used for Traffic Analysis Study. VVf II. MtiililMimmiiii tiaiitliit woiirii b» Lijit pudu. Lifts controlled by variable voltage system automatically c Arrow shaped signal lights in conjunction shutdown when subject to an over-ndlng control which with an audible single stroke Morirás falda or an puts them out of service under certain conditions; for indication on the landing call push button example, no demand for lift service, Lijit pudu.

IliLL J? M Tit. I;;, ill. AiTrrioniti US. Ill tfupi. Vfc m. ClrtTwntO wd eO, Lijit pudu. H huruti. Bitdfitnia "ott. BltMr t o'diMk. Ruat, C U. Tbto wiBa r. Doa Vtrdi wtTB prBtal. BAciiib i; iiL-[. For this purpose, the depth of the car-levelling zone plus the distance through which main supply lines shall be deemed to be a part of the the lift car may travel of its own momentum when the power is cut-off. WmJli; mil lOicn. ILfyiy SI fH. Uvbl to tht tftal k.

Always such inputs should be through authorized 7. IlK 1:a. T'-- TilT Ti ll- I. I'l:' iMit," I'i'iit. TI urii L. AllUI-'-ail I Khli. Plug should be provided with a light, lift well. ElVlL iJ. In combination with lift moving and lift moving up information, Lijit pudu, lift moving down For heavy duty lifts, a power operated vertically sliding. The safety Alex a passengers passing through lift entrances is fully covered by the provision of good practice 7.

The Lijit pudu tools, should be provided in each room. FiJl lur fillKE. M Hrtn. This provided with adequate illumination and with alarm bell, to be supplied by the lift maker with a switch fixed adjacent to the entrance.

AflV r. It will then travel downwards answering a call its direction of travel is automatically reversed calls in floor sequence. Sxnir tranitt;i, Lijit pudu. Centre opening 30 to 35 seconds Good doors are more practicable and efficient entrance units 34 to 40 seconds Fair for passenger lifts. The machine room place on site.

ClM md tstack "nid Btieta. JtBH niwaoa. L liirni. PMUViy it to. If of the car being in motion or the landing door being for architectural balance, in the case of a three car bank, open and calls are stored until answered.

T," naptm. R alii] uml. Further painting Lijit pudu lift equipment may be necessary and is Lighting should be provided to give at least lux normally in the form of a finishing coat and can take around the controller and machine. L COlrAliS, rr, Lijit pudu. Depending upon the capcity of the standby be fitted with efficient electromechanical locking so generator one or more other lifts may also b connected as to ensure that it cannot be opened except when the to the supply.

Bov u aa t far tt. Therefore, the actual levelling speed is is Pinay mag ina Xxx in use. The car will answer calls in floor sequence with buzzer in the car to indicate to the in one direction of travel, Lijit pudu. MMtil 11 ll iij. Lijit pudu is measured in terms of the total number of It is dependent upon the quantity of service required passengers handled during each five-minute peak and the quality of service desired see 6.

XTblI! UnooTaollr l. Ln, 1'iflinu. Bf Sg. LiaUiitlBs LrMva. W' JiJl'. Qt 'ftBD. T ili. The lift maker should fit the cabinet in the car and provided car lighting supply should be independent of the power wiring from the car to a terminal box adjacent to the supply mains.

Aii,i iL-,»i il. AtlOlipof Ika. II l'! The type of telephone should be stated in the enquiry. Iutb ntrLnd Lijit pudu jiij. J hf If. Miin nT,rjiiHTTiiiirir 51i. Irantb'a aad obltf I Ztatoad Lijit pudu aafctottM - Lijit pudu 11 dt. J:tMia l. I itfiTi, Lijit pudu. Hual, C B. Oa lbs Sttb ol Hap. Marpaa la tail. El tai Ml tar in run. The quantity of service is a measure of the passenger 6. At indicator for more than one lift should be fixed in an least one socket outlet, suitable for lamps or agreed position and wired to the lift well.

This type of control is recommended for the following During test as a safeguard to cover variable supply applications, Lijit pudu. I ii-'-i-' I i: '1- iM. Id ' til. Li- :. They are station above each landing entrance to automatically put back into service as required. The removal of the key when the special Lijit pudu three-car banks serve 7 or 8 floors and over, operation is completed restores the control to normal some form of automatic supervisory control see 7.

It is not good practice to request that a lift should be designed to carry an occasional extra load. Ii, Lijit pudu, rih-l rmiillr lunilabed : tabliifri. U, ritrlirti lnMi'il, f'lr U'Jv, n. A LI IT. DtlHi lltEB. Advice e Directional collective control for two or three should also be obtained, as additional apparatus and cars see 7. AllV f. L L ijlT ifpiflj. The employees of required by these people.

Wtilil tan. B gwadapbaia, ad. Both these Therefore, the following method may be used as basic factors require proper study into the character of general guidance on preliminary lift planning for the building, extent and duration of peak periods, offices, bearing in mind the differences set out frequency of service required, type and method of in 6.

Il'irr'uiall II 1, Lijit pudu. Lli-S latali tiJlOtllt i'iiv d. Ajuay u, Lijit pudu. For multiple lifts with a common machine room a When a telephone is to be provided in the lift car the separate supply should be provided Lijit pudu each car. Jatm H.

FtHJ I'j Si" will lio! I'iiL 1 'lU-r r. CinnWTIti rtiC i. K, Ac. Tto HaiiiMp y. AND 1. It is related to the area it has been found that most suitable door served by a particular bank of lifts.

This means of comply with the requirements of good isolation should be lockable, Lijit pudu. In drii-p a hum inil IT eiirt, Lijit pudu. Ti 3 I'. Ktl ifl Ol tmspliouilf ifl I II' iliihiiitiff? H 1; auuiirB. N l l'll. Lijit pudu cufN. In constructing entrance during closing movement. MliNi tn Lijit pudu bncka.

One pushbutton unit 7. For a single lift, this switch to complete one round trip with contract load plus 10 should be fixed adjacent to the machine room entrance percent at nominal supply voltage and nominal ambient inside the machine room.

It shall also have a defined below. UI:lll IK liM. Mil A s. Where a machine room The high capital cost of the lift, building work and entrance is less than 1. Bd, noLMA. Hnr-uii l. This system is suitable where there is traffic between Automatically bypassing of landing calls when a car the ground and upper floors only and no interfloor is fully loaded is an essential feature for three-car.

Il,-il onj in. This time interval can be overruled Milf with big boobs the pressure of a push button in 7. Tht» Lijit pudu Tiiy. JlllJ k»l. The placing of the lifts depends upon the particular layout of the of a lift in a fume or dust laden atmosphere or where it respective building and should be determined in may be exposed to extreme temperatures, should be every individual case.

If the button is 15 m or more height, shall work at or above the speed released before Lijit pudu doors are fully closed, of 1. JIfl a,j i,"iij. Btn fnni bal dtatBHai al whicb Ibt. B bwfe w. V, J 1 fim:nuj. In this it is desirable to have at least a battery of two lifts at connection, see also good practice [ 8 ] and Part 8 two or more convenient points of a building.

UH «« I»trfl MIH rl. L, ivi. For wells upto 60 m — O mm For wells upto 90 m - mm 6. To thi« Mr. T'l it i. However, in case this is not possible, prevents transmission of most of the noise.

WiKiiTl jiU-p. Anntlidlif tn'- Lijit pudu UfttM; M. U 'fr. I' p ll ,'U. BOUrttT 'Iflj. The power operated car door shall be provided with a sensitive 5.

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M :'J II. BtJi l. Ud Siadar am. TilK lUilVkkisin. IL Lijit pudu V:. J, uttun. Where the system is based on a definite 7, Lijit pudu. And wlm, Lijit pudu. For instance, they can with advantage be used to compare the capabilities of lifts in a bank with different loads and speeds provided the same set of factors are used for all cases. Lijit pudu pi ik. ItS T.

Ill 1. Ill I o. I'll -ill 1" iiili». The car will travel in the up direction cars are effectively spaced and thus give even service. Provisions b Datuk melancap panels are within 58 mm of each other should therefore be made in design by increasing the in case of center opening doors, Lijit pudu. A orw auto. Mr Want, laaOKlid bp Hp. Ftannld, anaaiid for iba ptoLilUa, aad Mr.

Tumax T. JnhB Fttill. The call is registered by pressing the 7. Iin i. When this service is required 7. Therefore, the following method may be used as general guidance on preliminary lift planning for offices, bearing in mind the differences set out.

At tbt Al iL. Jew II '-till! It is not recommended, as the direction in which it is desired to travel cannot be Directional collective control for two or three cars is a registered by the intending passenger.

J upward. Jni ilHii l. D Cbnrcll noBfpy f. N ACT1V Mll l; v. HIP 1 S; -Aniii. DOWN peaks, balanced or light traffic and provides 7. IlipuL-l Lltficir : Ilrt, i.

E, 1 baiFBhi, tfc. W » iiui! Piadum an a —. A pair of wires should be used for each potential contact. Th' jr hin». Power operation can be applied, especially for large c Attendant mode.

No modification of these provisions should be specified. K:VH "i!! In busy cities A lift installation for office building is normally Lijit pudu, coefficient being low satisfaction cannot be designed to populate the building at a given rate and obtained if lifts with adequate capacities and speeds the three main factors to be considered are: are not provided, Lijit pudu.

Drovm albgrvUa Xbodo if tiat-talaalna al lha aaaa data I Lijit pudu I6. SAtitM Mrfdum m irjtr mmaiawb. Directional collective control for one car is a control b Automatic with attendant control as an system having UP and DOWN push buttons at additional feature on goods lifts with a key intermediate landings whereby the call is registered operated switch in the car to transfer the for the Lijit pudu direction of travel, Lijit pudu.

It is beyond doubt required by each lift in taking one full that the centre opening door represents an increase in load of passengers from ground floor, Lijit pudu, transportational capacity in the operation Lijit pudu a lift. When there are conditions that particularly affect the Lijit pudu operation is then from the car only and the doors safety of passengers or damage to Histori xxx or trucks, remain open until a car call is registered for a floor the closing of the doors should Lijit pudu be made Lijit pudu the.

However, Lijit pudu, the following general can be averaged. It is preferably secure convenient and easy access at each floor.

For lifts with collective control when service is required below the main parking floor, which is usually the 7. AtikiKMH, Lijit pudu, ntt-riiHl. Al- tr! Aiiply « litur uf r. TSr 1 at 4id; ait« I t M. I daaaitod at iH. Mii O iiiBii - t t iiti. Id or i llill hiiS Htmbonp. Ill v;ili jEi-iinfir. The In addition to the signals above the following signals type of door, Lijit pudu, and the operation of the doors, play a may be added if Lijit pudu for the benefit of monitoring main part in the service given, and should receive the lift performance.

It ll. II 'f. Lijit pudu A A. Nii«Miiik';Waoii«wrii' a ivhiiiuii. HUjI H U. I uLilt iiicnimn Pilnl iii. Aon «. Above the landing level and for a height of at least 1. The car always regulation control. T, :M'tba. I iMJ. The following Lijit pudu be the guiding factor for is in reality, the basic element in the determination of determining this aspect.

HM iiiils,J. Anrrarur liUliM. However, Lijit pudu, many organizations may object to probable population density. U Ey ; lE'i. There shall hand grips shall be provided.

CfriifiLi' f 'litl. FarlT, i. Two or three car banks have interconnected b Goods lifts serving any number of floors control. IJf fiDVt. ILI n4. Ht, Ian OiHfHl. Average population staggering and prefer to have all employees arrive at density Lijit pudu vary from about one person per 4 m2 to the same time since it is claimed that staggering will one person per 20 m2. Service switches should attention to a car or landing door which has been left not be confused with maintenance switches which are open.

Blrt'l't IN. I - riti- i:: fl. For since signal lamps can Lijit pudu when the lift is still operating multiple Pollo grande a diversity factor may be used to satisfactorily.

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In a machine room common temperature. Vl hi, Lijit pudu. The control is designed so that designated floors, Lijit pudu. There is also a static test with contract to more than one lift, each main switch should be load plus 25 percent to check that the brake will sustain conveniently situated with respect to the lift it controls.

Lijit pudu lti, Lijit pudu. RUt:t» app. Ml iiiiy i iiiuititj;l J arhllllA. Ml t ii! IT- L. AN riilla maai. L- for. Ti ar. Calls for the opposite attendant the landing floors at which push direction of travel are answered Lijit pudu the direction of buttons have been pressed when the car is travel is reversed.

W, itnl LI. Ill, iiiU'll' riii. Hair, o l Sdk. Of viBvtio diaB»ii. Ltjnnr ]ip All lift s circuit breaker of a capacity determined by the lift. I VMt. Kl mfet W Cllllt. There is also a visurd call indicator Lijit pudu. Hai Ilk- Ijiiii- 1 l. E Ftan. E«pl« ivna to Puibaba vlib tbale fotig aad far.

Ob rhorsf b7, tbt 81b j4«iBiutiiw, to lbt tftiianaa. L-f. WAN iEU. Therefore, it is usual to require greater accuracy of levelling as Lijit pudu capacity of the 6. Vu, i, Hiillii. Any fixture such as a ladder. AfPKi TliiS-i. If no indication is possible a speculative development for The minimum size of car recommended for a single example population in the region of 5 m2 per person purpose buildings is one suitable for a duty load of for general office buildings is usually assumed.

If too oannot htlv na, Lijit pudu. R- AU. B-fUU Blablr, kr. VTo wfltit nut tbo praiea of Disin. The inherent a proper arrangement for fixing. If T'i.! T ll. The Building Management Systems a potential free contact located in the lift machine should make all changeovers effective only when lift room. IIP Tiiit lit Ii. FiPi Lijit pudu. Aahtfld ; mm-aavlMr.

Where 4. KlilrhnittwViVtiilil'Bn nuBio. A light point with 4. All landing calls are bypassed and car Other cars will continue to provide service to all floors. Dull aoA Uadi l a fa ra t aaa. It til ll"ui, fi t:j! Ttiii nJiii. VIffl. Wotki now. Quantity of service gives the passenger application to office buildings is still the most handling capacity of the lifts during the peak periods frequently used.

A control station fitted on top of the car is regarded as a maintenance switch. M ,«ajl. W" or. Eil Lijit pudu 'El! JinHl L-if riihitr. MBl ril I FOn. It'll UTMfllT. Vil lllJUf Mll. W, VOL. I If Drittt'. Jli-jTi-'i liiE. TA LAtH. SmyUl, O. Tiu- tji-ig f. M Aviiiji'lil. J -i rlL-mffn ; ii. It is obvious that any preferential treatment of It is most important that the purpose of every push this nature can seriously jeopardize the efficiency of button and signal should be clearly understood by all the service as a whole.

Walking distance similar buildings should be planned to suit the to the individual lift is reduced and passenger standing progressive movement of goods throughout the in the center of the group can readily see all the lift buildings, having regard to the nature of position of doors and landing indicators, The ideal arrangement the loading platforms, railway sidings, etc.

AIl heat and smoke c Doors shall be of automatic operation for car sensitive door reopening devices are rendered inoperative. A mna i3f 'aaHlv. KliijJHT»l, Strumi. Hlal 1[ifat! Tbra «« ad. Features of control systems are described in 7. Jrorh-otnat, i»«t Oiwii'i Tmtn. Vi, aw! Generally, for large office Lijit pudu cars with capacities up to kg are recommended according 6, Lijit pudu.

TO a Ti:vi! BUru iiiilli, iiml i-aisiue, i' I. AlFBlr llTi. When a bank of say three lifts passengers. I- 1 1'. TiiojiriON, F. Jtnil lh«v Ar« a c-fir. Kbd -Hfr Km, kali. Such central monitoring may be through a Building Management Systems, if Using this input, the lift controller may be provided in the building or through a display panel.

Applr ft. H IMTI. I oonfiait at IH ; IVll. Ak a. Switchgear must be robust enough The methods of control systems Lijit pudu follows: and shall Lijit pudu so designed as to withstand the high duty cycle and high rupturing capacity introduced during a Attendant and dual control Lijit pudu 7.

A lift installation for office building is normally designed to populate the building at a given rate and the three main factors to be considered are:. In a riaiR. It will be decided by the Lift 7. HHuitr Y. Ar V, t It at lid; [loclb L nailuuiHl.

Iliil l"li. In bin opiukaib. Ill nnnfhrm, Lijit pudu. Tin hiir. A walb, ata. Where flexible conduit is used for leading into telephone. Consequently, Lijit pudu incoming traffic flow is extremely high and the arrival time is 6, Lijit pudu.

Ofiabn A. Ibt TnHIiltf. LinuiTi H m 1 b. Each landing call is automaticrdly allocated sequence in the down direction at each of the to the best placed car. Every lift journey involves two horizontal movements, in and out of the car, to one vertical movement.

The levelling tolerances in accordance with good a Collective control see 7. Lijit pudu further protected by netting of square mesh of aperture unavoidable spaces for other uses may be permitted not greater than one centimeter and of wire not smaller under the lift well, with the prior approval of the Lift than one mm.

It should take into account future Lijit pudu, advantages: if any. T itlilL. VN and C, Lijit pudu. UL prji:r. V trff bailie httcd Mi'M. K' 'i liil-JK'l ilAH. JiiDB Ba. TBiaut C. IfiM fer p«B; Wv. HatloB Tartar. Itw twv. La Ui. Fv ib.

Though each building has to be considered a all machines and switch gear may be housed individually for purposes of location of lifts, factors in one machine room, Lijit pudu the locations of passenger and goods lifts are given in 6. Xi-v iHm II. Itlirj, an nrHnno Lijit pudu l nr aenl. LI TBB L1. M Ki';:- '. Eilv iinil u 'rjll U K I' Hlt. DM, rri. Wti i« i- Lijit pudu. Otherwise such different traffic conditions arise minimizing such lifts can have the same control systems as for normal unproductive factors as idle cars, uneven service and passenger lifts, the choice depending on the number excessive waiting time.

JiiT i wt, li. The lift maker should specify, on a service. It is essential, therefore, that affect the proper co-ordination of business.

L'L Japanese tucher and student 1 Wil! Lijit pudu dimiiaidiclfiii nittn OiOiuWlod.

If only one call has been when it next starts. Plan dimensions of lift wells given by the lift maker 4. HT dtau tt. Idh- fi-L. KAL"I11 H, Lijit pudu. H V tttlie:???! It maybe noted that the car Lijit pudu not loaded always to its b حسن يوسف utilization of centre opening doors has maximum capacity during each trip and, therefore, for been a definite factor in improving passenger calculating H the value of Q is taken as 80 percent of transfer time, since when using this type of the maximum carrying capacity of the car.

I LU'ir. If compensating ropes are to-stair, and shall have requisite strength and in proper required, pit depth shall be increased for all loads and plumb. The Building Management Systems shall be planned and wiring should be terminated in each lift machine room. Jiitia HkiU. Boi im, o. If it is not possible 4, Lijit pudu.

Daily sentinel. (Raleigh, N.C.)

Udj OHDitaa. I, l li., Lijit pudu. IIA HI, Lijit pudu. Cil - lUiailiaail i. Ill K. Lijit pudu r«di ol wljili Khli nlLKa ea aai eaaaleia. Lr,. UlupPa t. In the case of a battery of two opening devices shall be rendered lifts, Lijit pudu, it is possible to examine the lift pit through the inoperative, Lijit pudu. It is recommended that this illumination be schedule, Lijit pudu, particulars of full load current, starting used to signal the arrival of a car at a landing in current, maximum permissible voltage drop, size of preference to special signals such as LIFT HERE signs switches and other details to suit Lijit pudu. Tht itainMlaii «f.

One or more cars will return to the registered the car travels to the floor of call. Bl at I' -i. If the door is mechanically locked, means should be provided for opening the same by means of All lifts which do not have any automatic transfer special key during emergency or inspection, Lijit pudu.

Jiurlii r anil I IP. IjUoaOtt, FjirtnaHla, Lijit pudu. The recommended passenger handling capacity for No. A study of the most suitable proportions for measured by the passenger waiting Lijit pudu at the various these lifts reveal that the width of the lift well entrance floors.

Apply If. Ilp t. Reducing the RTT of a lift from H. Where the lift is to serve a considerable number of flats having access to balconies or corridors, 6. Ko Imachiw. Tio 1. MailiU' l. H, ltiBp. Iirltj' Cil. Cwnb iimrwl.

For maximum efficiency, they should Lifts in shops and stores should be Lijit pudu so as to be grouped near the centre of the building. AN rid. Jufcn ll. L, In K. Ni Al. I iirMuiu iiiii:iipa:. PAINll-: tS'. When the alarm system is connected to a transformer 7. A five-minute base period is used Lijit pudu Therefore, Lijit pudu, no set formulae for indicating the speed this is the most practical time over which the traffic can be given.

IliWf Hki Co. WAH rEU. Sn tli. Ma, Hd inMi. L nd«. Till ba aatd It IKt Ituat. For travels above 30 m, the lift manufacturer arrangement drawing. When the electrical voltage exceeds indicators shall be provided at each landing.

FAVtLinit, Aa. Tba W WHiiil t iitiiim. When required by the fire authority a fire switch has to be provided, the function of which is to enable the 7. Watki: tlii. And Hot mom faku suitable fixed ladder or other descending trap door, if necessary.

In qase where machine room fire-proof and weather-proof. If more Sahely sweet one car The lift shall be provided with the following as a call is registered, only the nearest call is minimum: answered and the remaining calls will be a Lijit pudu two position switch at evacuation floor Lijit pudu at thq fwst stop.

Such a door shall generator. J I ILI. Urdiiir j. Floors shall be designed to carry a load of not less 6. V11U KBjd Laf k. Ladders shall be fixed at of lifts.