Mom son black friend

Devon Weetly Martin. Dhar Mann Studios. Edit page. Perfect Power Couples. Ruben Ortiz. She thinks that Martin's the Mom son black friend why his grades have been so poor. The plot is very good It's a bit ridiculous though It's short but try to give A lesson And the mother surprises me The dubbing in Spanish is fine For me one of the best even if it's short.

Mom Accuses Her Son's Black Friend of Stealing, Ending Will Shock You | Dhar Mann

Before he could leave, he asks Brayden if he can use the restroom. Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations.

Katherine Norland Mom. Dhar Mann Self. She thinks that Martin's parents don't feed him at all. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Did you know Edit. Featured review. More to explore. Related news.

Eventually, she learns that he is a great influence Mom son black friend Brayden.

User reviews 1 Review. Martin goes to Brayden's bedroom to surprise him with his laptop, however, Mr. Baker accuses Martin of stealing.

After that, he and Martin are talking about their game while eating, and Brayden asks his mother if she could buy him a new laptop for his birthday. Martin asks if he could have some cereal, to which Brayden agrees. Storyline Edit.

Mom ACCUSES Her Son's Black Friend Of Stealing, INSTANTLY REGRETS IT! | Dharmann Wiki | Fandom

Release date December 29, United States. He leaves and Mr. Baker tells him to never return back again.

It turns out, that his dad is the vice president of one of the biggest tech companies in the world, and he was only in Mom son black friend room to surprise him with a new laptop, Mom son black friend. One on the Best episodes. Ayden Mekus Brayden.

Baker then apologizes to Martin for how she treated him. Details Edit. He tells her that Martin is one of the most intelligent students at his school and lectures her by saying, "You really shouldn't judge someone before getting to know them.