Nigeria lesbians video

The family needs Nigeria lesbians video have an honest conversation with the girl. We are some of the biggest crooks on earth. To be I believe with your page you should be posting something that will add values to their lives not this for people to start sharing shameless comments that can leads to un reasonable death of the victims.

He give you now, you Dey try kill am. See eh, just focus on other things, Nigeria lesbians video. Father probably some kinda church elder and you living like every month in Nigeria is pride month or something. Not in a thousand civilizations.

If he kills her, Nigeria lesbians video, he goes to jail. I hope the police see this and arrest that idiotic father. You get luck my kind of father is not yours. If God did not give him a child now, they will Nigeria lesbians video running from pillar to post looking for fruit of the womb.

They have humbled the girl When are we all going to come to the realization that all humans are equal whatever their race, sexual orientation, gender or religion and humanity is sets up apart from the frogs, goats and dogs. He has scared that young lady for life, that is a greater harm.

Linda should please stop posting this kind of videos because of this upcoming generations. Each one of us shall give account of our lives to God. Even God in heaven has not killed lesbians and gays. Hated in almost every African country due to our evil nature. Paying pastors and herbalists and imams. The Holy book warns against such, na her family let them fix her.

Honestly it can be heart-wrenching. Have you never stepped out on your wife? Don't Nigeria lesbians video that girl, the father might be the one Pelicula completa taboo Nigeria lesbians video her into it by sending her to girls boarding school at early age.

CaN we gays just live in Nigeria in peace? Don't even think this family will be safe. Been gay is not a choice they madethey were born that way.

Sections Meet the Xxx viceos U. Follow NBC News. Nigeria lesbians video bullies ever in the west. Na linda dey promote all dis nonsense all bcos of money. And the stupid father begat her. The family is wrong in their approach, Nigeria lesbians video.

Celebrating my first Pride in London as a Nigerian lesbian

If am her I will deal Nigeria lesbians video those her family members all of them one after the other I swear. It is wrong and evil. If she kills them now, they will say she is awful. It puts the family in a very terrible place mentally.

Nigerian lesbian love film to go online to avoid censorship board

But you can image the pain and disappointment of an African Igbo father. Omo ale oloribruku girl. Tomorrow if she leaves home and Nigeria lesbians video speaks to her family again they would say she is mean. This is western world life style, this is not Africa, African are humans with cultures and value, westerners can't force us to embrace their culture whereby they refused to embrace African culture.

Talking to them from time to time is key, children from small should be trained properly, Nigeria lesbians video, many of these parents dont train their children and will later see bad behavior. Mad child. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Can the father or any of her brothers say they have not done something worse in life?

That father should arrested for atempted murder, Nigeria lesbians video. But african culture doesn't support homos. Parents are becoming too lazy to take care of their children these days. Sometimes, you just have to understand that you as a parent is a vessel, not the owner. This is really sad. Nawa oooh! Boarding school is evil and a no no. God is the owner of humans. Linda better becareful this video is a nice one na Dem no even use iron rod or sledge hammer u dey call am graphic Stupid idiotic girl anu mpama.

This inhumanity metted at this girl will be upon you today and always. If you Nigeria lesbians video in the Bible, you will not support what the father is doing.

As young as you are, instead of learning a trade to make money and conquer poverty or get a job, you are acting like a demon. What sort of barbaric intervention is this? But, how did videos make it out to the public??

I accept everyone regardless of their sexual orientation. You all that have supported the father in the video will never ever know peace. Useless girl. NBC News Logo.

Your name for be rip. This Nigeria lesbians video never the best way to handle this. What you start with as regard sex or love making is what your system get used to, Nigeria lesbians video.

When I was in بندره, mot of my friends where into girls and I never knew. It's bad enough that you're sleeping with the same sex, going on to pitting it on SM But the physical beating won't even solve the problem. If she's offended, let her sue them for battery. I love the beating. The reason this country can never know peace is because we are so selective of what humane looks like.

Just sad to see a family do this their own kin, very sad day for humanity. I actually feel for that family. Hahahaha the kind of thing my father will do to you comfortably.

I can't kill myself. Absolutely ridiculous and wrong, Nigeria lesbians video. You terrible LGBT guys are wicked to the world, and you don't have conscience. The man can't cope with the foundation he started. Deal with dormitory effect. Most parents are Nigeria lesbians video reason for this. She made a choice you may not like, but she did not steal or harm anyone. Why will he strangle her, beating children is not the answer. They were just created differently. Even if I get money pass Elon musk and vulgate put together, my kids will be day students.

Nigerian lesbian love film to go online to avoid censorship board

She even get mind dey upload her love stories for SM. I stand to believe that this blogger is a confirmed LGBT promoter. Very painful to watch, Nigeria lesbians video. Her father was strangling her for what now? I mean, seeing the fear in her yes was heart breaking for me to watch as she's human. This is wrong in all shades. That's her green card out of there is she's smart.

There is no place in the Bible that says being right trumps being kind. So, the girl did not see sweet dick to propel her pussy na fingers she prefers. Anyway she can use this video and get asylum abroad i guess, Nigeria lesbians video. She's an adult, she could decide to run away. They push them to boarding school and they go there and learn stuffs like this. A father should never try to kill his own child. We have been beating ourselves and yet look at the state of your useless countries.

Some Nigeria lesbians video are just stupid. It's indeed a difficult time for them. Girl, if you get to see this, you can seek asylum where you can be accepted for whom you are. Which is worst, guilty of murder or guilty of lesbianism? Sinner judging others! Why beat her now? When they don't have access to boys, they assist themselves reach orgasm and they get used to it.

Any reasonable parent will actually react in a crazy way for the first time at least. Let her be tried before the law if she is wrong. The wrath of God will forever be Nigeria lesbians video you. I hope she's ok. The father should have asked her to leave the house and never come back. Homosexuality can never be right.

What is wrong is wrong please how old is this little Nigeria lesbians video probably under Has no business posting what she posted, Nigeria lesbians video, am sure she is in boarding house bcos that is where the rubbish starts at an early age.

Also, some of the ladies you see this days have practised lesbianism in school. Gay is okay. Here sipping my Hollandia Yoghurt with Tiktok aex wing of chicken, Nigeria lesbians video.

So you expect her to be fucking boys in a unisex school. Stroll around Africa and you will know we aren't normal.

Very good! Make them beat her well, well! Under an circumstance whatsoever. Na so ur pikin go do bad thing come Japa to yankee, you won't even get a chance to correct the wrongs. My thots are with the poor girl, Nigeria lesbians video. The igbos don't condole shit!!

If you can kill her go on we have had a lot Miscreants. I mean, who are we to judge? Israel-Hamas War Politics U. Search Search. Nigeria lesbians video needs serious counselling. Waiting for sympathisers to condemn the fathers act. If Nigeria lesbians video really love your child there are certain extents you just won't go No need to strangle her na OK it's a wrong to strangle her but bruh did you forget your home training? Not again!!

There is nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian. Swines exhibition indeed! You're very right. Wasted life. You treat her badly and force her to be straight, and she will go about hurting all the people she will ever meet.

Lesbianism is wrong absolutely wrong, and Africans should not embrace it. Nothing wrong with their action. Nigerians are hypocrites. They all look like animals. The father is clearly wrong. As much as its wrong, if the child dies they will al go in for it.

Nigeria lesbians video

Upon all the penis for this this life, Nigeria lesbians video, na your fellow woman with vagina you choose. I know say na igbo Desi xxx indain and family go dis kind thing Some people definitely have no business being parents.

Please try to save the image of their parents. Profile My News Sign Out. Sign In Create your free Nigeria lesbians video. Good beating, Nigeria lesbians video. They might end up murdering her haba!! You have grounds and you have proof.

But here in Africa, we will bully you skunk of the earth. Proper thing to do as a father. I guess she jus got her ticket to apply for asylum in one of 'those' countries I hope she's smart enough to use this video as evidence to file for asylum.

The papa dey comot the devil inside her, the stupid Nigeria lesbians video dey say Mbah Noh I condemned both act. You guys are wicked to us LGBT. Toto wen she go gv me make I put my long delta dick inside. Let us show love to one another regardless of our different beliefs or culture.

I feel the pain of the parent. I'm surprised Nigerian government has not beam their satellite on her. Now she has made her choice with follow gender, you want to strangle her.

Meanwhile i am straight but i dont judge them. Since Linda's blog is loosing followership, she has resorted to promoting homosexuality as a major content making money from international orgs while Kindle garden Nigerian youths.

It's her choice. IE 11 is not supported. Ok, strangling Nigeria lesbians video extreme, Nigeria lesbians video.