Oksapmin secondary school

Oksapmin Secondary School opens new facilities

Minister Mirisim paid his highest respect to the staff and administration of OSS for their tremendous effort.

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Oksapmin secondary school

Air travel in and out of Tekin has been challenging during these past few months because of the مصؤي pandemic and the restrictions enforced by the Papua New Guinea government to protect its people. We are very closely packed in at our school so our students will be much safer in their scattered homes.

The Oksapmin Secondary School in Papua New Guinea

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He said when the change of status from High School to Secondary School was done in for the first grade 11 there was many confusion and anxiety by parents and community that Oksapmin High School is not ready for secondary school status. This result has amazed Member for Telefomin, Oksapmin secondary school, Solan Mirisim who has expressed his pride in this ranking.

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The news travelled quickly to Tekin. Sad news was that one of our grade ten student boys died from an infection in his leg at home during the suspension period.


Due to aviation restrictions, we don't expect any flights into our airstrip for the next month. Hand wash stations were in action as everyone came in. Some students therefore mentioned consequences of Covid in a dialogue exercise when asked to write who they thought might be coming or Oksapmin secondary school on an MAF plane: people stranded for five solid weeks for Covid at Tabubil; people who are afraid of Covid and want to come home; awareness teams who have been stranded due to lock down; people bringing important messages about Covid We are so grateful for partnerships, like the one we have with Miss Glenda and the Okasapmin Secondary School, that help us reach people in remote communities in Papua New Guinea!

We have good gardens and a good-hearted community so we should be fine, Oksapmin secondary school. Developing grades 11 and 12 means that the school is now called Oksapmin Oksapmin secondary school School.

Miss Glenda, the founder of the school, is still faithfully teaching at the school.

Mirisim Proud of Oksapmin Performance | Loop PNG

We thank you very much. Minister Mirisim said apart from the grade 12 result, the Grade 8 students in the District did very well in the province.

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Parents were attentive, concerned and supportive of the move. He also congratulated the students for doing their best in placing Telefomin District on the national scale and looks forward to provide the support they will need in their tertiary level of education, Oksapmin secondary school.

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Lessons are scheduled for tomorrow. We explained the 'new normal' and have now brought the students in.