Old humans kiss

The Oldest Recorded Kiss Happened 4, Years Ago, Scientists Say

Have there always been societal rules around kissing? It was found in and around the mouth, which is one of the main signs of the herpes virus. By Russell Hope, news reporter, Old humans kiss. From a substantial collection of the Mesopotamian medical Old humans kiss, they found some of them "mention a disease with symptoms reminiscent of the herpes simplex virus 1," Dr Arboll said.

One, of course, is herpes simplex virus 1 HSV But our argument is that kissing is distributed over a wide geographical area and has been practiced for a very long time and must therefore have represented a constant effect on Old humans kiss transmission. In terms of which diseases, from a modern medical perspective, would have been spread through kissing, there are some clear examples. The researchers also said kissing may have unintentionally played a role in the transmission of pathogens, such as herpes simplex virus 1 HSV-1which causes cold sores and diphtheria, a highly contagious bacterial infection, Old humans kiss.

China says its experts have "cracked" Apple's AirDrop encryption. People did have an idea of Old humans kiss. Ancient DNA helps explain why this group has higher multiple sclerosis risk. Please enter email address to continue. People were kissing 4, years ago - 1, years earlier than scientists thought By studying clay tablets from the earliest Mesopotamian societies, researchers say kissing was common and did not start in a specific region, Old humans kiss.

What role does kissing play in disease transmission and an awareness of disease in ancient cultures?

Kissing and telling: Ancient texts show humans have been smooching for 4, years - CBS News

And then there is sexual arousal, of course, Old humans kiss also has to do with passing your genes forward, Old humans kiss.

The generally accepted earliest evidence we have of making out is religious text written in India in BCE. But whether this was when kissing all began is still up for debate. Citing those texts, authors of a new perspective article published today in the journal Science argue romantic kissing occurred 1, years earlier than historians first predicted.

For example, there was this letter in ancient Mesopotamia that told people not to drink from the cup of a certain sick woman or lay on her bed. Please enter valid email address to continue. But Old humans kiss added that ancient medical texts can be influenced by cultural and religious concepts so they cannot be read at face value.

And though we may not know who gave the first smooch, Old humans kiss, ancient records of these steamy sessions are helping us piece together when people started locking lips. He said: "The bu'shanu disease was located primarily in or around the mouth and throat, and symptoms included vesicles in or around the mouth, which is one of the dominant signs of herpes infection.

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In fact, an overlooked collection of written texts from ancient Mesopotamia modern-day Iraq and Syria suggests people were kissing further in the past. Clay Old humans kiss left behind by ancient Mesopotamians in BCE describe two types of kissing.

And as kissing became more of the norm, old medical records reveal the widespread transmission of viruses that spread through lip-to-lip contact, Old humans kiss. As the closest living relatives to humans, scientists said these practices hint at the ancient presence and evolution of the behaviour in humans.