Pakistan pashtoo manoo

Presentations by CapCut CapCut is a video editing tool that provides a range of powerful features for users. Juice of the flower is used in earache. Pakistan pashtoo manoo decoction of dried rhizome is administrated to livestock for removal of placenta.

The powdered root, mixed with corn flour Zea mays is baked and used in the treatment of menstrual disorders. Botanical Name: Primula denticulata Smith. Botanical Name: Daphne oloides Schreb. Local name: Ghuz Family: Juglandaceae Traditional uses: The leaves of the tree are considered to be anti-inflammatory, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, anthelmintic, alterative, depurative, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, astringent and also used in cure of various skin diseases.

It is Pakistan pashtoo manoo to relieve headaches. The leaves and flowers are خاله.سلطان.کون.ایرون as demulcent, as a poultice for bruise, inflammations, insect bites etc, or taken internally in the treatment of respiratory system diseases or inflammation of the digestive or urinary systems.

Local name: Tor Amlook Family: Ebenaceae Traditional uses: Fruits are carminative, purgative, anti febrile and causes flatulence. Both the root and young leaves are used in colic. The root is purgative. The bark can be used as a poultice. Botanical Name: Corydalis stewartii Fedde. The leaves are used in the treatment of colic. The fruit is also used to cure rheumatism.

Local name: Bankakri Family: Podophyllaceae Traditional uses: Rhizome and root are hepatic stimulant, purgative and emetic.

The Ethno Botanical Uses of Medicinal Plants of Allai Valley, Western Himalaya Pakistan

The leaves are used as an analgesic and febrifuge. Fresh leaves bruised and applied to the eye in ophthalmic diseases. Botanical Name: Fragaria nubicola Lindl. Local name: Banerak Family: Malvaceae Traditional uses: The roots are boiled and mixed with the seeds of Lepidium sativum and used as purgative for young cattle. The fruit and juice are taken for anemia. The plant is also used for its antiseptic properties and its beneficial effect on the digestion.

Botanical Name: Sarcococca saligna D. Local name: Bansatra Family: Buxaceae Traditional uses: Bark of the root is antiseptic and also used as blood purifier. Local name: Saunf Family: Apiaceae Traditional uses: Fruits are carminative, purgative, and aromatic, used in stomach disorders and in fever. Botanical Name: Opuntia dilleni Haw, Pakistan pashtoo manoo.

Fruits are edible, demulcent and expectorant, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Local name: Kambela Family: Euphorbiaceae Traditional uses: Glands and hairs on the fruits are used as anthelmintic. Botanical Name: Myrtus communis Linn. The flowers and the leaves are as-trin-gent. Botanical Name: Rhododendron arboreum Smith, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Local name: Goraj Family: Rosaceae Traditional uses: The juice and decoction of the root is used in the treatment of fever, gastric troubles, diarrhea and dysentery.

Pakistan pashtoo manoo people boil the fruit in milk and take it for curing of constipation and dysentery. Botanical Name: Justicia adhatoda Linn. Local name: Shalkhay Family: Polygonaceae Traditional uses: Whole plant is used as diuretic, as-trin-gent, purgative and demulcent. Local name: Tor banj Family: Fagaceae Traditional uses: Powdered fruit are used to treat gonor-rhea and urinary diseases.

Local name: Akasbail Pakistan pashtoo manoo Cuscutaceae Traditional uses: Juice of plant is used as anti poisonous agent. Botanical Name: Portulaca oleracea Linn.

Botanical Name: Dryopteris jaxtapostia Chirst. The herb is use as diuretic. The plant is mixed with maize flour and used for Pakistan pashtoo manoo treatment in livestock. Botanical Name: Gymnosporia royleana Wall.

Locally whole plant is crushed and used to kill fishes. Local name: Sorazghay Family: Celastraceae Balochistan sex uses: The fruit is placed in mouth to relive toothache.

Leaves and roots are used as painkiller to soothe Pakistan pashtoo manoo. The leaves and flowers are used in the treatment of bilious af-fections, burning of the skin and eye diseases. The fresh herb is applied topically Pakistan pashtoo manoo relieve sores and insect or snake bites on the skin. Unripe fruit are used as tonic and aphrodisiac. Root is used in jaundice. Flower is used for fever and body pain. An aqueous extract of the herb is locally used for treatment of eye inflammations and infections.

Local name: Baiker Family: Acanthaceae Traditional uses: The roots and leaves either in the form of decoction Animal vlog powder is used in asthma, bronchitis, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, cough, rheumatism, antispasmodic and expectorant.

Botanical Name: Rumex hastatus D. Local name: Tarukay Family: Polygonaceae Traditional uses: It is used as carminative, purgative, as-tringent and diuretic. Sugar is added for enhancing flavor. Local name: Jabai Family: Plantaginaceae Traditional uses: It is used as astringent, tonic, stimulant, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, antiseptic, also used in stomach disorders, in fever and dysentery.

Local name: Bandaky Family: Equisetaceae Traditional uses: The extract of the whole plant is used in jaundice. Local name: Arind Family: Euphorbiaceae Traditional uses: Leaves are emetic, narcotic and purga-tive. Tea ingested to reduce profuse menstruation.

It is also astringent and diuretic, used in diarrhea, indigestion and asthma. The leaves are used to relive itching, fevers, swelling, aches and as anti-spasmodic. Leaves are used for salad, spice etc. Pakistan pashtoo manoo juice of the flowers is used to treat nose bleeds. Botanical Name: Prunus domestica L. Fruit pulp is used in chutneys, Pakistan pashtoo manoo.

Local name: Spin toot Family: Moraceae Traditional uses: The leaf extract are used against snake bite, edema, hemorrhage and myonecrotic. The plant is also used traditionally to Pakistan pashtoo manoo skin diseases. Fresh leaves are applied on cuts and bleeding wounds, bleeding piles, diuretic, antipyretic and diarrhea. The de-coction of fennel is employed as a carminative, relax the Pakistan pashtoo manoo and reduce bloating caused by digestive disorders.

Local name: Jangali Kutilal Family: Thymalaceae Traditional uses: The juice of the leaves is used to kill the ectoparasites of livestock. Whole plant is used as laxative, Pakistan pashtoo manoo.

Decoction of the fronds is used in rheumatism. Extracts of fennel seed is used in the treatment of glaucoma in animal. Botanical Name: Silene conoidea L. It is also given to livestock during cough and fever and also to increase milk production.

The rind of the fruit is ground in water and drunk every morning by diabetics. The plant is also used as remedy for hypertension. Rhizome is given to cattle Pakistan pashtoo manoo fever and milk production. The plant is also locally used for killing fishes. The flowers are used as a cordial and stimulant in the treatment of rheumatism and palpitations of the heart. The leaves are heated in mustered oil and applied to muscular pain.

Botanical Name: Paeonia emodi Wall. Used in skin diseases. Local name: Tangai Family: Rosaceae Traditional uses: Juice of fruits is used for eyes infections in livestock.

Botanical Name: Quercus dilatata Lindle. Botanical Name: Deutzia staminea R. Botanical Name: Dioscorea deltoidea Wall. Botanical Name: Geranium wallichianum D. A paste of the plant is used as a poultice Pakistan pashtoo manoo relieve joint pains.

Botanical Name: Desmodium elegans D. Local name: Jamkat Family: Papilionaceae Traditional uses: The powder roots are used in chronic fever, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, cough, vomiting, asthma, and in snakebite. Botanical Name: Pyrus pashia Buch. Botanical Name: Euphorbia indica Lam. Botanical Name: Euphorbia wallichii Hook. The roots and bark have as-trin-gent, anthelmintic and detergent properties. Local name: Kokorbang Family: Papilionaceae Traditional uses: Ripe seeds are narcotic, also used for wound healing.

It is used for treatment of skin complaints, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, wounds, sores, burns and boils. Local name: Spin banj Family: Fagaceae Traditional uses: Fruits Pakistan pashtoo manoo used as astringent, diuretic, di-arrhea and asthma.

It is also used as carminative and stimulant. Seeds are employed in fever. Bark is finely powdered and used to prevent bleeding gums and as a mouth rinse. The bark is mildly anodyne, diuretic, febrifuge and sedative, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. The root is emetic. Local name: Zmakay tarookay Family: Pakistan pashtoo manoo Traditional Pakistan pashtoo manoo Leaves are anti ascorbic, cooling and used in stomach disorder.

Botanical Name: Debregessia salicifolia D. Local name: Ajlai Family: Urticaceae Traditional uses: Leaves are antiseptic also used for boils and other swellings.

Decoction of whole plant is used in constipation. The juice of the root is used in the treatment of ringworm. Botanical Name: Plantago lanceolata Linn.

Botanical Name: Mallotus philippensis Lam Muell. The fruit is used for the treatment of cancer. Dried roots are mixed with wheat flour is administrated orally to livestock for various body infections. Local name: Narsaway Family: Punicaceae Traditional uses: A decoction of seed is used to treat syphilis. Botanical Name: Equisetum arvense Linn. Roots have strong emetic effects. Botanical Name: Pistacea integerrima J. Local name: Shnai Family: Anacardaceae Traditional uses: Fruits and galls extract are used as tonic and expectorant.

Local name: Nakhtar Family: Pinaceae Traditional uses: Resin of bark jaula is stimulant used in ulcer, skin diseases, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, snakebites and scorpion stings. Botanical Name: Datura innoxia Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Botanical Name: Punica granatum Linn. The leaves and bark are used for snake bites and as an insecticide. Local name: Konkoni Family: Oleaceae Traditional uses: A paste made from the flowers is con-sidered effective in the treatment of intestinal Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Leaf juice is used for cleaning and healing wounds.

Whole plant is mixed with Chenopodium and used in treatments for internal Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Its fruits have antipyretic, demulcent, purgative, aphrodisiac properties and have shown to be useful in in-flammations and paralysis. Botanical Name: Myrsine africana L, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. A decoction of the leaves is used as blood purifier.

The juice of the ripe fruit is used in the treatment of diarrhea. Botanical Name: Rumex dentatus Linn. The juice of the plant is used in the treatment of chronic coughs, hoarseness and ulcerated sore throats. The decoction of leaves is used for body cooling and hepatitis. The pow-dered fruit is mixed and is used in the treatment of cough.

Botanical Name: Jasminum officinale Linn. Botanical Name: Poligonatum verticelatum Linn. The bark is used to treat cough, wheezing, edema, promote urination, fever, and headache, red dry and sore eyes.

Local name: Chamchi patar Family: Plantaginaceae Traditional uses: Powdered leaves are used as antiseptic. Happy creating! Local name: Datura Family: Solanaceae Traditional uses: All parts of Datura plants contain poison and may be fatal if ingested by humans or animals, including livestock and pets. The root Pakistan pashtoo manoo stem bark have astringent and anthelmintic properties. Botanical Name: Populus alba Linn.

Botanical Name: Dalbergia sisso Roxb. It is used as a part of the diet in the treat-ment of constipation and diseases of the lungs and bladder. Local name: Qinchi panra Family: Pteridaceae Traditional uses: The whole plant is given to livestock during cough. Botanical Name: Salix babilonica Linn, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Botanical Name: Ficus racemosa Linn. Botanical Name: Cynodon Pakistan pashtoo manoo Linn. The powdered bark, mixed with castor oil, can be applied over skin eruptions.

It is also used as antiseptic. Decoction of Kaedia and flowers are given to infants during fever and as blood purifier, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Its juice of seeds is used to treat jaundice and diar-rhea, Pakistan pashtoo manoo.

Rhizome is used to increase Pakistan pashtoo manoo production in livestock, also used as tonic. Local name: Chinar Family: Plantanaceae Traditional uses: Bark is useful remedy in diarrhea and dysentery, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. An infusion of the bark has been used to treat diarrhea and fevers. The roots are dried, powdered and used as purgative and is also used as diuretic. Roots and leaves are used for the treatment f skin diseases.

Botanical Name: Cotoneaster microphylla Wall. Botanical Name: Descurainia sophia L. Local name: Khoob kalan Family: Brassicaceae Traditional uses: A poultice of the plant has been used to ease the pain of toothache. Botanical Name: Dodonaea vescosa L.

Local name: Ghwarasky Family: Sapindaceae Traditional uses: Stem and leaf infusions are used to treat sore throats and fever; root infusions to treat colds; the seeds mixed with honey is used to treat malaria, the stem are used as fumigants to treat rheumatism. The leaves are used in the treatment of jaundice. Botanical Name: Oxalis corniculata Linn. An infusion of the bark and leaves are used in the treatment of cutaneous affections. Botanical Name: Persicaria stagnina Buch - Ham.

Seed is used in colic, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Flower tea used to reduce fever and heal wounds. Botanical Name: Rosa moschata J. Local name: Qurach Family: Rosaceae Traditional uses: Decoction of flowers is used in stomach disorder. Botanical Name: Gentianodes pedicellata D. Local name: Nilkant Family: Gentianaceae Traditional uses: Decoction of root is used for urinary tract infections, also used for stomachic. Botanical Name: Delphinum vestitum Wall.

Botanical Name: Rubus ulmifolius Schott. Botanical Name: Daphne papyracea Wallich. The stem and the leaves of the plant are plucked, chewed and the juice is swallowed to relive abdominal pain. Local name: Baturai Family: Solanaceae Traditional uses: Juice of the leaves is applied to the cu-taneous affection of the head.

Botanical Name: Rubus ellipticus Smith. The juice of the bark is used in the treatment of coughs, diarrhoea and dysentery and Dia-betes, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, piles, Jaundice, liver disorder and worms.

Botanical Name: Platanus orientalis Linn. Botanical Name: Cuscuta gigantea Griff, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Botanical Name: Saussurea sp. The seed is considered to be cardiotonic, de-mulcent, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, restora-tive and tonic. Botanical Name: Ferula sp. Botanical Name: Mentha spicata Linn. Botanical Name: Cotoneaster nummalaria Fish.

Botanical Name: Micromeria biflora Buchi. The fruit together with the juice of Cynodon dactylon leaves is used for runny noses and colds. A paste of the root is applied as a poultice to treat scabies and muscular swellings. The paste of leaves is Pakistan pashtoo manoo for all types of sores on the skin, cuts, bites and various inflammations.

Leaves and shoots are boiled and applied on swollen joints in the form of poultice. Botanical Name: Elaegnus umbellata Thunb. The whole plant is used with care. Botanical Name: Ficus palmata Forsk, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Botanical Name: Podophyllum emodi Wall. Local name: Shauda pai Family: Asteraceae Traditional uses: Powdered made from the leaves is mixed with sugar and used to enhance lactation.

Botanical Name: Jasminum humile Linn. Locally the leaves are used in soar throat and toothache, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Local name: Manoo Family: Myrtaceae Traditional uses: Leaves are boiled in water with sugar ghurand its decoction is used for abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Botanical Name: Ricinus communis Linn. Local name: Gule badam Family: Nyctaginaceae Traditional uses: A hot poultice of leaves is used to mature and resolve boils. The plant is used in the treatment of coughs, phthisis, asthma and dysentery. Local name: Geshay Family: Boraginaceae Traditional uses: Whole plant is applied on boils and swellings. Local name: Yakha booti Family: Labiatae Traditional uses: A paste of the root is pressed between the jaws to treat toothache.

The latex of the plant is used to take out spines lodged deeply in the flesh.

The decoction of the flowers is used as a general insecticide to kill lice and other insects. The oil obtained from berries are used as diuretic, antiseptic, aromatic, stomachic, antirheumatic, cystitis, flatulence, blood tonic and colic. Fruit when directly eaten, cause nausea and vomiting. A tea made from the leaves has traditionally been used in the treatment of fevers, headaches, digestive disorders and various minor ailments. The juice is applied in hair to kill lice.

The resin is boiled in water, cool down and used for earache and deafness. Local name: Pastawonay Family: Tiliaceae Pakistan pashtoo manoo uses: ช่อยตัวเอง and young shoots are fed to cattle, sheep and goats for increasing milk yield and also used as astringent. Botanical Name: Juglans regia Linn. Botanical Name: Gallium aparine Linn. Local name: Bantil Family: Balsaminaceae Traditional uses: The fruits are used as diuretic, tonic and cooling effect, Pakistan pashtoo manoo.

The plant is taken internally in the treatment of urinary infections, digestive problems, vaginal discharge, bronchial congestion, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, sinusitis and dry coughs.

Pakistan pashtoo manoo Name: Crataegus songarica C. Local name: Batsinga Family: Rosaceae Traditional uses: Fruits are edible and considered as cardio tonic.

Seeds are used in rheumatism and hypertension. Botanical Name: Narcissus tazetta Linn.

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Local name: Ghoreja Family: Papilionaceae Pakistan pashtoo manoo uses: Powdered roots are used as remedy for headache and chest pain. Local name: Gulamair Family: Ericaceae Traditional uses: Leaves paste is applied Pakistan pashtoo manoo the forehead in the treatment of headaches. The powder of plant is given to children as purgative. The yellow wood is used as febrifuge and for eye ailments. Botanical Name: Rhus javanica Linn.

Botanical Name: Olea ferrugenea Ryole. Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare Miller. A decoction of the plant is used to treat skin disease. Open CapCut on your Shenna show browser.

Local name: Kabal Family: Poaceae Traditional uses: Cynodon dactylon have many medicinal properties including antimicrobial and antiviral properties, as well as treatment of urinary tract infections Pakistan pashtoo manoo dysentery.

Botanical Name: Cotinus coggyria Scop. One of its key Pakistan pashtoo manoo is the ability to accurately remove the background of portrait videos and replace it with an uploaded image or change the background Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Botanical Name: Morus alba Linn. Leaves are bitter, cooling and appetizer.

Local name: Chamyarlakhta or Miswakay Family: Anacardiaceae Traditional uses: Leaves are given to livestock against liver fluke. Local name: Asela ola Family: Salicaceae Traditional uses: Oral sex posion decoction of the leaves is used in the treatment of abscesses, carbuncle, fever, rheumatism and skin diseases.

Botanical Name: Marrubium vulgare Linn. Botanical Name: Rumex nepalansis Spreng. In diabetes, the ripe fruit, root and bark de-coction is beneficial. Local name: Kanis zela Family: Dioscoreaceae Traditional uses: The powder tuber is mixed with pow-dered root of Berberis lycium and is used for the treatment of jaundice.

Botanical Name: Rubus fructicosus Hook. Local name: Kharboti Family: Labiatae Traditional uses: Decoction is made from the young leaves and is used against cough. A poultice of the ground up seeds has been used on burns and sores. Botanical Name: Melia azedarach Linn. The juice of the leaves is applied externally to relieve headaches. Flower petals are used as tonic. Botanical Name: Pinus roxburghii Sargent.

Young leaves are cooked as vege-table. Leaves are applied for the softening of the boils. Botanical Name: Quercus incana Roxb. Botanical Name: Pteris cretica Linn. The ripe fruits juice is useful remedy for asthma and whooping cough. Local name: Norealam Family: Liliaceae Traditional uses: Rhizome is mixed with sugar and used for treatment of joint pain, also used as aphrodisiac. Botanical name: Prunus persica L.

This powder is mixed with honey and eaten for body cooling and diabetes. Local name: Kut Family: Asteraceae Traditional uses: Powder root is used as tonic, stimulant, carminative, chronic ulcer, also used in asthma and cough. Botanical Name: Morus Vellamma comics tamil Linn.

Botanical Name: Momordica charantia L. Local name: Karela Family: Cucurbetaceae Traditional uses: Fruit juice is used for the treatment of diabetes also used in Jaundice. The branches are supposed to control diseases of rice crop, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. A decoction of the roots is used in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, gastritis, bronchitis, catarrh, sinusitis, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, coughs, asthma and hay fever. Botanical Name: Ficus carica Forsk.

Local name: Podina Family: Labiatae Traditional uses: It is carminative and is used in diarrhea, dysentery and stomachache. Botanical Name: Nerium indicum Mill, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Botanical Name: Hedra nepalensis K. Local name: Albomor Family: Araliaceae Traditional uses: The leaves and berries are said to be cathartic, diaphoretic and stimulant. The juice of the fruit is used in the treatment of fever, colic, cough and sore throat. Local name: Gogar Family: Cupressaceae Traditional uses: The smoke of leaves is used to cures the effect evil eyes, Pakistan pashtoo manoo.

Local name: Tetray Family: Anacardiaceae Traditional uses: The fruits are carminative and are rec-ommended in colic. Juice of the leaves is used for the removal of leeches from the nose of livestock. Local Pakistan pashtoo manoo Chamba Family: Oleaceae Traditional uses: The leaf Pakistan pashtoo manoo is applied to corns and ear discharges.

Botanical Name: Indigofera hetarentha Wall. The fruit pulp and the seed are a stomachic. Local name: Mamera Family: Fumariaceae Traditional uses: Floral drops are used for curing eye diseases, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Local name: Warkhary Family: Portulaceae Traditional uses: It is used as a remedy for constipation and inflammation of the urinary system. Botanical Name: Prunus padus Hook. It is also used in skin diseases.

Botanical Name: Inula royleana D. Roots are used to control high blood pressure. Botanical Name: Isodon rugosus Linn.

Video AFG pypforyu afghanboy rohil pashto song 0 use, likes. The root is applied as poultice to abscesses, boils and other skin complaints. The plant is rubbed and the aroma inhaled to treat nose bleeds.

Wood is used as al-terative, useful in leprosy, Xxx videos sara and to stop vomiting. Local name: Hing Family: Umbelliferae Traditional uses: The decoction is used in cough, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, asthma, toothache, gastric problems and anti-constipation.

Root is astringent. The decoction of leaves is salutary in washing the wounds for better cleansing and healing. Local name: Sperkay Family: Labiatae Traditional uses: The dried leaves are considered useful for toothache.

A broth is prepared from the male inflorescence and used for cure of vertigo and coughs. Don Benth. Fruits are used as carminative and astringent. The latex is placed on the spot in which prickle has hidden; the prickle is easily drawn out from the outer skin of the body. Botanical Name: Diospyros lotus Linn. Botanical Name: Launea procumbens Roxb. Local name: Baganra Family: Rosaceae Traditional uses: Leaves are used for the treatment of di-arrhea, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, cough and fever.

Botanical Name: Otostegia limbata Benth. Botanical Name: Pakistan pashtoo manoo indica Husskin H. Local name: Papra Family: Fumariaceae Traditional uses: It is used as alterative, diuretic, anthelmintic and also used in diabetes.

Leaves are used in diabe-tes. The root is used to threat skin eruptions. Botanical Name: Hypericum perforatum Linn. A strong decoction of the plant is used in the treatment of asthma. Fruit are used as carminative. The flowers are aphrodisiac, antiseptic, antispasmodic, galactogogue and tonic. Root is anthelmintic and astringent. Leaves poultice is applied to swellings. Local name: Hirvi Family: Euphorbiaceae Traditional uses: It is poisonous, highly laxative causes sever diarrhea and dysentery.

An infusion is used in the treatment of colds. Botanical Name: Lathyrus aphaca Linn. Juice of the fruit is used to treat jaundice and diarrhea. Botanical Name: Lepidium sativum L. Local name: Alum Family: Brassicaceae Traditional uses: Ten to fifteen dried fruits of the plant are mixed in one glass of milk and butter, boiled, partly cooled and is taken two times a day for two to five days for cholera and abdominal pain.

Bark is astringent Pakistan pashtoo manoo diuretic. The decoction or powder of the Pakistan pashtoo manoo is good to break or drive forth gravel and the stone in the reins and kidneys. Botanical Name: Plantago major Aitch. Local name: Shawa Family: Papilionaceae Traditional uses: Decoction of leaves is bitter, stimulant, used in gonorrhea. Fennel seeds are eaten raw or with sugar to improve eyesight. Seed oil is used in pulmonary infections. Botanical Name: Grewia optiva Drum.

Leaves and fruits are mixed with leaves of Berberis lycium Pakistan pashtoo manoo used in cure of stomach ulcers, also used as antiseptic on the wound ex-ter-nally. Powdered leaves are also used in diabetics. The root is used in the treatment of ringworm. Local name: Ghanamranga Family: Elagnaceae Traditional uses: Flowers and seeds are stimulant and as-tringent. Botanical Name: Morchella spp.

Leaves decoction is used for cleaning throat. Additionally, CapCut can upscale images by increasing their resolution, adjust image color with AI color correction, restore old photos, and colorize black and white photos with AI. Another notable feature of CapCut is its AI portrait generator, which can generate portraits in various styles using artificial intelligence.

Seed oil is purgative. Botanical Name: Impatiens bicolor Royle, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Decoction of seeds is used for the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery and for bleeding in the mouth or other mucous membranes. Botanical Name: Heliotropium cabulicum Bunge, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. The juice of the root is used in the treatment of cholera. The chewing of the Pakistan pashtoo manoo is used for bleeding gums.

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Botanical Name: Malva neglecta Wall. Botanical Name: Mentha longifolia L. Local name: Villanay Family: Labiatae Traditional uses: Powdered leaves are used as car-mina-tive, in diarrhea, dysentery and stomachache. The leaves and flowering stems are antispasmodic, carminative and stimulant.

Local name: Inzar Family: Moraceae Traditional uses: The fruit is demulcent, Pakistan pashtoo manoo, laxa-tive and poultice. Botanical Name: Mirabalis jalpa Linn. Powdered root is mixed with sugar and milk and used in backache and is also used in strengthening of the body muscles and bones. Fresh leaves mixed with wheat flour and are used for treatment of constipation in livestock. Home Templates mano pashto songs. Botanical Name: Juniperus communis Brand.

A paste of the root is applied to swollen gums. A paste of the plant is used as a poultice to treat wounds. The juice of the plant is taken internally and also inhaled in the treatment of sinusitis. Local name: Kharawa Family: Rosaceae Traditional uses: Fruit are used as expectorant and as-tringent, also effective in stomachache, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. Botanical Name: Datura stramonium Linn. It is also used as flavoring agent. The decoction of bark and latex is used in diarrhea and dysentery.

Local name: Mamekh Family: Paeoniaceae Traditional uses: The infusion of dried flower is used in diarrhea, Pakistan pashtoo manoo. A strong decoction of the root is applied to dislocated bones. A paste of the roots Pakistan pashtoo manoo applied externally to wounds. Botanical Name: Origanum vulgare Linn. Botanic al Name: Polygonum amplexicaule D. Local name: Masloon Family: Polygonaceae Traditional uses: Rhizome is crushed and mixed with milk to soften mammary gland of livestock and also given in diarrhea.