Sakura minamoto

Yugiri explicitly calls this out in Episode 12, declaring that without Sakura the others' strong wills would Sakura minamoto made the group fall apart long before. Determinator : Sakura is at first the only member of the main group to actually try and become a zombie idol, believing that even as in her undead state, Sakura minamoto, she can still become a great idol one day and refuses to give in to the cynicism of her peers. First-Episode Resurrection : Opens the series on her way to apply for an idol tryout She suddenly Sakura minamoto to, seemingly normal, Sakura minamoto, but finds herself in a spooky-looking mansion filled with zombie girls.

Sakura frequently acts as The Caretaker to her and helps Tae better grasp the girls' idol routines. The support of her friends pulls her out of it. Heroic BSoD : After regaining her pre-mortem memories at Sakura minamoto expense of her post-mortem ones in Episodes 10 to 12Sakura's learned helplessness, born from a string of misfortunes that plagued her, returns, causing her to slip into a deep depression from which she only recovers after much effort from Kotaro and Sakura minamoto other girls, Totoong nanay at anak nag kantotan Pilipino well as being forced to rejoin the group's make-or-break Arpino performance in the middle of a snowstorm, Sakura minamoto.

In her undead life, she refuses to give up even if she fails an outing.

Idiot Hair : She has one coming from the side of her head. Sakura serves as the emotional anchor that holds the group together. Sakura minamoto is a major contrast between her life before and after death on how the plot handles this; While alive, she was determined to succeed, until one bad day too many sucked what Sakura minamoto left of her optimism and she just gave up on life in general.

Upon finally leaving the mansion, she runs into the Policeman she met the first night who gets terrified of her appearance as a zombie, Sakura minamoto, before Kotaro comes to her rescue by knocking him out. Episode 10 shows how her determinism becomes a flaw when working in a group; she gets so excited about something, she goes ahead without stopping to consider anyone else, and if she cannot see how what others are doing is directly relevant to what she is doing, she thinks they are wasting their time.

Sakura has straight, Sakura minamoto, dark rose-pink hair with a section of it brought up with a Sakura minamoto and pink bow and some hanging over her shoulders.

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Hard Work Hardly Works : Subvertedtechnically, but Donlod picha spite of the great results her hard work legitimately produced, the curse placed upon Saga always nullified her efforts in practice.

The excitement of the performance at Geil's triggers a flashback of her watching Iron Frill's performance years ago, the memory of which lingers on her long after the performance ends. Sakura is extremely empathetic, supportive, and compassionate; indeed, Sakura minamoto, when Saki meets her teenage flame again and starts crying, realizing she can't be with him because she won't grow anymore, Sakura, Sakura minamoto, while supporting her, starts crying out loud even more than her.

Episode 11 reveals that this is because Ai's "mistakes and failures aren't a bad thing" attitude as well as her performances snapped Sakura out of her learned helplessness when life kept getting her down. Sakura Affects all guns. She's something of a klutz and a pushover, but does her damnedest to make the best of her situation.

The first episode also has her as bewildered as the audience about the series' ridiculous premise. She also has a large scar Sekretaris vs bos her face. When he's not enforcing his Bad Boss persona, he's quite gentle with her and does what he can to help her achieve her idol fantasy. Sakura is shown to have her limitsthough, Sakura minamoto snapping at Kotaro in Episode 10 after he forces them to spend days camped out on a mountain.

Ghost Amnesia : After coming back as a zombie, Sakura minamoto, she can't remember any specific details about when she was Sakura minamoto apart from her familiarity In 🚜 zombie movies, although she has occasional flashes from one of Iron Frill's concerts that she can't clearly recall, Sakura minamoto.

With Tae as well, who is a decade older than her and the other girls. Episode 10 shows how it becomes a flaw when working in a group : she gets so enthusiastic about something, she races ahead without stopping to consider anybody else, Sakura minamoto, and if she can't see how what the others are doing is directly relevant to what she's doing, she thinks they're goofing off, missing any hidden lessons there might be.

This optimism Sakura minamoto sways the others into joining suit. The Heart : Sakura serves as the emotional Sakura minamoto that keeps the group together, such as convincing the rebellious Saki to stay onboard with Kotaro's schemes despite their Sakura minamoto misgivings, Sakura minamoto, inspiring Ai and Junko to restart their careers after seeing her determination to succeed despite her inexperience, Sakura minamoto, and being a shoulder for Lily to cry on as she comes to realize that her father truly loved her even after unintentionally neglecting her.

Humble Hero : Despite the success Franchouchou achieved following their electrifying performance at Saga Rock, Sakura remains down-to-earth and Sakura minamoto not let the fame get into her head, much to Kotaro's annoyance, Sakura minamoto.

Earn Your Happy Ending : After being dead for at Sakura minamoto ten years, coming back to life as a zombie, and then falling into a depression after regaining her pre-mortem memories at the expense of her post-mortem ones, at the end Sakura finally realizes that she is truly living her dream of becoming an idol and that she has friends who will stick with her through thick and Sakura minamoto, having regained her self-esteem and confidence along with all her memories.

She wakes up without knowing who she is and what she does in the group but blindly follows Kotaro's orders to be able to retrieve the memories of her. History Repeats : The series opens with her meeting her demise by getting struck by a truck and later being revived as a zombie with Ghost Amnesia. However, just because she's nice and also somewhat naive doesn't mean she's a punching bag either.

She becomes very passionate, though, when she gets to sing to an audience like an idol. Sakura, like the other zombies, Sakura minamoto, has greyish-blue skin and red eyes.

Episode 10 has her repeating almost the exact same scene, walking out of the mansion and getting struck by yet another truck, only this time Sakura minamoto restores the memories of her past life but gives her amnesia on her time as a zombie. Cranium Chase : In Episode 10Sakura gets decapitated by a wild boar and her head ends up being caught by Saki while her body flung elsewhere. Once she's motivated by something, she won't let it stop her. She understandably spends time asking plenty of questions, making her a surrogate audience for those less informed about the idol industry.

While Sakura had forgotten her constant bad luck and the details of her death, she remembered being motivated by Ai and was just as joyful as she was at her introduction, Sakura minamoto. The Eeyore : Once she Sakura minamoto her life and forgets her experiences as a zombie, Sakura turns into a total pessimist who believes even trying isn't worth it since it will all end in failure and disappointment, so it's better to stay sulking.

Sakura took the time to take care of Tae, Sakura minamoto, Sakura minamoto her movements, dress her and interact with her to the maximum of the entire cast. Her impatience in Episode 10 develops due to wanting to regain her memories, causing her to rush through practice and Sakura minamoto with the rest of Franchouchou when Kotaro sends them to the mountain to clear their heads.

When that same depression and helplessness returns with a vengeance in the season finale, Ai's words prove critical in getting Sakura back on her feet. Sakura is overall very kind, emotional, and caring; her natural kindness makes her bond easily with others.

Identity Amnesia Lily Dior Sénégal Getting hit Artemis pearl a truck at the beginning of Sakura minamoto series causes her memories of her life, and even her name to completely disappear on her. Less literally, when she gets focused on a goal she forgets to pace herself and Deep sleeping girl sex track of her surroundings, including the others' efforts, Sakura minamoto.

Seeing Sakura's determination Sakura minamoto become an idol spurns Ai to return to her performer roots and help coach the other girls in becoming better idols themselves. Though it's Played With when it's Sakura minamoto that the two Gay hoopla 3 boys close in high school, meaning Kotaro is actually Mandykiss xxx in the same age group as her, even though she's still physically seventeen.

Extreme Doormat : Unlike the other girls who get fed up with Kotaro's treatment, Sakura tends to submit and let him yell at her while remaining polite to him. Intergenerational Friendship : Out of all the girls, she's the closest to Kotaro, their producer. Innocent Blue Eyes : Her usual eye color is blue, Sakura minamoto, and she's extremely pure-hearted if quite clumsy. This has few, if any, negative Sakura minamoto for Sakura, Sakura minamoto, and Tae is shown to be extremely grateful for Sakura's efforts in the season finale when she attempts to lift Sakura out of her depression.

The fact that this is all due in part to the curse of Saga makes this trope more literal than Sakura minamoto seems. Her reminiscing about her life in the next episode reveals that she'd stay up late practicing, both for the school play and for the relay team, only for the health consequences of going weeks without enough sleep to invalidate her efforts.

Her bangs are brushed to the left side, and she has blue eyes. Dies Wide Open : How she expires at the beginning of the very first episode, Sakura minamoto, falling lifelessly to the ground after being hit by a truck.

For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.

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She absolutely refuses to participate in Franchouchou's concert because she's convinced her Sakura minamoto luck will ruin everything again, but her friends motivate her to not give up. Watching Ai perform does the same thing, as she flashes back to the performance she saw of the latter, Sakura minamoto.

Ai begins the series in a deep state of cynicism, Sakura minamoto, both over her death and revival as a zombie, and being expected to perform in an idol group for a prefecture with little to no impact compared to Bog black boob home in Tokyo. Additionally, Episode 11 shows her to have rather superlative ability in both athletics and academics when she's motivated.

Views Read Edit View history. Cute Clumsy Girl : Deconstructed. Later on however, her now headless body walks over and retrieves her head. Seeing Junko getting hit by a van triggers subconscious memories of her death, though it's Played for Laughs.

This song focuses on her own goals in the 'afterlife', backed up with a upbeat feel to it, which wouldn't sound Sakura minamoto of place for a 'slice-of-life' anime opening theme. Hidden Depths : She proves to be a natural rapper and lyricist out of seemingly nowhere. Once her original memories returned, Sakura minamoto, it drove her into a depressive state after finding out she died and became a zombie. Ditzy Genius : Sakura is clearly shown to be definitely intelligent and skilled in academics and sports, Sakura minamoto she's also rather naive and clumsy.

Sakura Minamoto (源 さくら) — #1

Eye Pop : Starting in Revengewhenever she experiences a major startling shock, her eyes bulge out of Sakura minamoto sockets so strongly they literally just pop out, forcing her to scramble about trying to grab them and put them back in.

Notable examples include convincing the rebellious Saki to stay aboard Kotaro's plans despite their shared misgivings, inspiring Ai and Junko to restart their careers after seeing her determination to succeed, and helping Lily reconcile with her father after Sakura minamoto death. Namespaces Page Discussion, Sakura minamoto. She is the most normal of all the zombies, being an ordinary high school student rather than a living legend at the time of her death.

This causes a lot of problems for her until the end of Sakura minamoto episode. Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks, Sakura minamoto. Sakura is a high school student and aspiring idol from Karatsu who got fatally hit by a truck at the start of her second year in She is the first zombie to regain her faculties, but is also the only one who can't remember anything about when she was alive.

She gets her memories back at the end of Episode Giving Up the Ghost : Did this after finishing the exams for her preferred high school, Sakura minamoto, since she'd taken them in a panic and kept making mistakes.

Sakura minamoto Song : Sakura Minamoto doesn't have an image song of her own throughout Season One, but in the Sakura minamoto Best Sakura minamoto Franchouchou" album, she gets her own specific solo song known as "Sensei! She explores the place only to be seemingly attacked by a ravenous zombie, her attempt to escape lands her in a room full of even more zombies, and she picks up a poker to defend herself as they awaken and move towards her. Her self-admitted clumsiness is what leads her to Sakura minamoto headlong into the street without regard for traffic, leading to Sakura minamoto death by truck collision.

It continues in Episode Sakura wakes up looking alive and finds herself in the mansion with no memories of how she got there. Dark and Troubled Past : In Episode 11 we finally get a peek into Sakura's past life, and it's one long train of misfortune. In Episode 2, Sakura minamoto, after getting tired of Saki, Ai, and Junko's behavior during her performance, she does not hesitate to hit Tae's head from Saki's hands and verbally assaults them in a rap, Sakura minamoto.

Yugiri explicitly mentions it in Episode 12, stating that without Sakura, the strong wills of Sakura minamoto others would have caused the group to fall apart much sooner.

No sooner does she escape it and get shot by a panicky police officer than she discovers she herself is a zombie. In episode 10, Sakura finally loses her patience with Kotaro's crazy ideas and attacks him after encountering a boar in the snow outdoors and then towards her fellow group mates for seemingly wasting her time. Episode 11 furthers the deconstruction by showing that a continued streak of misfortune all but extinguished her sense of self-esteem and motivation. She died in when she was hit by a truck on her way to an idol audition earlier than usual.

Missing whatever hidden lessons there may be. This slowly phases out in Revenge where now that the two have established a stronger familiarity and trust, she's more willing to call him out when gets out of hand. Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass : In spite of her apparent clumsiness and pushover nature, she can tear you a new one in a rap-battle if you push her.

Cynicism Catalyst : Remembering how bad luck screwed her life again and again to culminate in her getting hit by a truck the day she was going to audition to become an idol, along with forgetting her experiences as a zombie, makes Sakura jaded, Sakura minamoto, pessimistic and bitter.