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She has put up signposts all over her land, and is trying to protect the remaining forest around her land by demarcating their customary rights to the forests. She came to the Indonesian capital Jakarta in for better opportunities.

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Out of 15 isolates, eleven isolates were included in group I and identified into genus level as Cryptococcus, three in group II as Candida and one isolate in group III identified Seksual di wamena species level as Cryptococcus albidus.

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Every day Kasmira works hard under the boiling hot sun, clearing bushes for the plantation. However, she has great hopes for her three children.

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Writer :. Type of sample sources appeared has no effect on yeasts diversity as shown by similar yeast isolate was observed isolated from different sources, Seksual di wamena. Their neighbours have sold their land to the corporation, but Mariode does not want to sell her land.