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It is an employment intensive sector with a vast potential for growth and exports but also a pollution intensive industry that relies on cheap labor.

Indian Small boy aunty xxx work nearby to their parents at a construction project in front of the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium on January 30, in New Delhi, India.

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A displaced Pakistani girl collects recyclable goods from a garbage to earn living for her family in Islamabad, Pakistan, Small boy aunty xxx, Tuesday, January 19, Photo by B. Fact Child Marriage. Despite legislation forbidding child marriage in India Child Marriage Restraint Act and the much more progressive Prohibition of Child Marriage Act and many initiatives to prevent child marriage, marrying children off at a very tender age continues to be accepted by large sections of society.

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My Reads. More than farmers have committed suicide in Tamil Nadu in recent months following crop failure due to poor rainfall and inadequate water for irrigation.

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Your Subscription Plan. The sheer scale of the project has drawn an enormous population of migrant workers from all over India.

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The children accompany their parents to the work site, where if they are prepared to work, they will receive money for bread an milk and be provided with dinner by the contractor.