SMK pemuda

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And interviews with Arabic teachers for solutions in translating Arabic. SMK pemuda its execution, the 28 Language Festival introduces Indonesian language and cultural diversity with a series of events, such as workshops, oration in 28 local languages, Nusantara Food Festival, Wayang Golek Performance, and various other activities to uphold the diversity of nature, culture and local wisdom.

From this diversity, Indonesian culture was born, SMK pemuda, such as traditional houses, clothes, ceremonies, dances, musical instruments and songs, weapons, and a variety of regional cuisines. This SMK pemuda was attended by students from all over Indonesia who came from various provinces and ethnic groups.

From the results of the research that has been done, it turns out that there are several institutions and difficulties in translating Arabic in class, SMK pemuda. Thus, that in this analytical study is known about the problems faced by students.

In general, there are two main difficulties in translating Arabic in Arabic learning in class, namely not reading Arabic SMK pemuda not having Arabic vocabulary wealth, SMK pemuda. The next step the researcher conducted an interview to explore information related to the difficulties and obstacles faced by students in translating Arabic in learning Arabic in class.

In addition, it SMK pemuda hoped that all participants who attend the event can foster harmony and tolerance in the existing cultural diversity. In addition, they also display works of poetry, theater, and collaborative works unique to the culture of the archipelago, SMK pemuda.

The whole world has a diversity of tribes, SMK pemuda, religions, and so on. This collaboration involves students from 23 tribes in Indonesia by presenting various cultures. The majority of participants are vocational and junior high school students who are expected to participate in preserving cultural diversity and also strengthening unity in Indonesia.

In conducting this research researchers conducted observations on several special accounting class X students who were unable to translate Arabic in learning Arabic in class.