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Ricky Lee. Sheree Josef Elizalde Azi Acosta. More like this. See all related lists ». House Maid as Riza Carpio.

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Top credits Director Mac Alejandre. Azi Acosta Shiela. Sex Games 1h 37m. Suzette Ranillo Shiela's Mother.

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Director Mac Alejandre. Mac Alejandre. Edit page. Arah Alonzo Jenny as Joharah Alonzo. See production info at IMDbPro. Sheree Debbie as Sheree Bautista.

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Diether Dolinog Construction Worker. Ricky Faustino Debbie's Husband. Debbie's Husband.

Share this page:. Jenny as Joharah Alonzo. Clear your history. Police Woman. Andrea Del Rosario Susan. Josef Elizalde Bobby.

Shiela's Father. Shiela's Boss. Trixie Escosis Police Woman. Shiela's Mother.