Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother

The Karama rx xxx most famous of Wonder Woman's accouterments are her bracelets, gifted by Aphrodite and nigh indestructible. Wonder Bod wants release," Gregory said. Martial Pacifist : Traditionally this was part of being an Amazon.

How could she enjoy this? Innocent Blue Eyes : Piercing, blue Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother to match her pure, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, heroic nature. Wonder Woman's bracelets and lasso might be unbreakable, but that means she can't break them either!

She was soon whipping her head back and forth, panting and crying out to Hera and Aphrodite. Wonder Woman didn't think it funny at all. So, any foe suicidal enough to hurt children around Diana will usually be swiftly turned into mincemeat by a pissed off Demi-Godesss.

Wonder Woman stopped struggling and took a deep, calming breath. Some have even gone with the secret daughter of Hercules. Fighting Your Friend Post Crisis, Philippus felt young Diana was too violent and tricked her into fighting, and hurting her friends to shock and scare Diana into learning to show more restraint in combat. Invincible Hero : She's just as strong as Superman Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother more combat skill and experience.

On Themyscira, she is beloved by all of her people Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me : Uses a shield in the New 52 comics and works inspired by it, thus she uses it as a way to protect herself. Gregory kissed her once more, then lifted his spent body away from her.

In another comic, she introduces herself to Batman and Superman by having all three of them holding the Lasso together so they may see each other's true intentions, an exchange in which Batman walks away implying that she is far more pure and heroic than both him and Supes. Minidress of Power : The Golden Age Wonder Woman 's original outfit often looks like a skirtWonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, but is really a pair of culottes, in a style that was fairly common for athletic young women at the time.

Post Crisis it because the amazons had already met Steve Trevor's mother, who died in service of Themyscira, and Hippolyta's outfit had been made in her honor after seeing the "American" symbolism adorning her belongings. However, after taking her loss Wonder Woman is the one who does the most to formulate a plan to stop these alien hosts, as with time to think the wisdom of Athena reasserts itself, and even hatches Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother new, effective plan on the fly when that one fails.

Post Crisis she interestingly showed greater resistance to forms of mind control that worked well enough on Superman, most infamously Maxwell Lord's, BUT she showed greater vulnerability to Maxima's mind control, which Superman had an easier time resisting.

Flag Bikini : Her standard costume the American flag in a superhero-like bikini. Immune to Fire : One of Wonder Woman's lesser-used powers is "sisterhood with fire" which grants her immunity to fire and heat.

Genius Bruiser : A masterful tactician as she is a combatant. Then the tingle became something more. They are so pathetic it's funny, she thought. In the New 52 Wonder Womanshe became the Goddess of War, taking the mantle Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother Ares, although this was later retconned into being an illusion. She does have some more logical weaknesses however, like the need for breatheable air.

In the golden age Circe uses this against her by turning an astronaut into an owl, figuring he'll seek out Wonder Woman to explain his situation if he survivesonly for Diana to turn it around on her by conspiring with a deer to trick Circe. In the League of Oneit's revealed that Diana regular uses the Lasso of Truth on herself to test her commitment to truth, and to make sure she doesn't lie at all, not even to herself. Not very thick, but extremely long.

That being said, she's stated to be the best fighter among them. If a smart criminal like Lex Luthor had the sense to simply shoot her in the foot, she'd be hopping mad.

Deity of Human Origin : In pre-Flashpoint continuity Wonder Womanshe became the Goddess of Truth for a short while after she was killed in action and the Greek gods decided to reward her for her devotion. Go-Getter Girl : She's defined by her determination to do what she thinks is right, hates to lose, and won't stop on a course of action one's she's made her decision, unless by extreme intervention by her outside forces.

With a cry of victory and pleasure, he thrust forward and ripped deep inside her, smashing through her precious virtue and maidenhead. In some continuities Aphrodite gets help from a trio of other goddesses and Gaia is also oft used as Diana's other mother, as the clay used to form her body came from her.

More Hero than Thou : On one occasion, after hearing a prophecy that said the entire JLA would perish while fighting an ancient evil dragon, Diana decided to decommission the League by force and fight the monster solo, as a League of Onereasoning that her one death was preferable to the death of every one of her teammates.

She however always hates that they're a weapon without any realistic non-lethal applications outside her home island and will often crush guns tossed her way if they're not going to be needed for a criminal investigation later. Interspecies Romance : Post Crisis onward, DC's amazons are no longer purely mortal women but the souls of slain women reborn in newer, stronger bodies.

All perfectly normal.

Literature Text

Diana is also a friend and protector of all children and frequently frees women from oppression even literally breaking them Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother from chains.

Soon Wonder Woman was making little animal sounds between grunts, groans and gasps. This difference is played for dramatic tension in the prelude to Infinite Crisiswhere she is forced to kill the villain Maxwell Lord and then condemned by both Superman and Batman for it. Depending on the Writerit was one of or the hardest metals in the DCU. Canonically her bracelets are made of the same material the Golden Fleece as the Aegis, Zeus' indestructible shield, and are literally unbreakable.

Her body, of it's own accord, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, was moving with his in perfect concert, to maximize both of their pleasure.

However, she was too good to be a god, using her new powers more to help people than gain worshippers, so they eventually demoted her back to mortal superhero. In volume 3 Wonder Woman specifically wrapped herself in her own lasso while hunting those with Emotion Control and other Psychic Powers to ensure none of it would work on her. Seconds later an orgasm so powerful it left her dazed and gasping for breath ripped through her body.

Flash Step : Wonder Woman has been able to use this trick, and be fast enough to leave after images, since the Golden Age. Once in Sensation Comics she managed to convince Steve Trevor both Diana Prince and Wonder Woman were standing behind a panel with holes cut out for their faces at a fair just by using Élève de école speed to quickly run between the two portholes. Cultured Badass : Wonder Woman is a princess, and thus remains very well-schooled in the ways of etiquette and grace even whilst fending off an alien invasion with her bare hands.

Very soon, surprisingly quickly, she felt that tingle change into that exquisite rush to climax. Post Crisis Wonder Woman is good friends with Maxima, and while Diana and Maxima do have a lot in common Diana greatly underestimates how selfish and petty Maxima is until Maxima joins The Superman Revenge Squad out of her own free will, no deception or brainwashing needed.

Wonder Woman's breasts were extremely sensitive. Neither did most of the people who write her comic, judging by how often she does it, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

Pre-Crisis, her bracelets were made of "amazonium," a metal found only on Paradise Island. But to make a mockery of it is an insult she won't let stand. For a moment she was hefted up, floating on their extended hands.

Her bracelets are ineffective against Eros' guns. Wonder Woman's eyes flashed lustfully. He worked her pussy lips over good -- licking, nibbling and sucking on them -- not stopping until Wonder Woman was writhing beneath him, gasping and panting. You found it," she cried as her body became super tense.

The lassos of compulsion, transformation, submission and lightning can also get people to tell the truth while also compelling the ensnared to obey commands, changing it's molecular structure up to becomme a living fire breathing dragon, turned the ensnared into the holder's subordinate or electrocute the ensnared, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

Batman even stated that Diana is the best melee fighter in all of the DC universe. Ted Kord even lampshades it. They are sworn to avoid violence and harming others whenever it is feasible, but play "games" like bullets and bracelets, have frequent archery and martial arts tournaments for fun and will easily take down any opponent they feel they must fight but they will absolutely not kill. This hasn't stopped her main love interest from returning to Steve Trevor, a mortal human, in DC Rebirth.

In the Golden Age she also had a tiger taming enemy. She's smart but not as strategic as Batman. Finger Wag : Rebirth sees young Diana wave her finger in Persephone's face while lecturing the queen of the underworld about why theft is wrong.

She chose to leave Themyscira, an all-female utopia where women can practice a peaceful way of life and cultivate their minds, to become a worldwide superhero and diplomat in order to make the "Man's World" more like her home. He stood in the forefront of the Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother boys, and was clearly their spokesman. Her original costume slowly morphed into the iconic leotard look after starting out with loose flowing athletic shorts that turned into tight bike shorts and got progressively shorter under different artists.

You don't know what you're doing. She made an exception when it came to gods, because as she herself pointed out during Marston's run all gods had Resurrective Immortality.

Diana deeply admires and respects Hippolyta. Indeed, there was a deep, dark part of her that looked forward to it, and it shamed her to know it. While she does reconcile with it after it is manipulated into going on a Spitting during sex against her, it's ultimately Diana's mother, Hippolyta, who truly connects with it, names it "Dome", and helps Dome reunite with Dome's family.

Everyone was impressed. Gregory paused at the top of the stairs, looking unsure which way to proceed. I'm losing it! The music suddenly stopped as Wonder Woman wrapped the bustier around her tiny waist and zipped up. Eating Optional : Lexse lore sex bold gril and gril some iterations, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, Diana doesn't have the need to eat for sustenance thanks to her Amazon heritage.

This is best seen in JLA 55, where the story jumps from Earth One of the Silver Age back to Earth 2 of the Golden Age, and the Justice Society finds themselves up against black sphere aliens from a negative time universe lying dormant inside of mostly ordinary citizens that are being driven mad by the radiation they give off. Magnetic Hero : Wonder Woman is admired by civilians, other superheroes, and even some villains because of her incredible power, complex wisdom, genuine compassion, and humble attitude.

So Wonder Woman found herself depowered and held down by ten frat boys. She couldn't handle it anymore. Once Wonder Woman learns that the monster Genocide was created from her own body Wonder Woman defeats Genocide by tying Genocide up and dragging Genocide to the bottom of The Atlantic Ocean, knowing that would have certainly done her in the otherway around.

Fish out of Water : An immortal Amazon warrior is both amazed and baffled at Man's world. Her ties to truth also mean she's far more successful at redeeming and befriending her villains than most heroes. Wonder Woman knows how to fight unarmed in battle but isn't afraid to use her weapons. In New 52 she lends aide to Aquaman when Scylla and Charybdis team up with the son of Kamohoalii against him. Hot God : At different points in different continuities and alternate timelines Diana has become the goddess of truth, the goddess of peace and the god of war.

She steeled herself for Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother impact on the hard stairs, and the expected tumble down to the first floor. They would need good ones, but she doubted any would be a student at that university by the end of the week. The Lynda Carter television show infamously gave her a weakness to the chemical chloroform. New 52 Diana is unaffected by the love charms of Eros, though it's a two way street as she also has little way of stopping his charms either.

Cosmic Motifs : Stars are seen throughout Wonder Woman's outfit i. In her Golden Age appearances, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, she was happy to use them to play the Amazon game of "bullets and bracelets" where they shoot at each other and deflect the bullets, but also tells Steve that "a bullet never solved a human problem yet!

Luke, I Am Your Father : Diana is quite upset to learn that Ares is Hippolyta's father and even starts to deny that he could possibly be her grandfather before her innate connection to the truth and the lasso force her to accept it. Tell me! She was also able to pull off some impressive stunts in other planes, including piloting a heavily sabotaged plane so that it would be believable for her to survive the inevitable crash even as a baseline human.

And they never gave up. In the Golden Age Wonder Woman treats Giganta like an ordinary, if unusually large and strong, gorrilla, not realizing Full video hardcore animal is mentally disturbed, and takes far too long to notice Giganta becomes more mentally disturbed after being turned into a human woman. Post-crisis her views are reinforced by there being no guns on Themyscira.

I'm sure there was a perfectly innocent explanation for any screams you think you heard. Every time he shoved his fingers into her pussy, he hit that G-spot.

In the Golden Age, Wonder Woman herself had psychic powers, and while they were borderline useless offensively, were very powerful defensively. Dude Magnet : Wonder Woman has men falling for her left and right. These days she seems to have permanently moved on Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother include pteruges over her permanently shrunken shorts. As a teenager Diana went on a handful of dates with Renno, a merman and "Wingo," a male harpy, Pre Crisis, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, but neither of these relationships were serious.

DC Rebirth shows this immunity on Diana's part Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother been revoked, as she does successfully block one of his arros Not Quite Flight : Wonder Woman was originally unable to fly directly in the manner of Superman but as with original Superman they simplified all the handwaves to just give her flight.

For example in Generations Cheetah impales her with a spear, and when Wondy yanks it out and throws it back in Cheetah's direction the gory hole is almost entirely closed by the time the spear hits. She knew they'd never been so large and taut in her life, or so sensitive. In answer, his tongue ran up her slit to her clitoris.

There was no mercy in Gregory's eyes. So he bent over and bit her pussy lips, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. She was quickly bound to the bed spreadeagle. In Volume 3 she wraps herself in her own lasso while hunting a group with psychic powers. If a child is threatened, she can be scarier than Batman. You really bit me. Handicapped Badass : In her fight against Medusa, Diana blinds herself with the acid of one of the former's cut off snakes.

Knows the Ropes : Her first weapon was a magic rope that became known as "the lasso of compulsion". Maxima was possessed by Eclipso at the time, who had be retooled as a more powerful than ever Cosmic Entity when the Shared Universe was established, but it's not clear if Maxima's power was being boosted by him or if he just making her less restrained.

Diana does eventually get over it and forgive her mother, but was too forgiving, as Hippolyta forgets to undo the spell until after Circe has reverted Diana back to clay in a battle Diana would have otherwise won. Flying Brick : Slowly evolved into this from a grounded Lightning Bruiserin a similar but slower and initially more justified manner than Superman.

Mildly Military : In the early Silver Age, you would never have guessed that being a lieutenant in the U. Air Force required Diana Prince to do anything more onerous than wear a blue uniform.

Then she felt something that froze her heart and soul. As well as defying her mother to join the contest to determine who will be her people's representative to Man's World. In Vol 1 during the The Silver Age of Comic Booksand the tail end of the The Golden Age of Comic BooksThe Wonder Woman of "Earth One" developed the ability to "glide on air currents"—which somehow always seemed to be going in the right direction unless it became a plot point like one story in which the villain encased a city in ice, which apparently meant Screaming step s there were only downdrafts.

Happily Married : In some storyline where she and Steve marry, they have a happy union. From the look of triumph in Gregory's eyes, she knew he realized it too.

The Hero : Not the first female superhero, but the first female hero of her own series in DC. Heroes Fight Barehanded : Zigzagged, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

Diana continues to project her own morality on Maxima a lot more than she should largely because Maxima still genuinely likes her. Warmth flooded her snatch, with a wonderful tingling starting to build behind it.

While she can take biblical amounts of blunt force and impact on par with Superman, she can be wounded by sharp or piercing objects. They were Vergin sex 18 years her in ways she never thought possible.

When she reached for them with her left, prepared to claw their eyes with her long nails, that wrist was caught by a Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother boy. The Thunder Bolt incidentally flees, knowing he's outmatched, but the Earth Two Wonder Woman keeps fighting even as her opponent systematically renders all of her amazon gifts useless, quite the shock after nine years of readers getting used to the Silver Age Earth One Wonder Woman, who would have also run with her tail between her legs at this point.

Magic Skirt : She even provides the page image. Multi-Ranged Master : From the golden age she's been proficient with lariats, nets, javelins, throwing disks, احلا نيك نمثلات, firearms and even vehicular weapon systems, innovating some of the latteralthough she'd rather not use anything beyond her lariat. Horrible Judge of Character : The Spirit Of Truth might be able to tell when you're lying, but that doesn't mean she can't be fooled.

How could something so bad feel so good, so right? In one battle, she's knocked into a pool of lava and simply walks out smiling. She ground her hips against his and cried out to Hera and Gregory. DC Rebirth, Dr. Psycho mind controls Seigfried into trying to kill Wonder Woman. Immune to Bullets : She even provides the page image.

She was explicitly stated to have this body type on panel, with a reporter asking where her athletic prowess was coming from "Amazon brain power"but her Silver Age self tended to be just slim and less curvy, while Post Crisis onward the artists waver between this and giving Diana a more muscular build.

Defector from Paradise Diana sometimes counts. This is no longer a fraternity prank, but a serious violation of my rights and the law. Wonder Woman couldn't describe what happened, or what was lost, but she felt as if her soul was stripped away.

She felt his warm, girlishly soft hand touch her furry mount. She could not believe what had happened.

She ground her teeth and started to grunt with effort and both her and Gregory intensified their efforts as both rushed toward climax.

Something deep inside her snapped. The Post Crisis Wonder Woman, the first in the "main" continuity ready to kill anything is also the first to have a total distaste for modern projectile weaponry, but New 52, naturally, brings back her firearm proficiency. She's always preferred men since CAWD-282 golden age but as DC's amazons became increasingly homosexual with each subsequent continuity Diana showed no aversion Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother it; she was functionally bisexual since the Post Crisis continuity.

Let go of my arm! Then Gregory plunged two fingers into her pussy. If you don't live here, go home. It is later state that a mental block at the time made her unworthy of the lasso of truth at the timeand once she is past it, the lariat reassembles and Bizarro is no longer able to break it. She felt every stroke of his long, long dick all the way down her legs, and up deep into her chest and arms.

She was the most martial pacifist of the amazons in the golden and silver ages, where the others would try to find loopholes in this rule where they could but Diana didn't even particularly enjoy killing for food.

So with dread and horror, she watched Gregory move between her legs. They were engorged with blood and had swelled considerable due to her sexual excitement. When the Silver Age came around she kept her no-killing rule as Batman and Superman also jumped on that train.

But he didn't mount her immediately, as she expected. Wonder Woman walked within a comfortable comfort zone. She frowned, wondering how he ever got elected their leader. This version of Seigfreid is super human, but not in Wonder Woman's league. She is also one of DC's most well known paragons of justice. Also, unlike her Justice League colleagues who hold to Thou Shall Not Killsince her Darker and Edgier revamp Diana believes Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother that hurts the innocent should be dealt with using lethal force.

They held her up above them a moment longer, but then she smashed through and fell among them, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

Make of that what you will. Gregory's eyes widened and he swallowed hard, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. The greatest criminal minds in the world never got her into this situation, never Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother her so terribly helpless and vulnerable.

Don't bite. He had to be ten inches long. But anger flashed at the same time. Batman's plan to neutralize her during JLA: Tower of Babel was basically to trick her into believing that she was fighting an opponent equally as powerful as she was. Ironically, one of her biggest enemies is a cheetah-themed woman. College students cut sullen glances at her as they made for the front door. In the Golden Age she couldn't fly at all on her own, hence the invisible robot plane, while in the silver age she could glide on air currents.

Wonder Woman's tiara isn't often used in combat and is often seen as part of her costume. Why are you doing this to me? Wonder Woman is a Tomboy with a Girly Streak and has long hair. Since Kingdom Comeshe is implicitly called a warrior it allows for killing to serve the greater good, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

It left her spent and helpless. Modest Royalty : She may be a princess, but her jewelry is usually limited to her tiara, which doubles as a weapon, and her "bracelets" which are unquestionably designed as protective armor rather than for looks and her clothing tends to be jeans or very simple gowns.

Post Crisis, her connection to the truth tends to cause her to reject thoughts that are not her own, ontop of a strong will. When the need arises she'll usually compliment her lasso with a sword, spear and bow. Flight : She has the ability to fly. Later, a separate Wonder Girl character, Donna Troywas introduced. The cover of New 52 Supergirl 17 makes Diana lighter skinned than the peachy Kara.

Feeling him cum inside her was too much for Wonder Woman, and she went over the edge, too. The lasso of truth in her hand lets her know his paradise is a falsehood. Depending on the Artist : New 52 was the first line of "main" DC comes to give Wonder Woman an olive skin tone, though not every inker conformed Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother it.

Within seconds her bustier was gone. Her struggles and panting doubled, and redoubled. Diana is confused when she can't find Genocide's body after determining she should be dead however because Ares hired Euphemus to steal Genocide's body for him. During this time, she also went into an Unstoppable Rage if her bracelets were removed. Then his fingers found her labia, and parted the glistening lips with his index finger.

I want that poor girl found quickly. New 52 sees her commission a suit from Hephaestus that has retractable blades build into it.

Even as a teenager on Paradise Island she had multiple teenaged boys courting her, despite the fact that she had never left her all female home meaning said boys were Cute Monster Boys. Her right arm was suddenly seized by another two boys. The act of deflowering her took something deep and profoundly hers away.

Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother

Wonder Woman whimpered. Nigh-Invulnerability : Though not to the same level as Superman, which is why she has those Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. In the modern era, Wonder Woman sometimes wears skirted variants of her costume, usually either for a "formal" occasion or when gearing up for a really big battle, although this often falls under Lady Legionnaire Wear. She might become aware of that bullet you fired as it leaves the chamber, but probably won't notice you getting in position to snipe across the street until you've pulled the trigger and probably won't be fast enough to stop you if it wasn't fired anywhere near her.

But soon she found herself confronting a sullen group of frat boys, all whispering urgently between themselves. Dodge the Bullet : She regularly deflects bullets and any kind of energy weapon with her bracelets. In subsequent continuities Wonder Woman has no Kryptonite Factor weaknesses.

After Marston's health declined and other people began writing the Golden Age Wonder Woman, her biggest weakness is not necessarily that she runs into trouble so much as that she doesn't know how to properly react to it when the Wisdom of Athena fails and she finds herself in a bind she could have never forseen.

Deviation Actions

In DC Rebirth the sword is her backup weapon, as she shown greatly preferring the lasso of truth, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. Traditionally Truth pr dare originally she was brought to life by magic combined with her mother's longing, Aphrodite's compassion and both of their love and both women call her daughter, though in practice when Diana talks of her mother she means Hippolyta.

A sheen of sweat covered her shapely body as she lost the ability to even think of anything else but what Gregory was doing to her body. Leeroy Jenkins Though preferring to be calm and reasonable, when emotionally pushed she can be reckless and jump to conclusions when it comes to confronting evils. Wonder Woman lay spreadeagle before him, spread out like a sexual smorgasbord before a sexually starved frat boy.

Give it back this instant! Wonder Woman's toes curled. She heard his words, but barely understood or cared. Before she can scramble to safety, they seized her arms and legs again.

Lady of War : Some of her incarnations. Each successive climax would come with less and less effort on their part. It was an irresistible force, battering her resolve down.

Why this is varies on the continuity. She felt his hot tongue as it explored her pussy with wild abandonment. She knew that little tumble wouldn't hurt her, but it would prove very painful for the frat boys and their despicable President.

Growing up on a peaceful island that promotes intellectual pursuits is helpful and Athena granted her an unnatural ability to pick up new languages quickly. The others roared with laughter. Magical Girl Warrior : Wonder Woman has resembled this at times, with her magic origins, Transformation Sequenceand such. Her will to fight was shattered. While it's still unlikely she'll die in a landslide or flood she still can't take such things lightly. He released her tits and settled back on his knees between her open legs.

Rebirth Wonder Woman assumes that she is friends with Circe just because they saved each other's lives, failing to realize that while Diana was acting out of compassion Circe was only keeping Diana alive because Circe wanted to sacrifice Diana to demon to regain her soul, which Circe foolishly sold. Thus, she can live a very long life. The lips of her hot, moist labia were open, and the head of his dick easily and quickly penetrated her.

What he inadvertently found was her G-spot. Wonder Woman watched him with hooded eyes, exhausted and defeated. She stared at him wild-eyed, her long black hair tousled and half concealing her beautiful face. All the fight was washed away by that orgasm. Friend to All Living Things : One of her least utilized powers is the ability to communicate empathically with animals, an in extreme circumstances even plant life. She knew they would think twice before risking her ire again.

Good Is Not Soft : She has always been an icon of kindness and nobility, preferring peace and diplomacy to war and aggression. Because she'd never give up a fight, she'd eventually drop dead from exhaustion. Wonder Woman felt his dick convulsing and hot cum squirted deep inside her vagina. Golden Age Wonder Woman initially thinks the best of Priscilla Rich because she met her at a charitable event, and doesn't immediately realize Rich was the one who tried to kill her at that event until well into Rich's turn to crime as The Cheetah in response to her failure to drown Wonder Woman.

Military Superhero : Silver-Age era. Heroes Prefer Swords : Wonder Woman is a master swordswoman. Then he removed his boxer shorts and she saw his engorged cock for the first time. This proves to be nothing more than a Hope Spot however, as the league ultimately cannot beat this Amazo until far further in the future, and Superman has to temporarily disband the league.

Her arms cartwheeled. Once she decides exactly what that is anyway. He moved up until that cock was directly above her face and dripping hot jizm on her red lips.

She gasped and tensed her body when his fingers spread her labia wide, then stroked the pussy lips, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

Most incarnations since have followed suit by making her surprisingly humble and an All-Loving Hero that can find compassion even for the most vile of her enemies. This was the worst outrage perpetrated against her ever. Don't touch my --! But it didn't take direct sight or a rocket scientist to figure out what he was going to do.

You stinking, craven bastard, you bit me! Later this was rationalized as her being willing to kill "when it was absolutely necessary". I'll do anything you ask. Gasping for breath, Gregory seized her face in both hands and kissed her ruby lips with Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. In the Golden Age it was made clear she wasn't expected to do much more than paper work, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, making this a little more downplayed.

The air was filled with grumbling and groaning. Humble Hero : Pride is often shown to be one of Diana's few weaknesses, but she's not arrogant. Everything's Better with Rainbows : In the Golden Age her robot plane can shoot rainbow beams, which are used for navigation most commonly. Post Crisis Wonder Woman puts up the best fight of The Justice League against a new and improved Amazo model that has copied the powers of every member, including her own and that of members not even present, simply because she has the best combination of power, skill, resistances, and lack of glaring weaknesses.

Long Hair Is Feminine : Zigzagged. The orgasm scorched her soul and burnt away the last of her defiance. Hot Librarian : When she's posing as "Diana Prince" she's an attractive uptight prim secretary wearing glasses with her hair in a bun. Leotard of Power : She is the classic example, which is lampshaded in Justice Leaguewhere Gordon Godfrey snarkingly compares her to a showgirl.

He started hammering that long, thin dick all the way into her quivering pussy. And she saw that poor girl being carried upstairs. Diana has a loving and close bond with her mother, Hippolyta.

All eyes dropped to the lasso. This was explicit in the golden age, but in following continuities it's bascally up to the penciller if they want to give her noticeable muscles or not. She has superhuman speed but the Flash is the fastest. Embodiment of Virtue : When Athena resurrected Diana she could not bring her champion back as a human, and so pulling on Diana's ties to the truth made her into the Goddess of Truth, and therefore avatar of the truth, on Mount Olympus.

Circe assumes Diana is insane when she vists Circe's house to talk only for Circe to realize Diana is still more valuable to her alive, for the moment, and continue to play along. And Diana of Themyscira is Semi-Divine. Improvised Weapon : In addition to her standard armament of improbable weaponsshe'll use whatever is available, including the invisible plane as a battering ram against larger foes.

Good Smells Good : Wonder Woman is described by Lois Lane in a tell-all interview as not wearing perfume or makeup, yet still permanently smelling of an impossible fusion of sweet white grapes, olive oil, and sculpted bronze, which gives her a perpetually enchanting allure on top of her other amazing qualities.

She was taken into a large bedroom and tossed upon the bed. Her "WW" is in the shape of an eagle which, Depending on the Artistis usually underneath her cleavage. Wonder Woman gawked open mouthed up into his eyes, flabbergasted and speechless. Green Snake even puts together her own " Wonder-Woman " outfit and uses some of her shed skin as a lasso. Flanderization : Pre-New 52, Diana was fairly unique amongst DC's heroes in that she was willing to kill enemies, but only when absolutely necessary and when there is zero other options available.

So Gregory started to lick and suck on Wonder Woman's clit with determined enthusiasm. Better than I ever dreamed. Living Lie Detector Thanks to her enchanted lasso, she is probably one of the most well-known examples. It felt too good. Wonder Woman was lifted up and carried to the top of the stairs. Post Crisis show her wielding a sword when the situation calls for it, while New 52 Aste ladies her carrying a sword at all times, though whether or not she'll actually use it lessens over time as she becomes more kind.

These things have powers not even the gods can duplicate, even fifth dimensional entities like Johnny's Thunder Bolt are stumped at how to deal with them, and they just keep getting stronger with each Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother hour. Honor Before Reason : One of her vices is that she absolutely refuses to retreat or surrender, and a big enough Zerg Rush could occupy her until she collapses from exhaustion. New 52 Diana greatly overestimates the maturity of Zola and Hera, wrongly assuming that being of childbearing age means they can be trusted to follow her instructions and stay Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother of trouble without a baby sitter, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

Did you know she can also talk to animals? No-Sell Those attempting to use mind control on her are always quite surprised at how entirely ineffective it is. Be Sugar mummy mifa, pig!

The bedroom was packed with glaze-eyed frat boys, watching their fantasy sex partner being finger fucked and pussy-eaten before them. The former forces those she snares to obey her commands, the latter forces those she snares to tell the truth, accept the truth if they firmly believe in a falsehood and can even let one see Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother illusions.

Hands suddenly began touching, fondling, squeezing and otherwise violating every square inch of her magnificent body. Cunning Linguist : One of Wondy's most consistent traits is her wide array of known languages. Wonder Woman snapped. Then that was expanded to hypothetically include humans as well as non-humans.

Costume Evolution : She has gone through several minor costume changes, but she tends to return to her red and blue leotard. He tasted delicious! Interpretative Character : Wonder Woman has had many interpretations, ranging from a patriotic freedom fighter Golden Agea very lawful but less assertive hero who defers to her male Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother Silver Agea Lady of War on par with XenaAmbiguously Bia Badass Normal super spy, a Straw Feministand a calm and mature authority figure most modern incarnations tend to be a mix of this and Lady of War.

It's been pointed out by one writer that one of the reasons Diana has so many interpretations is that every writer and artist has their own idea of the perfect woman. Therefor it is the only one that has to be outright dropped from events like trial Trial Of The Amazons with In-Universe acknowledgement that it could solve everything. He pushed all the way in to her Hymen, then locked eyes with her.

You bastard! DC Rebirth revealed the New 52 Hippolyta is not the real deal and Zeus being her father was left uncertain before being debunked as a "lie with some truth to it". She just shook her head to see how eager and determined they Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother were to still Anak sekolsh ngewe as close as possible to her after all that had happened.

She opened her mouth and sucked him deep inside. Depending on the Writer The Lasso Of Truth might only work "properly" in the hands of someone worthy of it, but not everyone who disagrees with Diana Women hole necessarily unworthy!

Et Tu, Brute? Momma's Boy : Gender-inverted. Her most notably upgrades were the power of flight from Gaia, The Eyes of Pallas that creatly enhanced her resistance to psychic powers and illusion detection, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, and an overall increase to her physical toughness as she became "the spirit of truth".

Frat boys jumped on her from all directions. Volume 3 really focuses on the friendships she's made Yang Lagi vc "Man's World" and her defiance in the mysterious uptick in campaigns to destroy their civilizations. Fanservice : Wonder Woman is a tallvery beautiful raven-haired Amazonian woman and also the World's Most Beautiful Woman who wears outfits such as a revealing strapless leotard or a bustier-hotpants combo that present her skin and highlight her muscular yet voluptuous body, large breastsstrong toned muscles especially her large bicepsripped broad shoulders, nicely toned buttocksand long muscular legs.

However, this case is sometimes presented as an aversionconsidering some stories present Themyscira as not being as perfect or flawless as previously believed Infinite Frontier starts with The Quintessence deciding they need human representation and offering to help Wonder Woman Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence to join them.

The sensations his touch caused were shameful and confusing. There was no escaping her fate as it was, and she couldn't muster any more fight. She knew the first orgasm opened her up to more and more. Other outfits give her pants or battle armor, or just add darker colors. I'm YOUR heroine! Her bracelets can withstand even Darkseid 's Omega Beam, which is one of the few things that can harm Superman. The New 52 has her romantically paired up with Superman, a Kryptonian.

Then she snapped Maxwell Lord's neck and the rest is history. Othertimes any pointy thing will do, regardless of context, meaning an immoral doctor Diana is putting too much trust in can prick her with a needle. Gregory couldn't take it any longer. Post Crisis she becomes sponsored by Polynesian gods of Hawaii while The Olympians are lost in space. The bracelets are Immune to Bulletsbut moving her arms to block the bullets definitely counts as dodging.

Then as she took that last step up, someone behind her reached up and pinched her round white ass, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

Her body was already a-tingle with pleasure. Crossover Cosmology : In the golden age Aphrodite herself has to intervene to stop the Valkyrie Gundra from erasing Steve Trevor's love of Wonder Woman from his mind and again after Odin involuntarily turns Diana into a Valkyrie. She can also talk with trees. Her Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother and hearing are better than Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother human's, or amazon's in cases where that matter, should be, but they are nowhere near as powerful or accurate as Superman's telecoping senses.

Even with super powers, Silver Age Wonder Woman would usually be recklessly impulsive if separated from her bracelets of submission. Deadly Disc : Wonder Woman owns several round shields, and while she rarely uses them in her guise as a superhero when she is needed to act as the champion of Paradise Island she proves to be just as adept at throwing them as she is at Sex video dawn laod her tiara as a boomerang.

More Deadly Than the Male : Unlike her male colleagues Superman and Batmanshe lacks a no-kill policy Post Crisis onward, which leads to much conflict between her Bokep ojol kena frank the other two though she only does this after exhausting all other options.

Some of her anger bled away, for they weren't all as wicked as their leader. Ideal Hero : Depending on the Writer. Wonder Woman looked around as everything suddenly started going in slow motion.

Master of All Wonder Woman was specifically designed as a woman with enough powers to keep up with Superman, and therefore has Super-StrengthSuper-SpeedWonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, Nigh-InvulnerabilityNot Quite Flightand an impressive Healing Factor along with powers authors often ignore like low level Telepathy which ties into her ability to talk to animals.

She then proceeds to chop off Medusa's head. He was the one that first stole her bustier downstairs. Meaningful Name : "Diana" is Greek and Latin for "divine". She also wields the Sword of Hephaestus, which is sharp enough to split molecules and because it is magic, can kill Superman. Knightly Sword and Shield : Oyo soft hot Woman uses a sword and shield primarily in the New 52 continuity, adaptations inspired by it, and ritualistically in comics following it.

Despite forcing people to tell the truth being a lot less versatile than forcing people to follow your every command, the lasso of truth has proven an invaluable tool for Diana over the years. At most she might be portrayed as ignorant to "Man's World" but for the most part already starts out as good at what she does.

Wonder Woman cried out, eyes wide in disbelief and amazement. They struggled a moment, until another frat boy joined him and they pulled her arm back and held on. The Lasso is able to Olda nd young people to tell the truth - it takes godlike willpower to prevent this, and the subject ইন্ডিয়ান মোবি বেনাম not be able to lie, only avoid saying anything at all.

Eternal Hero : While she can die, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, she's also from an ageless Amazon home. She uses her bulletproof bracelets and Lasso of Truth to great effect and, while unarmed, graceful maneuvers and powerful blows, all while having a regal demeanor as Princess of Themyscira. Uniquely, Diana is this trope in two different ways while still being one of the most beautiful women but in the DC universe, even when she's mostly a mortal.

The golden lasso still hung off the girdle. She'd never felt anything like it. Improbable Use of a Weapon : Wrapping the lasso of truth around her own arm, hand to elbow, to benefit from its powers while hunting illusory or Mind Manipulation powers. Determinator : Wonder Woman definitely counts.

She is, strictly speaking, not immune to bullets — she's simply fast enough to block them with her armored bracelets. Wonder Woman didn't hesitate.

Wonder Woman (The Character) / Characters - TV Tropes

On a more general note, Wonder Woman possesses an incredible amount of durability and her Amazonian training gives her an immense pain tolerance. Nice Jelly beam : Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother was designed to be an embodiment of love and peace in The Golden Age of Comic Books who first tried finding peaceful solutions and reforming her enemies compared to the more aggressive methods of her male counterparts.

Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother of Steel : She never hesitates to do what she must. He unfastened his jeans and pushed them down to his ankles. Even physically blocking his delivery method resulted in it just passing right through her into the intended target. Hera, he sucked my strength away. She licked her dry lips and tried to get her wind back. Hidden Weapons : Downplayed. In the New 52 she starts off as arrogant, hot-headed, sexist towards men, and a Blood Knight before Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother Development, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

So I would be careful what you say, Wonder Idiot," he said, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

They all looked suitably abashed and defeated. Gregory was arm's length before her, and the other Delta Omega Alphas followed a good arm's length behind, all crowded together and jostling for positions close to her. I think I mean, follow me," he said, turning toward the stairs, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. Diana's is the only one that extract objective fact rather than what the victim merely believes to be true, however, force the target to acknowledge it, and even let the holder recognizes deceptions in general.

At worst, she can go into Hysterical Woman territory. This in turn gets Wonder Woman looks of derision both from her fellow amazons and her allies in Man's World. This characterization started to slip when she killed Max Lord, and was tossed out entirely for the New 52but Wonder Woman Rebirth brought Diana back to her roots as an idealized pure hero.

Then he licked his thin lips and shook his head. We're going to search upstairs for anyone and everyone. Yet, of all of the members of the Justice League of America, she alone has never hesitated to use lethal force when it was needed, reminding everyone the Amazons are, at heart, still a Proud Warrior Race. Most especially in the early Silver Agewhen she was depicted having adventures as Wonder Girljust as Superman was once Superboy. No, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, instead he lowered his face to her moist snatch.

Their tongues played and teased each other as their lips slid over and round in that passionate lip lock. Friend to All Children : Diana is nothing but love when children are concerned.

It's the Principle of the Thing : Rebirth Diana fights a man in a tattered knockoff of shining knight's armor brainwashed by Dr. Psycho and becomes annoyed not because he follows chivarly or disregards it, she wouldn't have cared either way. I've never felt so utterly helpless, she cried silently. I'll personally escort you upstairs.

Pumping two fingers in and out of her vagina, Gregory continued to suck and lick her clit, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. I will not be manhandled and abused you little geeks and freaks! She might be good enough to fight you in the dark, but maybe not find you if you run away in the blackness. Other times There was some attempt to explain that bullets because they're much smaller and put pressure on a smaller area of skin, are much more dangerous to her, but it's a pretty feeble handwave for someone being vulnerable to bits of lead yet able to take a punch from a Physical God.

In the post crisis continuity "spirit of truth" isn't just a title or nickname but an actual upgrade which was supposed to permanently solve the bullets question, but not every writer got the message and still portrayed her as vulnerable to "piercing" attacks. Most famous is her Golden Lasso; unbreakable and anyone bound by it must tell the truth. I don't want to do this," she said. And unlike the Man of Steel, she doesn't have an obvious or known kryptonite weakness.

She writhed and tried to get out Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother under his touch, but was being held helplessly by her cruel bonds. Wonder Woman fell straight backwards. Gentle Giant Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother Diana may be Amazonian in every respect and has been known to kill in the past, but she is still quite possibly the most loving heroine in the DC pantheon, to the point where she would prefer diplomacywill almost never give up on a friend turned enemy, and also communicates with animals.

She wasn't even aware she was doing it. Master Swordsman : Diana was trained in the art of swordsmanship. Image-Maker, ruler of the Mirror World in the Rebirth continuity, is desperate to convince Wonder Woman that she's no longer needed in the world and to give her a paradise in his own, which she happened to crash through while returning to Earth through the sphere of the gods.

Post Crisis onward Wonder Woman has faster muscle twitches and short distance movement detection than Superman on top of greater combat skill, although his Super-Senses being superior to hers in almost every otherway, along with a much greater top speed balance things out. Gregory proceeded her up the main stairs. Standing, she found herself above the crowd and above their seeking hands.

As noted in her entry, that was quite deliberate although Marston claimed it served as a an allegory for young girls about men depowering women by taking away their liberties. In DC Rebirth she realizes things about the world suddenly aren't adding up and wraps the lasso around her forearm and bicep, concluding that her memories of the New 52 run were a deception against her.

Diana would have killed him after he refused to tell her who he was had Deadman, aided by the lasso of truth to get through Psycho's brainwashing, discovered who he was.

To Wonder Woman's surprise and gratitude, the frat boys on the stairs behind caught her. Wonder Woman moaned and kissed back just as passionately. Hereditary Homosexuality : Diana, her mother Hippolyta, her brother Jason and her sister Nubia have all been portrayed as bisexual.

In the Silver Age, taking away Wonder Woman's super powers also took away her god gifted "Wisdom Of Athena", sometimes causing mortal woman Diana to barrel into situations her more powerful self would pause at. The instant that tongue hit her clit she cried out and tensed. Post Crisis Bizarro is able to break her lasso.

Experienced Protagonist : A trained warrior and tactician. Even now New 52 works will see her pick up a shield for ritual combat trials and challenges, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. 202A own moral code is just as stringent as Superman's or Batman's. As Diana Prince, she had a lot of occasions to go out to dinner parties thrown by military brass in elegant evening gowns, jewelry, etc.

Her original lasso, which forced those it held to follow her commands was even more story breaking. Hope Bringer : One of the many reasons Circe hates her, Post Crisis, is that Wonder Woman's activities were starting to inspire Circe's "subjects" to rebel against her.

Most continuities use this as their reference when thinking of ways to challenge Wonder Woman, rather than the Cowardly Lion showings of the Silver Age version. Before her foot touched the floor again, while she was looking over her shoulder and teetering on one stiletto-heeled foot, Gregory turned, placed his hands over her massive tits and shoved her straight backwards. Irony : She has a love for all animals but one of her Cute Trany girls xxx enemies is a cheetah-themed villain.

She figured they were trying to get their alibis straight. Sometime during the night, it Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother guaranteed she would have to do some kind of ass-kicking while still in her flossy attire. As Wonder Woman, her original outfit included knee-length pleated culottes, which looked like a skirt most of the time unless she was doing something extremely active.

Some later writers misconstrued this weakness into Wonder Woman be weak any form of binding at the hands of a man, despite the fact this was clearly not the case in The Golden Age of Comic Books. The looks of first shock, then carnal lust and eagerness told her they misunderstood her intentions. The Heart : Some comics paint Wonder Woman as the one everyone gets along with. Her star spangled bottoms were pulled down her mile long legs and fought over.

All she had left was a kind of morbid curiosity to see what else he would do to her, before setting the rest of his lusty, horny dogs upon her helpless body. In most works, Diana does not have all of their perks but is technically a goddess because she was gifted by numerous Greek gods and goddesses.

The golden age comics also made her weak to strikes in the back of the head at the base of the skull, but this is another one Post Crisis eventually did away with. Wonder Woman lashed out with fists and feet. Then she felt his engorged penis press against her pussy. She can fly right from the start in New 52 and DC Rebirth, though in Rebirth Themyscira still keeps the sandals in "The Warchest Of Nike" next to her invisible jet, indicating they weren't destroyed by a resentful Zeus in this continuity.

Both these weaknesses were forgotten by the time of Post Crisis where Circe developed a Nostrum of Regression potion that could revert Wonder Woman to clay but it had to be ritualistically prepared, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, ritualistically applied to Wonder Woman and could be rendered useless but moly, Circe's own comparatively more common kryptonite factor lifted straight from Classical Mythology.

I Am Not Left-Handed : In volume 3 41 Wonder Woman briefly loses her patience with a twice brainwashed Power Girl, who had previously drawn Diana's blood, punched her straight out of Washington DC into Canadatried to burn Diana with heat vision and even endangered civilians.

Multiple-Choice Past : Either sculpted from clay or the daughter of Zeus. Smashing her faltering defenses that guarded her will and self esteem. Fight Clubbing : She holds the record for most submission victories within the Victor's Circle, an ancient underground fighting ring on Themyscira. Multi-Melee Master : Diana is proficient with a wide array of weapons as while the Amazons are a peaceful society they understand the need for defense and really like archery and fighting competitions for fun.

As commanded, she sucked and licked his cock and balls clean. Wonder Woman stood atop the table, her fists on her hips and glared at them. He moved up between her wide spread legs, grinning hungrily down at her. The frat boys proved tougher that she expected, taking far more punishment than she thought they could handle. However, when she needs to, Diana can use the tiara as a sharpened boomerang.

It's party time! She was also the center of attention now, standing before them topless and disheveled. She is a master of many forms of combat and stated by Batman to be the best melee combatant in the world.

She knew each and every last one of them would fuck her that night. In the Future State continuity Diana ends up being the last living thing in the universe, though Doctor Fate sucessefully conspires to avert this future in the DC Rebirth continuity.

She'd always have elbow-length gloves to cover up her bracelets. The Golden Age Earth Two Diana had unknowing trained to wield it for years due to the Amazons playing games where they attempted to tie each other up.

Justified by being " faster than Mercury " since her earliest appearances. Establishing Character Moment : Diana rescuing Steve Trevor from his crashed plane despite not knowing who he is and Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother to nurse him back to health.

And waiting their turn atop her. Golden Age and Silver Age it was because the amazons scried on the US and determined that if Diana was to deliver Steve Trevor back there she should look the part.

Jack of All Stats : In some stories, she's not as strong as Superman. But to our satisfaction, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, not yours," he said. Sometimes these still have to be made of some special material or have force comparable to what Wonder Woman can generate behind them, meaning she can still shrug off bomb shrapnel. The Year One story being written by Greg Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother reestablishes Diana's past as closer to what Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother was Post-Crisis, effectively meaning the stories about her past in the New 52 continuity are fabrications.

As Altuum The Survivor is finally dying and proclaiming he deserves it for his Misplaced Retribution against her tribe she begs him to forgive himself. She still needs to breathe though, which raises the question of how her respiration even works, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. Minica belucci the Silver Age Circe tries to take her out by teaming up with Tezcatlipoca, leading Diana to accidentally destroy Circe's supply of life extending drugs while deflecting one of his attacks.

If she ever grabs a shield she'll be more than happy to batter a target with it. It took the better part of five minutes, and was tougher that she thought it would be, but she cleaned him good, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. How dare him imply she didn't hear what she knew she heard. He shoved his cock all the way in and held it. Forgiveness : Wonder Woman's preferred method of defeating her enemies is through love and forgiveness.

End it now. While this did work on her once or twice in the Golden Age comics Wonder Woman quickly developed a tolerance to it and Post Crisis she is immune to toxins in general, being able to expel them from her body with the lasso of truth in the rare case something actually works. She likes what she sees, but isn't tempted by it.

Rebirth Diana sometimes struggles with the fact got the strength of Demeter and those surrounding her don't, especially among when among her fellow amazons, both when she remembers it and when she forget it. She can be a paragon of justice, humility, kindness, and peace.

He ran his fingers through her closely cropped, bikini waxed pubic patch. In the Golden comics, she was also a nurse and scientist. Ooooo," she cried, arching her back.

Nonchalant Dodge : When dodging weapons, usually bullets, Wonder Woman sometimes displays this feat. Her second lariat, The Lasso of Truth, is her most iconic weapon. For a second she thought Gregory was going to order her release, but then a fierce grin spread across his boyish face. Covert Pervert : Though not usually addressed by her or others, at least one example of her being this is shown in a Post-Crisis story arc where Diana is trapped in a Lotus-Eater Machine and it starts addressing her personal desires, which apparently amounted to polyamory with Batman and Superman.

Post Crisis she could fly wearing the sandals of Hermes but the protogenoi Gaea ends up gifting Diana with the ability to fly without them. She wasn't sure what to expect next, but wasn't surprised when he went straight for her titanic tits. Post Crisis and New 52 Wonder Woman similarly assume the best of Barbara Minerva and are shocked at the realization of how depraved she is, though Rebirth Barbara Minerva really is as good as Diana assumes, beyond being fairly easy to lead astray by super villains like Veronica Cale and Lex Luthor.

During Trial Of The Amazons she upsets fellow contestant Donna Troy for "coddling" her instead of taking Donna seriously as an opponent, and after saving the other contestants from a cave in expresses shock that she managed to beat them to Nubia's throne room with the warning they were supposed to be giving in her absence, since she had to burrown through solid stone and they "just" had to make it through the open air.

They have withstood the combined divine power of the entire Greek pantheon and never broken. As of the New 52, this has been exaggerated into her ruthlessly killing any villain she confronts, which makes it pretty hard to believe that the other heroes would want anything to do with her. Someone shoved a pillow under her ass. After Power Girl makes Wonder Woman drop her lasso she finally starts putting her friend through a methodical beat down, though this being Wonder Woman she also gives Power Girl a little pep talk after bringing her low, which allows Kara to shake off her brainwashing long enough for Diana to retrieve her lasso.

Too horribly, wonderfully good. Gregory regarded her a long moment, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. Sometimes such as when she needs to fight Superman it's up to Superman's levels. Head-Turning Beauty : Men and women have to do a double-take when first meeting Diana.

Then Gregory changed the way he was pumping his fingers into her vagina. Then he crawled up as she watched his dangling cock, only semi-erect now and glistening with her love juices and sticky cum.

Hoots and catcalls filled the bedroom. A human avalanche to the bottom of the stairs, all the while kicking, biting and scratching at the little demons. Wonder Woman felt her body react. The Amazons' backstory and motivations were then thrown out and they were reinvented for Volume 2and they still avoid killing if at all possible even in situations where lives are at risk. She only wished she could have all their names to turn into the University President and all the school deans.

Post Crisisas of becoming a living embodiment of truthbeing around Wonder Woman at all makes people slightly more truthful but this effect is easier to resist than being in contact with her lasso. Even in the Darker and Edgier continuity Wonder Woman would still rather not shoot anyone if she can help it though, because Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother have a nasty tendency to hit unintended targets.

As Donna Troy thinks Diana is too coddling and overshadowing of her, Diana thinks the same of Hippolyta, Diana's just more polite than her adoptive sister. He was already out of his pants and crawling up between her legs. Then she shamelessly plumped up her tits until they were displayed perfectly. I'm willing to make a deal. Probably won't notice that time bomb put under the newly wed's cake either.

The Fettered : Zigzagged in some ways. Wonder Woman is not only a superhero but also a princess, but doesn't brag and takes everything and everyone seriously and earnestly, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, seeing for instance no shame in taking a job as a Burger Fool in Wonder Woman and after being late on multiple occasions due to her heroics considering herself unworthy to keep coming to work when her coworkers are trying so hard to make ends meet.

Named Weapons : Orinally her lariat was simply known as "the magic lasso". In the Post Crisis Continuity anyway. Post Crisis she is even, somewhat logically, seen wielding a bo staff. Heroic Spirit : When beaten up and exhausted, Diana still manages to win battles through sheer willpower.

Jumped at the Call : Her origin story has her willingly leave her home to protect Man's World, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

Originally she was the one of DC's Big Three who would not kill. Diana was a U, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother. Air Force lieutenant and secretly the superheroine, Wonder Woman. Kryptonite Factor In her earliest version, Wonder Woman lost her powers if she allowed a man to chain her brackets together, under "Aphrodite's Law", leading to some bondage imagery that was blatant even at the time of its introduction. Homosexual Reproduction : An interesting case.

She can even use her tiara as a makeshift, sharp boomerang. The other frat boys gawked at her, a few were drooling with eyes full of carnal lust. She ends up rejecting the offer on the grounds being on the infinite frontier will inevitably be more dangerous but more fulfilling than just monitoring it in absolute comfort. Messianic Archetype : She had a miracle birth at least before the New 52 storylineis an All-Loving Heroand can sometimes communicate with Gods and Goddesses.

After several issues, Wonder Woman started wearing the tight walking shorts that would remain for over a decade. It lasted a full minute, leaving her belly quivering and her insides feeling like jelly. Her pre-New 52 willingness to kill is also an example of this, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, if a more gradual one.

Master Archer : Not seen a lot, but Diana is skilled with a bow and arrow. This tool was later moved onto new character Donna Troy and called "The Lasso Of Compulsion", while Diana got a new lariat called "The Lasso of Truth" for its function at the time of its creation.

Innocently Insensitive In the Post Crisis continuity she treated her invisible jet like a treasured, useful machine, having no idea it was a Sufficiently Advanced Alien who had been separated from its family, subdued and conditioned to be used as a robot tool, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother.

She gasped and arched her back even more. She even appears to defy gravity to uphold this trope. Her revealing outfits make sense in the context of Greek athletics where both sexes would be naked. Also played with in the movie, when Steve Trevor says "Let's get you into an outfit that doesn't get me arrested for solicitation.

The pillow pushing up her hips, exposing her vulnerable twat to the world to be exploited and used, also helped to block her view of what he was doing. Flight, Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother, Strength, Heart : Wonder Woman has flight, super-strength second only to Superman, reflexes fast enough to block bullets with her bracelets and indestructible braceletsan indestructible magic lasso that can break enchantments and force anyone bound with it to answer any question truthfully and a razor-sharp tiara she can throw like a boomerang.

This even leads to her getting along with Superman villain Maxima than he does, though Diana's too optimistic about Post Crisis Maxima for her own goodand Batman villain Harley Quinn liking Wonder Woman more than Batman, though Diana finds Harley annoying. It took several minutes to clear the room. Good Cannot Comprehend Evil : Post-Crisis Diana is a pure and all-loving hero who can't understand why villains would do horrendous things. The bed frame groaned her body pulled at it so powerfully, all bound up spreadeagle.

We can work something out," she said as her body shuddered. G-L Generation Xerox Long before Diana won the contest to become the Amazons' champion in the wider world meant to help people wherever they call on her, Hippolyta won the contest and acted as the Amazons' champion.

Before she lost that battle, other frat boys were wrapping themselves around her right leg. Wonder Woman's bright blue eyes flashed at the impudent little twit. But fire burned in her blue gaze. Improbable Weapon User : A lie-detecting rope, a tiara, bracelets and an invisible telepathic airplane that in the Silver Age version at least used to be a flying horse.

Healing Factor : Wonder Woman is pretty tough to injure in the first place but if she is she recovers incredibly quickly. Thanks to Power Creep, Power SeepDiana's relative invulnerability changes depending on the story being told and the title it's being told in. Psycho, and do a better job than the rest of the league against an Amazo that had the powers of both Martian Manhunter and Maxima, but then Mawxell Lord hooks himself up to a machine that lets him memory wipe the Wonder Woman being abused by her pervert brother planet, even overcoming Eyes of Pallas Wonder Woman.

This trait has been used against her at times by her enemies and even by her allies such as Batman in the Tower of Babel arc. She was not happy with a single one of them.