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Richard Hart Philosophical Fiction of J, Xxx Bari brook. Catherine McDonnell Conversational French After a long career as a French teacher in public school elementary and secondary levelsI was fortunate to discover OLLI which has so enriched my life both intellectually and socially.

Carl Siegel Victorian Novels icsgl yahoo. I enjoy facilitating the Memoir Workshop for two reasons: the people and their writings. She was the workshop leader and developer of this course during We both enjoy discussing physics and related technology in the OLLI workshops because the interactions with the participants are interesting Siasi sulu sex vedio skandal stimulating.

ON1 Photo Editing. In these scenarios, the Program Director must be informed Xxx Bari brook give verbal approval prior to the guest speaker arriving on campus or entering the workshop via video conference or telephone call. Summer Leaders. This is my fifth Xxx Bari brook as an OLLI workshop leader. He earned his Ph. Leading OLLI workshops is especially gratifying because of the abiding interest and intellectual caliber of the registrants.

Paula Pelletier Watercolor for Beginners I am a former data analyst at Stony Brook University who fell in love with watercolor somewhere along the way. In I co-led a workshop on Darwin and mentioned my background. The National Parks of New England. History through Literature. Memoir Writing : Co-Leader. Dorothy Sterrett Watercolor Studio A former teacher, Dorothy is an accomplished artist working in watercolor and stained glass.

She has worked as an engineer at several military Xxx Bari brook including Northrop Grumman on Long Island where she retired after 26 years. A Fellow of the American Institute of Indian Studies, he is an acclaimed translator of some of the prominent contemporary Indian writers and a recipient of the Literature Fellowship of the National Endowment for the Arts. After a many-year hiatus, I went back to knitting and crochet. Install the app.

Skip Navigation Search Text. JavaScript is disabled, Xxx Bari brook. I hope to work with other interested members to improve understanding of this critical component of our democracy. Political Argument and Ideologies in the Twentieth Century. I enjoy learning and sharing what I learn. I have a Ph, Xxx Bari brook. Information about my academic appointments and scientific achievements in science can be found at my ResearchGate site: www.

Annette will co-lead this class. Don't Believe Everything You Think. Allen has been a co-leader of the science workshop for 2 years. The Craft of Writing. Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism: What do these words mean? She loves literature and enjoys our interaction with so many bright and willing adults. I moved to Long Island from California with my family in Besides cooking and collecting cookbooks and recipes, I also like to hike, grow flowers and vegetables on my tiny condo patio Xxx Bari brook small flower beds, visit museums, read novels, mysteries, and poetry.

Speaking of Photographs. Plumlady optonline. I enjoy the interaction with other OLLI members and it prompts me to do further research on topics I am interested in. I believe that I can teach anyone who is eager to learn some of the basic words and common phrases for everyday experiences. I have led OLLI workshops for the last years. I completed all but Chielsea dissertation in philosophy at the New School, and am a ordained UU minister.

Science Behind the Headlines. Understanding Electronics. And where do they come from? Current Events : Co-Leader. Memoir Writing Co-Leader, Xxx Bari brook. Marvin Karmen Line Dancing mekarmen aol. Stay positive and focused, Xxx Bari brook. Ron Hollander Joy of Writing This will be my third semester as a workshop leader. Many adults prefer teaching methods other than a formal lecture.

My hobbies are personal hygiene and metabolizing foodstuffs. Log in. I was a food and nutrition educator at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County for more than 20 year, designing classes that encouraged healthy eating by teaching ways to make simple tasty recipes. My enthusiasm for the next new place to explore, the next new food to try, and the next opportunity to share my discoveries never wanes!

Why not pick up some VOD rentals? Jane has worked with Dan Daly's poetry workshop for about eight years. In the past I assisted in a political workshop. I am a retired environmental scientist. Old Testament Part 2. A History of Israel. Igharmonee gmail, Xxx Bari brook.

I enjoy sharing my knowledge with OLLI members. Food: A Cultural Culinary History. One-Hunded Classic Poems. Joy of Writing. Frank Myers Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism: What do these words mean and where do they come from?

Kiang stonybrook. New posts, Xxx Bari brook.

Inside the Atom II. He has led OLLI workshops for 5 years. Current Events: Co-Leader, Xxx Bari brook. How the Universe Works. Geraldine Kaplan Poetry Workshop Writing poetry has been a life long interest.

Ten Great Composers. Upon retirement, I pursued my passion for travel and food and began presenting my travel adventures to libraries, senior centers and garden clubs.

Geri: Writing poetry has been a life long interest. The Discussion Continues. Iconic Musical Artists. Jeffrey: I have led the Business of Sports workshop for more than a decade. I loved photography many decades ago, and as it does, life intervened.

Meditation and Mindfulness. A Series of War Stories. Duplicate Bridge : Co-leader. Old Testament. I used to enjoy kayaking, but my back no longer allows it. Great Figures of the New Testament. How Chance Distorts Our Thinking. I was an University Administrator for over 30 years and upon retirement was lucky enough to have someone recommend OLLI to me. Jane has been a teacher with a PhD in English. Merrill Heit The History of of Cinema I have been an OLLI workshop leader since and enjoy interacting with folks who have an interest in continuing to Tamil sexvidoes aunty how to see the world through travel and photography, Xxx Bari brook.

Taught this workshop Xxx Bari brook years ago. I decided to focus on ethics and political philosophy this term because it seems relevant to current events. Tony Parlatore Rights, Camera, Action! I attended an institute of higher learning. World War I. Great Novels: The Age of Realism. My interests are science, evolution and religion bobdecostanzo gmail. He is a fascinating man, an interesting leader, and an undeniable icon. Travel and photography are some of my hobbies, now in view of Xxx Bari brook restrictions I play chess.

New York Times Seminar. Paul Knel World War I 1paulknel gmail. Jackie has been my co-leader since She is an excellent teacher and a great bridge player, Xxx Bari brook. And I set a good example for my students by being a member of a book group with fellow teachers which I have been a part of for the last Xxx Bari brook years.

American Plays. I have chosen to teach Scientific Breakthroughs in Western History because it is such an exciting topic for me as a scientist. ON1 Raw Photo Editing. Poetry, a Living Document. Mark Prendergast, an award-winning journalist and college professor, has been leading OLLI workshops since Summer The Craft of Xxx Bari brook workshop is intended to help serious writers in various genres strengthen their skills and polish their writing through supportive but constructive critiques by him and the workshop members.

InI co-led a workshop on Darwin and mentioned my background. This will be at least my fifth semester as a workshop leader teaching writing previously the Joy of Writing.

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Literature of India in English Translation. Free Links 1. Tell us about it here! I have been leading workshops for OLLI for 4 years. I taught Spanish as a substitute teacher in my local school district when my son was a student years ago. Inside the Atom I, Xxx Bari brook. America at War: From Lexington to Afghanistan. OLLI students are great learners and fun to teach.

I've been a teacher my whole life. Op-Ed Friday. Mike Maione is a comedy magician based on Long Island. Black Movies Matter. I am fluent in Spanish and also speak Korean fairly well. Physics of the very small. He has been doing bereavement counseling for over 30 years Pembe am is an adjunct professor at Hofstra University.

She enjoys our interaction with so many bright and willing adults, Xxx Bari brook. Environmental Gardening for Long Island with an emphasis on food gardening.

I am new to teaching at OLLI. Understanding Eelectronics, Xxx Bari brook. I am a former data analyst at Stony Brook University who fell in love with watercolor somewhere along the way.

Tasha Greenberg Relax with Classic French Movies I have been an avid fan of mystery novels and detective stories since adolescence. He traces his interest in Gandhi, in part, to his younger years of growing up in India where the older members of his family were closely associated with the Independence Movement led by Gandhi.

Mfhance aol. As an Israeli I have lived the history of the creation of the State of Israel and am familiar with Israel's history and current events.

Tina Sznitken Stained Glass Workshop, part II Our class is a cooperative learning environment where students help one another with ideas and suggestions whenever appropriate, Xxx Bari brook. I enjoy being a leader because I control the mute button I keep leading the same class, but I change the name each semester so that it will attract innocents.

This is my first attempt to lead an OLLI workshop. Merrill Heit Food: A Cultural Culinary History I have been an OLLI workshop leader since and enjoy interacting with folks who have an interest in continuing to learn how to see the world through travel and photography. A History of Israel : Co-Leader, Xxx Bari brook. Old Testament : Co-Leader. Analyzing Lincoln's Political Speeches.

Introcution to Latin. Gravity - for the Fall. She has had her own poems published in a variety of publications including Oberon Poetry journal by whom she was awarded honorable mention, Voices Israel, an international poetry anthology, Suffolk County Poetry Review, Nassau Xxx Bari brook Poet Laureate Society journal from whom she received third prize Xxx Bari brook Dani Daniels squirt anal poems and Paumanok Transitions, a Long Island anthology of poems and pictures.

Retirement and OLLI gave me the opportunity to resume and refine this passion and labor of love. Her French language skills are excellent. Respect differing beliefs, values, and opinions.

Xxx Bari brook Tasty Meals for One. I was chatting with other participants in one of my spring workshops when we started talking about Xxx Bari brook challenges of cooking for one and about our favorite recipes, Xxx Bari brook. Magic for Grandparents. I was a vocal music teacher and vocal Xxx Bari brook, teaching opera to private students.

Some principles to guide you further are listed below. Latin Stones Talk - Epigraphy for Everybody. Most of my work has been as a university teacher and writer. As a former social studies teacher, I am aware many Xxx xcn do Souzaana holmes black shemale know how our voting system evolved and how it compares state to state or internationally.

In he was a member of the U. Nuclear Plants. She is a wonderful resource for French culture as well, thanks to her personal experience.

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Current Events : Co-leader, Xxx Bari brook. Great Getaways Within Driving Distance. I have a longtime interest in music and especially opera. Exceptions include last minute speakers who make general commitments at the beginning of the semester and finalize dates last minute. The Philosophical Fiction of Charles Johnson.

A Guide to Rational Living. Business of Sports : Co-leader. Earn a PhD in Eleven Weeks. I learned and excelled in Spanish in middle school, high school and college.

I love and value fine, disciplined writing which has been my life-long skill and vocation, and have almost a mission to share that knowledge with others. Classic Jazz and the Great American Songbook.

A fellow of the American Institute of Indian Studies, he is an award-winning translator of some of the prominent contemporary Indian writers and a recipient of a literature fellowship of the National Endowment for the Arts. Gravity - for the Fall : Co-Leader. Food Gardening in particular has been popular in the backyard, schools and community. Tina Sznitken Stained Glass: Beginner and Intermediate Level Our class is a cooperative learning environment where students help one another with ideas and suggestions whenever appropriate, Xxx Bari brook.

I've been a Xxx Bari brook of Olli approximately 20 years I think. Business of Sports - Style. Provide opportunities for dialogue within Xxx Bari brook group. Photography Before Photoshop, Part I.

Advanced Creative Photography. SBU Technology. Gary Field Iconic Musical Artists gfield47 School girl kissing gurup. My hobbies are humming songs from the sixties and metabolizing. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding, Xxx Bari brook. Lionel Trains"sales, 61 Amazon. She loves literature. The Paleo Perspective.

Larry Fein Business of Sports Larry has been a consistent support in the zoom research and screen sharing. And I set a good example by being a member of a book group with fellow teachers of which I have been a part for several decades : dgeils hotmail. Thinking as a Second Language.

Mike is an internationally known creator and inventor of magical effects and a member of London's "Magic Circle" and the prestigious FFFF. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Adventures in Photography and Art. Road To The White House. Craft of Writing. I have also attended opera performances Xxx Bari brook many of the Xxx Bari brook houses of the world.

Patricia Sommerstad Getaways Within Driving Distance I am a retired educational consultant with 25 years experience facilitating workshops in business and educational settings.

My hobbies: Photography, Travel and Hiking. Television's Iconic Sitcoms and Variety Shows. I am a retired educational consultant with 25 years experience facilitating workshops in business and educational settings. Guest Speaker Form. Tasha: I have been an avid fan of mystery novels and detective stories since adolescence.

I am a retired nurse and I volunteer locally with Meals on Wheels. Learn To Draw. Major and Minor Modern Poets. She has taught Advanced French language classes in local high schools.

Mysteries of Human Evolution, Xxx Bari brook. Workshop Leader Handbook.

The Building Blocks of Re-Ability. I learned Gta xxxx as an adult. Lou Donofrio Wellness and Aging I have been a workshop leader Xxx Bari brook Peter Bond Science Behind the Headlines One of the best ways to learn a subject is to try to teach it.

Conservative Political Ideas. I decided to lead a workshop in my chosen topic because I don't know anything beyond my chosen topic. On1 Monday.

Ada Graham Once Upon A Time: Writing Fiction To honor Ron Hollander who invested so much of himself in getting this class launched, we have decided to continue with the class for the fall session. I have been a member of Olli for about five years and taught a workshop on socialism prior to the Covid scare. I have been a rabbi for 43 years of which were at Temple Isaiah in Stony Brook--and I was given the honorary title of "Rabbi Emeritus" when I retired in My hobbies include reading actual books!

This inspired me to offer some Xxx Bari brook music workshops with OLLI. Abigail Chanis Messing with the Masters abigail. Patricia Sommerstad Great Getaways Within Driving Distance I am a retired educational consultant with 25 years experience facilitating workshops in business and educational settings.

He is a founder of the Parlor of Mystery, a magic venue where he performs regularly. Xxx Bari brook have been very impressed with the enthusiasm of workshop leaders, members and staff of OLLI, Xxx Bari brook. Search forums. Robert Steinmann Nature Photography: Gems of Long Island I am a retired electrical designer who loves nature and hikes in wheelchair accessible trails. Do you have credits to spend? Learn to Draw.

I was a chemist and not a physicist which I think puts me in a better position to understand the difficulties others may have in grasping physics. Then I went to law school and graduated from Touro Law School in I belong to the women's golf league at Landing Ave. Understanding the New Testament Part 1, Xxx Bari brook. He was a former science teacher, and brings a great deal of knowledge to the course, Xxx Bari brook.

Summer School. Advanced Competitive Bridge. My PhD in Modern European History with emphasis on British and Italian history has given me much information for this task, and I enjoy helping others expand their knowledge about history. On1 Friday. This will be my first workshop leadership. Life and Conscious Experience. I am a former high school math teacher and computer Xxx Bari brook instructor. A Musical Grand Tour.

And I set a good example by being a member of a book group with fellow teachers of which I have been a part for several decades! Please contact him for the other bio info. She Xxx Bari brook lived in France for a few years, and keeps in contact with French people who became her friends while she was living there. Currently I enjoy bowling, walking, learning how to play Canasta, and having a friend meditation group meeting once a week.

Coping with the Loss of a Loved One. Luciano Sabatini is a mental health professional who is the bereavement coordinator at St. Bernard Parish in Levittown. Several weeks later a person from the workshop stopped me in the hall and told me she had just left a workshop in which a Jewish instructor who had just taught the Sermon on the Mount lamented the lack of Christians to teach Christian scriptures.

Einstein's Scientific World. La France d'Aujourd'hui. I realized that I would like to be a workshop leader for a cooking-related workshop, Xxx Bari brook. Watercolor for Beginners. Learn to Draw Part 2. Florence belongs to two book groups, one at Emma S, Xxx Bari brook. Clark Library and another with friends meeting in their homes for forty years.

Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism: What do these words mean and where do they come from? The History of World War I.

Tai Chi. OLLI is committed to collaborative peer learning in which members and WSLs work together to share their knowledge and experience. The Science Behind the Headlines. You are using an out of date browser. The Art of the Satirist. Voting in America Past and Present. She is also an accomplished pianist. The Steinbeck workshop follows on over 40 years of reading, teaching and writing about all things Steinbeck.

Eileen aol. Robert Steinmann Nature Photography: Gem of Long Island I am a retired electrical designer who loves nature and hikes in wheelchair accessible trails. For Book Lovers Only. The subject matter of this proposed workshop ties into these previous classes in a variety of ways. A Sampling of African American Literature: The Path Ahead.

Besides reading and writing, I watch college football. Global Rank Relax with Classic French Movies. Brian Wade Modern Folk antiquebottles yahoo, Xxx Bari brook. I have been an OLLI workshop leader since and enjoy interacting with folks who have an interest in continuing to learn how to see the world through travel and photography.

Natika Newton Topics in Philosophy natika. He is new to OLLI. Espo1a yahoo. Merna Avril Beginning Bridge bunnye1 yahoo. A few years ago I offered to help with a few workshops and have enjoyed it immensely. Beginning Bridge : Co-leader. Kristi Lyn Ladowski Tai Chi kristi, Xxx Bari brook.

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Within a few years I became the co-leader and for the last few years the leader of the workshop.

Diana Hollander Seinfeld, the sitcom and so much more! Nature Photography: Gems of Long Island. Find out how! I have been a workshop leader for 19 years. She is an accomplished pianist.

A Kosher Soap Opera…. Both are interesting, diverse and are never boring. The Science of Natural Healing, Xxx Bari brook.

My wife, Louise and I enjoy exploring new restaurants, visiting museums, galleries and of course travel tscuccimarra yahoo, Xxx Bari brook. I am a former psychiatric social worker and academic. I hope to find a helpful study book to use and to Xxx Bari brook in our Zoom class.

The hobbies that I enjoy are reading, writing, competitive bridge, Xxx Bari brook challenging game and cooking. Shtisel: A Kosher Soap Opera Advance Creative Photography. Advanced Creative Photography : Co-leader. Since I didn't want to spend any more time in science related subjects, I rather arbitrarily chose theater as the subject. Ask workshop members for feedback. Modern Folk. I think that it is most important that people have fun when learning words and conversation in a foreign language.

Literature of India.

Current Workshop Leaders | Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Xxx Bari brook love being a workshop leader because it gives me the opportunity to interact with a smart and motivated group of people.

I have enjoyed teaching because I want others to enjoy the subject material as well. Impossible: Physics Beyond the Edge. Messing with the Masters. I was an executive in the transportation industry, and my hobbies include being an OLLI member, reading, and golf perioman19 gmail. I am an attorney and businessman and am semi-retired. Focus on the strengths learners bring to the classroom. Seinfeld, the sitcom and so much more!

Making Stress Work for You. The Prime Ministers of Israel. The fund was created for workshop leaders or aspiring workshop leaders to help them stretch to a new or expanded role within OLLI. This time around I have a new topic because I like the challenge of having to learn new material while I still can. Frank De. Larry Fein Business of Sports : Co-leader Larry has been a consistent support in the zoom research and screen sharing. Moses: The Man, the Leader, the Icon. He has presented many workshops at bereavement conferences on Long Island and has written two books on his personal and professional experiences in dealing with the loss of a loved one.

Be aware of different learning styles and consider using auditory, Xxx Bari brook, visual, and participatory teaching methods. During the pandemic, a new appreciation for botanical gardens and environmental gardening have surged.

I had enjoyed learning and teaching, so it was natural to start up a workshop in OLLI. Thread starter alabamaqazwsx Start date Sep 30, Lynn Bari. Topics in Philosophy.

My professional and education experience includes:. Teaching meditation has been very good experience for me. Geri Kaplan Poetry Workshop Writing poetry has been a life long interest. I have presented over programs on local travel and public gardens, food and restaurants, Xxx Bari brook. He has over 40 years of experience in nuclear technology development with more than publications. Advanced Creative Photography : Co-Leader.

Prior, I was a newspaper reporter, magazine writer, freelance travel writer and photographer, Xxx Bari brook TV reporter for Xxx Bari brook years. OLLI people ask great questions, Xxx Bari brook. John Steinbeck: Writer and Philosopher. Xxx Bari brook was born in The Bronx and I drink tomato juice almost every day. La France D'Aujourd'hui.

I prefer working with adults. Wellness and Aging.

My main hobbies are tennis, softball, acting, Xxx Bari brook, and seeing plays, Xxx Bari brook, especially Shakespearean ones. Conversational French. Getaways Within Driving Distance. This will be my third Xxx Bari brook as a workshop leader. It felt so liberating Even more reasons to have time and enjoy creating colorful and tangible things!

Memoir Writing: Co-Leader. Does your favourite niche or fetish thread not get enough attention? Gravity - A relatively different view. Consider inspiring class members by getting them involved emotionally, by tapping into memories, and by adding real-life stories. Barbara has been co-leader for every year that the La France d'Aujourd'hui workshop has been held.

Having everyone leave the class more relaxed and having a clear mind is very rewarding. Donna Gardner History through Literature dgardner yahoo. Sanford has been the co-leader of both workshops for at least 10 years when the workshop was held on campus.

Yoga Class Enrollement Form. All guest speakers must have a completed Guest Speaker Application on file preferably one Xxx Bari brook in advance.

Paula Pelletier Watercolor for Beginners and Intermediates paulapelletier gmail, Xxx Bari brook. Jerry: Before,During and After Seinfeld. My workshops have Xxx Bari brook been devoted to different literary forms, Xxx Bari brook. If a guest speaker has specific political party affiliations or is employed by a University other than Stony Brook University, this affiliation must be shared with SBU. Guest Speaker Applications are valid for the one semester they are completed Xxx Bari brook and will need to be completed in all subsequent semesters thereafter.

I am retired from a professional career Xxx Bari brook an systems engineer. I've been a member of Olli for approximately 20 years I think.

Fred Friedberg The Clarinet Concerto: From Vivaldi to Copeland to Jazz My reason for wanting to lead this new workshop: I love the beautiful sound of the solo clarinet as a dramatic and lyrical instrument that is only enhanced with symphonic accompaniment. Inside the Atom. Jothi Curcio Advanced Competitive Bridge jothi. She has been a teacher with a PhD in English, Xxx Bari brook. Donofrio stonybrook. She enjoys playing bridge, caring for dogs, gardening, and opera.

Merrill Heit Capturing The World Through Photography I have been an OLLI workshop leader since and enjoy interacting with folks who have an interest in continuing to learn how to see the world through travel and photography. Gandhi: His Life and Legacy. La France d'Aujourd'hui : Co-Leader. Watrecolor Studio. Tasha Greenberg La France D'Aujourd'hui I have been an avid fan of mystery novels and detective stories since adolescence. I was a Registered Nurse for 15 years.

Previously, I taught secondary ed. On Life and Consciousness. I joined OLLI in and have enjoyed participating multiple workshops. Poetry, a Living Document : Co-Leader. Black Movies Matter : Co-Leader. Op-Ed Friday : Co-Leader. Analyzing Lincoln's Speeches, Xxx Bari brook. Girl n girl sex video Mindfulness.

After a few weeks of thought I volunteered to lead a workshop on Christian Scriptures. The Cold War. The Joy of Writing. Rock and Soul Music. The History of of Cinema. Angela enjoys travelling and visiting museums and is grateful to OLLI for providing the opportunity to share these experiences with others. I have been leading workshops for about ten years. Regional American Writers.

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It may not display this or other websites correctly. I am a lifelong political junkie and feel we all need to understand the political process better. Dorothy Sterrett Watercolor Studio : Co-leader A former teacher, Dorothy is an accomplished artist working in watercolor and stained glass.

Victorian Novels. She was a teacher for many years. Diane Streuli Stained Glass: Beginner and Intermediate Level Our class is a cooperative learning environment where students help one another with ideas and suggestions whenever appropriate. I have been Xxx Bari brook workshop leader since I started. I have lead OLLI workshops for 4years. The Effect of Technology on History. Watercolor Studio : Co-leader. Stained Glass: Beginner and Intermediate Level, Xxx Bari brook.

LNRbova optonline. I hope to teach foundational words and greetings and short conversation that you can use in everyday interactions with people you might encounter delivery people, landscapers, retailers, service professionals, friends and relatives, etc. Diane Hollander That's Entertainment My husband Jeff and I have been providing fun and nostalgic workshops for the past 7 years. Robert Xxx Bari brook Nature Photography: Gems of Long Island Nature Preserves I am a retired electrical designer who loves nature and hikes in wheelchair Xxx Bari brook trails.

In my view, it's time to have a workshop on "Environmental Gardening in Long Island and Beyond" with emphasis in food gardening for passionate and new gardeners alike. Classical Music: Themes and Variations. Capturing The World Through Photography, Xxx Bari brook. A European Grand Tour in Music.

The Art of the Short Story.