Xxxx ramana vateya vidio

The first wave came from the Mediterranean regions, through the west Asian land routes, to Bharata in the first quarter of Xxxx ramana vateya vidio third millenium B. They developed into the famous Ahi and the Alii-Iksvaku stocks. State, M B. Cyril Waugh v. Visnu Purana, Venkatesvara Press, Bombay.

Jeo- nandan Dusadh, 1 I. Mafijuddin Molla, 65 C. Gourie Ammal, M. Subba Rao, M. Abdullah v. Pargiter should have searched for another Bharata in the Puranas. Ordinarily a dying declaration of this kind which the prosecution had relied upon was by itself insufficient for sustaining a conviction on a charge of murder. Swarnamovi v. One of his adjectives, Vicchinna-Sarasai-Bandhava, seems to me to suggest that Nanna took particular interest in the revival of Prakrta poetry which was going out of use as we know that almost all of the Jaina authors who lived immediately Xxxx ramana vateya vidio Puspadanta, for example, Jinasena, Gunabhadra, Somadeva, Akalamka and others, wrote Xxxx ramana vateya vidio Sanskrta.

Abdulla V. JeonandatB Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, 1 I. Dwarka Pra- I. Narharl Hari Vaidya v. Rahman v. Humanity is incessantly attempting to right its ideology for further progress and that should be the endeavour of every scholar and statesman. We find this principle of marriage followed by the Rastrakutas and the Kalacuris.

But the game of dice with stakes aksa-dyuta was no less popular. No such troubles probably Xxxx ramana vateya vidio when the rivals happened to be concubines bhogini Polygamy was so firmly established in princely circles that the presence of one or more wives was never considered a disqualification in Xxxx ramana vateya vidio suitor and never any hesitation was shown on that score by the parents of the bride.

The Angirasas and the Vasisfhas are not separate ethnic stocks. Xxxx ramana vateya vidio Rgveda clearly postulates and unequivocably echoes the factum of the foreign invasion and occupation by the Aryans over the western Bharata-land, later to become Brahmavarta. Rahim Gul Hanif Gul v. The office of ministership was hereditary in the family but there seems to have been an interruption just before Bharata who is said to have restored the family to the position which it had lost.

It even gives a few lines peculiar to it alone, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. But far and far more numbers from them had continued to be drawn into the Brahmanic fold. C C. Kailash Behari. A Hindi prose translation of the work is published trans. This foreign element in human thinking is introduced by some historical ethnic group, hence the historic importance of the analysis and diagnosis of the ancient ethnology.

Scholars like Sylvain Levi, John Perzyluski, Jules Bloch and others went into the basic sabstratum of the Aryan languages and advocated the theory that the pre-Aryan and the pre-Dravidian Austric languages could as well provide the substratum to the foreign words in the Aryan languages.

The Rgveda is the most important source that throws flood of light on the ethnic problem of Bharata, The Rgveda is the history of the two mutually opposed ethnic groups, the Aryans and the Bhhratiyans. The Dravidian problem, like the Aryan one, is another most vexing problem of the Bharatiya heritage.

We shall then wage an incessant war against what is traditional, obscurantist, ritualist and parochial, other names of materialism, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, in our culture and re-win what is permanent, enduring, freedom and equality, other names of spiritualism, in our culture.

The former are white-skinned; the later are dark-skinned. Jagadeswara Reddi, M. Sulalman v. IV, 31,8. With such co-operation as I have been receiving, I expect to be able to carry on the work of the series.

Their non- association with any ethnic groups shows them of later origin. The history does not afford any parallel to this peculiar phenomenon. Dhanjibai B. Vaidya's presence on the spo! Ram Kumar Das v. The anthro- pologists have rendered better service, though limited, by examining their body-structures, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

It is almost a question of fact whether it should be relied upon or not and, therefore, a matter entirely within the province of the jury. Kailash Behan. The large scale conversions of the Bharatiya people Xxxx ramana vateya vidio the Brahma fold gave new vigour, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, new power and newer prestige to the conquerers and the coalesced society was the result.

The purpose should be the heritage, the ideo- logy that it has introduced in our national life and thinking. Jethebai v. The kinds of flowers mentioned in the work are kamala lotuskuvalaya or indivara blue lotusXxxx ramana vateya vidio, kumudini lilysthala-padma ionidium suffruticosiumcampaka and nrpa-campaka sweet-scented calophyllumjati or malati jasminum grandiflorumjuhi skt.

He is said to have attained his personal charms and heroism by observing the fast of SriPancami in his previous birth. Though conscions of the fraudulent Brahmanic version of the Ksatriya or pre-Brahma Puranas, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, Pargiter, even then, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, falls prey to the Brahmanic fraud.

It is generally believed that the ethnical names were given to geographical units; big or small, according to the bigness or smallness of the ethnic unit. Acharaj R? Ganosh Das. High School, Panipat v. The Anus and the Druhyus also belong to this ethnic stock. Kanchan Singh. This revelation is of great importance for the study of the ethnological problem. These also have not been noticed in Xxxx ramana vateya vidio footnotes. The Iksvakus have been acclaimed as the original masters of the wholeof xxiv Bharata unanimously by the Jaina, the Brahmanic and the Buddhistic traditions.

Their progenitor Kagyapa, son of Marichi, has not been accepted by the Brah- mana hierarchy as the progenitor of a true Brahmana race and gotra. But it has all those additional lines that are found in E.

These are mostly given in the margin. State, A. Unless one is certain about the exact words uttered by a deceased, no reliance can be placed on verbal statements of witnesses and on such oral declaration made by the deceased. The latter used to make proficiency in these arts as a test in the selection of a husband, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, as was done by the princesses of Kashmir and Meghapur who were married by Nagak, after proving his Xxxx ramana vateya vidio in playing upon the Alapini and the Midanga respectively 1,7, 11; VIII, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

From the description of the MSS. Of the four MSS. They fall into two groups, AB and CE, D forming a link between the two, agreeing with the former in orthography and the glosses, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, with E in the matter of additional lines and frequently agreeing with this or that in its readnigs. We are not sure that we have discovered all the works of Puspadanta. Kali Prosanna Bhadori, 30 O. Abdul Wahad v. But none of these self-revealing truths have been successful in killing the traditional beliefs even of the comparative, critical scholars.

The statement made by B was not admissible either under section 32 section 33 of the Evidence Act. Section 33 could not apply be- cause its scope is limited only to a previous statement made as a witness in a judicial proceeding. These lovers of the Rgveda attempt to air off the grounded feet of the Rgveda and want to uproot it without rehabilitating it because nothing can be reha- bilitated in the air. It was said that the dying declaration ought not to have been acted upon unless there was sufficient corroboration thereof.

The ethnological composition of ancient ftgvpt, ancient Sumer, Ancient Crete and Argos, ancient South America and ancient Bharata is still only faintly known to the scholars of ancient cultures and civilizations in spite of the more than two centuries of researches in the field. Rpchia Mehato, 7 C. Parmanand Ganga Prasad v- E. J 79; R, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Smith, 10 Cox 82; but see Nga Mya Da v.

Text Constitution 3. He was associated with the Danava system of matriarchy, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. In such cases only, the alternative reading is included in footnotes, otherwise not. Tafiz Pramanik v. C- Samar Dasadh v. Sulaiman v. Majumdar; The Vedic Age; ; Page 26. The State of 55 Punjab.

The Brahmanas by this time had won the greatest and the farthest cultural integration. From this we learn that the MS. Balatkaragana, Saraswatigaccha, Kundakundanvaya Prabhacandra Padmanandi subhacandra Jinacandra It agrees with AB in the use of 7 and in the omission of a number of lines But in readings Xxxx ramana vateya vidio generally agrees with E. It bears no notes on the margin.

It omits a number of lines that are found in MSS. D and E. It bears glosses on the margin like B and D. About this gloss, more MS. Leaves ; size 11" x 5; lines per page 7; letters per line about 28; margin right and left 1 ", top and bottom 1".

They respectively give 33 and 41 ethnic names for central divi- sion of Bharata, 33 and 48 ethnic names for eastern division of Bharata. In the verse prefixed to the second chapter of Jasaharacariu, mention is made of Nanna's sons. He was also requested to the same effect by Nanna the minister of Vallabharaya, and Nailla and Silaiya urged him to associate the work with the name of Nanna.

But the people of the north have always deprecated it. Bharata has not yet been studied from Xxxx ramana vateya vidio Austric point of view which is an imperative necessity for the oriental scholars and scientists who are dying to unearth the oriental truth in the aiges goneby. Then an other factor forces itself. Darbdeo Narain H P. Mahadeo, I. Ev 8th Ed. Moti Lai, 52 A. Bhagwat Prosad. Abdul Gafur v. Todd-Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthana by J.

Todd, in 3 Vols, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Gourie Am mal, M. That those persons are dead or cannot be found both in the sense as to their Identity l e. Kumud Mohan Chaudhury, I.

Tamal Alrmad, I. Alkhu, 18 I. Where there is not only no evidence that there was any such current routine of business but actually no evidence that the practice had ever been adopted on any other occasion, much less that it was habitually adopted on all occasions, the statement will be inadmissible.

The post-Dravidian Deccan ethnology, thus, appears only an offshoot, a branch of the northern ethnology. Sakina Begum 90 P. Nama Koer v. The Poet and his Patron 4. The ethnological problem, hence, has to be subjected and scrutinised according to a scientific plan with a purpose. The Damilas later came to be identified with the particular eastern region of the Deccan and its resi- dents, the Tamilas.

If a critical and scientific study of the languages of Xxxx ramana vateya vidio regions is made to discover their subtratum and their influences on the language of the Rgveda, 1 believe, that the Austric culture, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, civilization, traditions and history will triumphantly reveal themselves Anal pu unrivalled glory than we may even presently conceive.

An important part of the palace was the harem antahpur which was portioned out in many residences for the queens, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, of which there were generally more than one. The blood conditioned by geography and inheritance has Xxxx ramana vateya vidio a mighty force in history. Thus, in Puspadanta's works we find mention of the four generations of this illustrious family, associated with the ruling dynasty of Manyakheta during the tenth century.

ER, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Krishnama Naicken v. The lifting of the earth by the boar, the churning of the cean by the gods and the earth being supported on the hood of a serpent are also within his knowledge I, 4, ; VII, 1,6. The poet has rightly invoked the goddess Speech 'moving in the mansion of a mahakavya, resplendent with her double ornaments, taking soft, sportive padas with multifold blandishments and feelings, giving delight by commendable sense, combining all arts and sciences and exalted characterstics, moving by the broad-metre-road, bearing the ten qualities, sprinkled over with the nine sentiments and beautified with the three vigrahas.

He had a high sense of self-respect and was excessively fond of poetry as is shown by the epithets Ahimanameru and Kavvapisalla which he frequently uses for himself in all his works, though they were originally given to him by his critics some of whom, however, did not omit to decry him, o f oaia Forfa ofa sa TOUS' T 1 I shall now confine myself to what the author says about himself in the present work and the circumstances that led him to compose it.

In the first place, the Court has to make sure as to what the statement of the dead man actually was. The Dravidian language and script, next, attracted them. Ak- T 58 B. Prasad v. Nathamala Vilala wrote Nagakumara-caritu in Hindi verse. Puspadanta has, in all his works, profusely eulogised his patrons. This work has tried to discover light not only from the literary sources but also Xxxx ramana vateya vidio the other sciences which throw relevent lights on the particular subjects.

Assuming that the statement was a dying declaration admissible under section That it was recorded by a competent Magistrate after taking all proper precautions; 2, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

State of Raia. It has ut instead of a throughout. The Bhrgus had heralded the origin of the mixed ethnological stocks; the mixture of the two mutually opposed ethnic stocks. Jacobi, Munchen, Rat-Sangita Ratnakara of Sarngadeva, Poona. This unanimity is continued for the Bharatas also but with a difference. We Indians are very very sentimental, are prone to false ideas and tenaciously stick to them. This itself means that rjr the fact in issue. Mohan, Lahore, MI-Mahabharata Index. The Varnic ethnology is the living example of this cultural assemblage.

This Rgvedic light solves many knotty problems of our ancient ethnology. Nagakumara's maternal uncle had kept his daughter specially for marriage with his nephew VII, 4, 5. Jagdish Nath Roy Bahadur. The Varnic ethnology originates over the ruins of the two ethnic stocks and itself becomes the origin of the later Jativada or caste-system. Deccan Ethnology We now enter the knotty problems of our history.

This saves this work from the fault of one-sidedness. When the king of Mathura was told that his sons Vyala and Mahavyala were destined to serve somebody he became disgusted with the world, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Kamasutra of Vatsayana, Bombay, Karpuramanjiri of Rajasekhara, Harvord Oriental Series. The aides of the sciences of archaeology, anthro- pology, and the other ones have amply been invoked. J, Karim Khan v, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Ram Nath Matihoprasad v.

The domesticated animals mentioned are go cowDhavala bullock mahisa buffaloasva horsegaja elephantbokkada skt. The emer- gence of this historical reality would solve several historical problems arising between beginning of the first millenium B. The annihilation of the Naga political power by the Guptas may alone be understood rightly with this historical perspective.

The tra- ditions once believed as true always die hard. Pargiter carried on monumen- tal researches in this field and in spite of many advanced studies by various scholars in the field subsequent to him; his theories still offer the only fair basis for further research work in the field.

C d?? Natharanga Gandhi, Bombay Ramacandra Mumuksu wrote Punyasrava-katha-kosa in Sanskrit verse. They are the only pure Brahmana ethnic groups, if we take the liberty to so call them.

The Karanja MS. But other complete MSS are also known to exist. Persons other than those filing them. It is no wonder, then, that various authors tried to write the account of his life in different languages at different times. The fundamental differences between the Aryan and the Dravidian language led them to believe that the Dravidian language was pre-Aryan and hence the Dravidian ethnic stock populated the whole of Bharata before the Aryan invasions.

The Puranas are the creations of the xxiii pre-Brahmanic and pre-Dravidian elements of the coalesced society in the Brahmanic commonwealth under the monarchy of the Rgveda. It shows a great partiality for in preference to Xxxx ramana vateya vidio in the absolute forms and the seventh case-ending e. It places the redation of the Rgveda C. The orientalists and the historians shall never rightly understand the culture and civilization of Bharata unless they accept, without any reservation, the great historical event of the foreign Brahmaryan military conquest of Bharata in the fourth quarter of the second millenium B.

If the scholars follow up these Xxxx ramana vateya vidio historical truths with integrity, they shall have to arrive at the truths discovered in this research work.

He establishes the date of the composition of the Rgveda circa B. He has formulated a test, along with several others, that the Brahmanas did not always distinguish between different periods and often misplaced 1.

Lahini v. The Dravidians came long after the Brahmaryans set their foot on the Bharatiya soil. Evolution of Ethnology The Puranas transmit to us a vast unmanageable list of the ethnic stocks occupying one or the other regions of Bharata.

This mutually opposed nature, character and ideology of these two contenders suggests them to be two mutually opposed groups, not the two sections of one ethnic group. Difference between admissions and statements admissible under this clause. Chalho Singh v. But when an admission takes the fbrm of a self-serving statement, section 21 makes it inadmissible in favour of its maker or his representative in interest, unless it is of such a nature that, if its maker were dead, it would be relevant as between third persons under section Bahadur, 24 I.

Harihar Da, 78 I. Deo V. Appavu Chettiar v. Military arms that have been mentioned are churika, khadya, asi, karavala and vasunandaka kinds of swordskunta, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, sula, sella, jhasa and arkuca kinds of spearsmudgara, gada and musala kinds of macescapa, kodanda or dhanusa and buna bows and arrowsparasu axe and kavaca armour. After some months B died before she could give evidence in Court, and the question was whether evidence could be given by the mother and those witnesses as to what B had told them.

Really the accused had not left the jurisdiction of the local police.

Three works of the author have so far been discovered, Mahapurina or Tisatthi-purisa-gunalamkara in chapters, Jasaharacariu Xxxx ramana vateya vidio 4 chapters and Nayakumaracariu in 9 chapters.

Turning now to the poetic qualities of the work we find that it is full of beautiful similes and metaphors drawn from the whole range of Aryan mythology and history and frequently, and more Xxxx ramana vateya vidio from the poet's own observation of nature and human experience. Once the Court has come to the conclusion that the dying declaration is a truthful version as to the circumstances of the death and the identity of the assailants of the victim there is no question of further corroboration.

One inch- square space is left blank in the middle of each page. Muniappan v- Slate of Madras. The Austric supremacy of Bharata continued till twelfth century B. The nebulous ethnic formations took their roots within this period, i. Variations due to obvious mistakes and slips of the copyist have not been noted, but readings of doubtful meaning have been.

Promononcla Dutf, 52 C. Akbaroli Kaiimbhai, 58 B. E, M. Ram Bali v. Other minor variations such as of degF and El and of anusvara have been ignored. It was here, in particular, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, that the education of a prince in arts like 黑丝热舞 enumerated by our poet III, 1Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, would serve him Angelika Chang viva maxx. Any one of the Brahmana and the other respective descending Varnas and castes follow the occupations and professions of all the rest of the Varnas and the castes.

This work presents quite a new approach to the problem.

Vagina playing

Bijal Balia- dur Singh, 52 A. Ram Ran Bijoy Prosad Singh. A Man is slave to none-else than his ideology. The Brahma race transforms itself into the Brahmana race. The Brahma was the one undivided ethnic whole and the historians should not minimise the power and prestige of the Xxxx ramana vateya vidio one race, the Brahma race.

The problems and the riddles, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, hence, have to be solved in relation to the northern ethnology. He travelled to Manyakheta from somewhere and was patronised by Bharata, and later, by his son Nanna, both ministers of Krisnaraja alias Vallabharaja, who may be identified with Krisnaraja III of the Rastrakuta dynasty of Manyakheta.

This work also seems to have been written in Apabhramsa. The Puranas claim them to be of the Aryan ethnic stock. Harnaram Das, 92 I-C C. Jharo Smgh, 89 C. Sham Narain, 6 C, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

But where accounts are relevant under section 32 2 also, they do not require corroboration as a matter of law. Antiquitisation means the consignment Xxxx ramana vateya vidio the forces of hinde- rances and obstructions, in the due fulfilment of the individual in freedom, to the oblivion of history. The evidence furnished by the dying declaration must be considered by the Judge, just as the evidence of any witness, though undoubtedly some special considerations arise in the assessment of dying declaration which Xxxx ramana vateya vidio not arise in the case of assessing the value of a statement made in court by a person claiming to be a Pants indo of the occurrence.

Thus, where the statement of a deceased person to his wife that he had lent money to the defendant was sought to be given in evidence to prove the loan, the statement was held irrelevant, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. State, All. Gopeswar Sen v. That this was made shortly after the incident of assault when there was no opportunity of Us being coloured by impressions received from others; 4. The two princes became servants of Nagak. The whole brunt of the Rgvedic wars fell upon the Ahis.

Marriage customs: The practice of marrying the daughter of a maternal uncle was fully in vogue. The might of the blood cannot be under-rated without peril. The Kuntalas may be associated with the Iksvakus of the later historical period. The problem is : are the Paflchajatah Austrics or Brahmaryans? It has also been admitted that the Bharatlyans and the Brahmaryans belonged to two different and distinct races clearly distinguishable from each other.

In all other cases the variants have been carefully recorded. Manmatha Pal, Chandra. Even the first marriage of Nagak, was with two dancing girls and the marriage was recommended by his father himself with the remark the gem of a woman should be accepted though stockless' III, 7,8. Hirabai Gopaldas v. The whole Deccan was populated by the Nagas and Xxxx ramana vateya vidio Haihayas when the Dravidian hero ParaSurama destroyed their power.

Katantra und Kumaralata by Luders, Berlin, Mahabh Up. Mahabhasya of Patanjali, Bombay. The kings used tents pata-mandava or dusa on their tours V, 1, 2; VII, 1, Faith in prophecy :-People had implicit faith in the prophecies made by ascetics. Woodroffe, Amp indon terbaru. Ramanathan Chetty v.

Bauddhayana and Vatsayana declare such marriage irregular and even Kumarila Bhatta casts a fling at it sva-matula-sutam prapya daksinatyastu tusyati, SKV. Yet another marriage custom deserves mention. Fine Arts : -Singing, dancing and instrumental music formed an important part of the education of princes and princesses alike. Sprayers jalayantra were used during water sports. Ratanlal, I. Ganesh Prasad Ray v.

The Austric people, speaking their Austric language, were the masters of the whole of Bharata before the Brahmaryan and the Dravi- dian military conquests. Tribhuvana Svayambhu wrote Pancamicariam. Generally it has been easy to find out which of them is meant, but the problem Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, sometimes, become puzzling when oither gives sense, for example argou or later in 1, 3, 5. Grant, ifi i c pSsT 1? State, Pepsu 52 Cr.

Nga Mya Da v. We have to banish that materiality from the real human thinking. When the person making the dying declaration dies before the completion of his statement no one can tell what the deceased was about to add, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. But see State v. Ajo- dhya Prosad Singh, 39 C.

Intaz V. Dina Nath De Sarkar, 53 C. Jharo Singh, 39 C. Beni Madhab Dandapat v. HIS; Chandgi v. Rather we have gone down and are persis- tently and continuously going down in critical scholarship.

This study needs to be supplemented by organical critical researches in other branches of the Science of Aus- triatics. If this is true, the MS. It agrees, almost through-out, with A in its readings and Xxxx ramana vateya vidio peculiarities, and bears similar glosses. It supports the theory of the foreign origin of the Aryans. It does indirectly help the ethnological problem but does not solve it. It has also been conceded that the victorious Brahmaryans converted en masse their vanquished adversaries to their fold and thus swelled their minority ranks by large numbers.

There are riddles. In the present work the author mentions Krsnaraja as still ruling at Manyakheta. Thus- the Nagas and the Austric language become, inseparable. He subjugated them phy- sically and imposed his Dravidi language culturally. Lachmi Prosad Chowdhury v. Crown, E. Sawan Singh v.

Ratnakara Kavi wrote Nagakumara-carta in Kanarese. The linguistics attracted the earliest oriental scholars but they remained too much engrossed in the Sanskrit language and that also particularly with the Vedic Sanskrit, that gave them only the post-Aryan vision. It has no original colophon and no date. E, Pargiter; Ancient.

The Mediterraneans, identified with the Dravidians, came to BMrata in two waves. C Bakhshish Singh v. Four, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, out of the five MSS. Besides the usual information about his parentage, the author here records something that has not been told anywhere else. Jawan Singh, Cr L J.

R Goa. It is wrong to think that a dying declaration be. Critical Apparatus 2. Xxxx ramana vateya vidio Bibi. I of the present work. In this stag- nating and gruesome atmosphere, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, the wily eyes may look askance at this work.

The fact that on account of sudden death the thumb impression of the person making the statement was taken after his death would not make the declaration inadmissible. He mentions Rama and Sita as ideal man and woman, Sugriva and Hanumat as waiting upon Rama and Hanumat's loyalty for his master though he was a monkey, and Ravana's fighting the forces of the gods I, 4, 3; IV, 6, ; IV, 11, 2.

Chakladar, Calcutta Belvelkar, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, Poona. I am indebted to my Principal, Mr. Tostevin, for recommending to the Local Government to pernit me to undertake the editorship of the series, and for Free poro movie with stepfather eating the goddaughter me and helping me in various ways.

Manyakheta, where the present work as well as the other two works of our author were composed, has been identified with Malkhed N. It was known to the Arab writers as Mankir. The one-sided historical and critical method is responsible for this mistake. Dukhu Mia v. The kinds of grass mentioned are trna, durvu, kusa and kaseru, the last as particularly dear to boars. The history of Bharata in this age; i. The story is meant to illustrate the fruit of a religious fast but it has been told in the Xxxx ramana vateya vidio manner of a kavya.

Numerous Jaina temples at Sravana Belgola and other places in the South record the munificence of the descendants of Amoghavarsa in the service of Jainism. We can only vaguely assert that the Iksvakus and the Ahis or the Nagnas or the Nagas populated the whole of Bharata and far-western Bharata in the pre-Aryan period. Padma Purana of Ravisenavarya, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, Marikacandra. They appear as inseparable parts of the flowing Bharatiya history through the ages.

The languages and scripts of Egypt and Sumer, the Hieroglyphics and the Cuneiform respectively, have satisfactorily been de- ciphered but the linguists have not touched the ethnological aspects of the people speaking these languages.

It opens the محارم اخ for the coming young scholars to holdly and fearlessly follow up the hard truths brought to light by the modern sciences. Its most efficient weapon was the Varnic system with Brahma and Yajfia at its foundation. They have given us their human remains and the languages of the people. Kah Prasanna Bhadun. We are indebted to the recent archaeological and anthropo- logical researches for getting this truth.

The eighth chapter deals with the hybrid ethnic stocks, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Again, there seems to have been no restriction about the parentage of a girl selected for the marriage of a prince. The declaration may be made to a Magistrate, to a Police Officer,a public servant or a pnvatc person. The conquered society then, was very powerful in all the fields and only cultural penetrai tion could bear fruits in the other fields.

They suffered rule of their adversary Ksatriyas for full one thousand years, i. Candrasagara Brahmacari is said to have written Nagakumara-satpadi in mixed Sanskrt and Kanarese, six thousand slokas in extent JG Dharmadhara is said to have written Nagakumara-katha JG Mallibhusana Bhattaraka is said to have written Nagakumara-carita about Samvat Mallisena is said to have written Nagakumaracarita in Kanarese.

The purpose of our research should be to unravel Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, trends and directions sifting them from the huge mass of unearthed material; linguistic, archaeological, anthropological, geogra- phical, geological and otherwise ; with the organic, critical and sceintific method.

Uttaradh-Uttaradhyayana Sutra, Calcutta. Brhat Samhita of Varahamihira, Benares, V. Chandah-prabhakara by Jagannath prasad Bhanu, Bilaspur, CP Cat. CP Ins. Creed of Half Japan by A. Lloyd, London, Cun. D-Desi-nama-mala of Hemacandra, Calcutta Tniversity, Arrah, EC-Epigraphia Carnatica, Bangalore.

This chauvinism is responsible for dismal degradation of Xxxx ramana vateya vidio standards. If we rightly know the nature and character of this transition, we would rightly assess the nature and character of the Hindu society.

The points, however, must be left here for further research in future. At the time of Jayandhara's marriage with Prthvidevi the women of the town performed Tandaya dance 1,18, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, 2and at the time of Nagakumara's birth sportive women performed coquettish dance 1l. They not only believed in them but tried Xxxx ramana vateya vidio utmost to bring about their fulfilment. The scholars, so far, unanimously hold that the Dravidian ethnic groups preceded the Aryan ones.

This king is identified with the Parmar prince Hareaceva. Pictures played an important in creating love between two parties. Vayu Purana, Venkatesvara Press, Bombay. Pargiter has treated them as if they were the component tribes of the Ailas.

Vaidya, Poona, Hindi by Badrinath Bhatta, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, Lucknow, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Hindu Chemistry by P. Vaidya, Poona, and VI, JG Dic, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Jaini, Arrah, Julien's Hiuen Tsang. The proto-Brahml script of Mohenjodaro and Harappa has not yet satisfactorily been deciphered hence its help is not available to the ethnological problem.

The Dravi- dian s occupy Dravidavarta or the Deccan in the middle of the first millenium B. The Dravido-Bharattya coalesced society evolves in the Deccan, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. In the second place, the court has to be certain about the identity of the persons named in the dying declarations a difficulty which does not arise where a person gives his depositions in Court and identifies the person who is present in court as the person whom he has named.

This thesis revolutionizes our whole outlook. A merchant from Magadha visited Girinagara in Saurastra by boat salila-yana, 1, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, 15, 6and another from Kasmir visited Sindha V, They even arranged marriages of the princes as was done by the former, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

The nature, character, tradition and history of the different ethnic groups has moulded the progress of the Bharatiya numanity and they have to be comparatively analysed and scientifically examined. II, Arrah. J17; L. Alexander Perera Chandarasekera V.

The King, P. Motiram Raising, B. Sadhu Charan Das, 49 C, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. IP- 71 I. Mohammad Sheik, C 74; Kapur Singh v. As the MSS. The MSS are somewhat, inconsistent in the use of a anda. Statement must have been made in the Xxxx ramana vateya vidio course of business and not on a special occasion or for a special purpose.

Having regard to these defects, it is not possible to say that the entries have been made in the regular course of business and have the necessary probative value. This gives added significance to the formation of the ethnic groups in this transitional but formative period of the Bharatiya history, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. They got ethnic names later. I am also thankful to the Manager and staff of the Shree Ganesh Printing Works, Poona, for doing their best in the ex cution of the work.

Northern Ethnology The Paflchajatah are the most important Rgvedic ethnic groups. Sukhu Mahton. Kagyapa; father or no father; Ahi or Naga race has not been accepted by any scholar as a Brahmanic race or any Aryan tribe. The foreign words in Sanskrit can be explained by the Austric language also along Xxxx ramana vateya vidio the Dravidian language. The pictures of the various ethnic stocks presented here is coherent and organic.

The conclusion becomes irresistible that the Nagas and the Haihayas of the Deccan spoke the Austric language. The Brhat-samhita gives 49 and the Vayu Purana 91 ethnic names for northern division of Bharata. The scientific plan should prescribe the treatment Xxxx ramana vateya vidio the subject in its origin, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, growth, inheritance, geography, coales- cences and materiality to determine the nature, character and ideology of a particular group.

The Dravidian problem, here, emerges in a new light. Suggestions for improvement in any direction will always be very welcome.

Our author has, therefore, called him by all the different names of Cupid, such as Kama, Madana, Ananga, Jhasaketu and the like. Other trees and plants that have found mention in the Xxxx ramana vateya vidio are, nyagrodha or vata bunyan pippal ficus religiozasallaki boswelia theriferapilu salvadara parsicasol 1 vaterisindicasahakara or makanda mangorui gigontic swallow-wartkadali: plantainiksu and pundreksu kinds of sugarcane and druksa grapes.

The right re-interpretation of the origins, growth and the historical plays of the various ethnic groups through the in- cessant flow of the ancient Bharatiya history is the purpose of this work. But the ethnic problem goes much beyond this simple treatment. The history of Bharata proceeded more or less as a continuation Xxxx ramana vateya vidio this diplomacy throughout its length and breadth after second century B.

The process of cultural assemblage and assimilation, side by side the destruction and annihilation of the dissenters, continued unabated till the intrusion of the Muslim power in Bharata. Bhandarkar, Poona, Gita-Bhagvat Gita. The descendands of these ethnic stocks now occupy xxviii the above referred regions.

The dialectical and chronological study of the cultural and scientific development of the Bharatiya people from the Austric to the British would reveal much more truths and correct many more accumulated untruths. Both the coalesced societies tneet in the third century B. This coalesced society finds its presentation in the Puranas. Never-the-less he was equanimous towards the rich and the poor and friendly to all. It has thoroughly been studied from Two boy 1girl Brahmanic point of view.

The use of the dying declaration against B wa. He is the grandson of Priyavrata, a son of Svayambhuva Manu. Kartic Chandra Chakravarty v. Kanchon Singh, A. E- C. Jagan Bhat. The famous Paflchajanah of the Bharatiya history owe much to this ethnic immigration. The poet acceded to their request and began the story. Only a fringe of the problem has been touched so far. The Vedic and the Brahmana evidences go counter to the Puranic claims. Once IX, 5,5 we find mention of the two questions, namely wearing cloth and eating food during the stage of omniscience, round which ranges a long controversy between the two sections of the Jain community the Digambaras and the Svetambaras.

Much information about the parentage and the works of the author has already been published C. From these the following facts about the author and his works can be gathered : 1. The institutions of the race and the religion since long are dead leaving us the legacy of the xxxii disintegrating forces of casteism, ritualism, regionalism and parochialism. This author is probably identical with No.

Bahubali Kavirajahamsa wrote Nagakumara-carita in Kanarese. But he has completely belied himself in his works. This event is surmised to have followed the raid of the capital by Harsadeva Jasa. I have observed this practice current upto the present day only amongst the Gonds of the Central Provinces an aboriginal tribeamongst whom the practice of marrying maternal uncle's daughter is also prevalent. The Ahis or the Nagas have unanimously been accepted even by the Brahmanas and the Dravidas belonging to the Austric race.

Varna and caste are the most exercising factors on the Bharatiya minds but they have outlived their historicity and have been assigned, like the Indian Princes, to the sanctuaries of the museums. We may add many more instances to this list.

The one divides into many and we have the resultant numerous and innumerable ethnic groups, now, warring with each other. The Poet's Education.

The skeletal remains suggest Australoid ethnic stock with Mediterranean influ- ences. The Rgveda gives us glimpses of pure pre-Bharatiya Brahma society, of pure pre-Aryan and pre-Dravidian Bharatiya society and of the coalesced Brahmo- Bharatlya society.

He is credited with the authorship of two other works JG Udayalal Kasliwala translated the work of Mallisena in Hindi prose pub. We could forgive Indological chauvi- nism led by K. Jayaswal during the period of freedom struggle but the continuation of this cultural chauvinism is an unpardonable crime in independent India. D The subsequent history of the MS. The MS. This appears to be the time when the MS.

Peculiarities of the MS. Nasal u occurs four times as frequently as 7. Modernisation Sexi live the unhindered fulfilment of the individual in freedom. Very few ethnic names of the Deccan have been given. The Rgveda has only come to occupy the position of the British monarch in the multiracial common- wealth. It has not at all been studied from the pre-Aryan and the pre-Dravidian Austric point of view. The Vedic, the Brahmana, the Upanisadic and the Sutra cultures belong to north India but the Puranic culture-creation keeps the whole Bharata in view.

Mon Mohan Pandey v. It omits the author's prasasti which all the other MSS. Where its readings differ from the constituted text, it agrees more fre quently with C than the others. The non-Aryan non-sacrificing Bharatiya race known as the Ksatriya race also comprising within them the socalled Vaigyas and the Madras of the Brahmanic con- ception 5 stood against this Brahmana race. Law and D, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

Sircar have treated the problem from the factual point of view. The poet's reference to three buddhis, three saktis, pancanga mantra, arisadvarga, seven vyasanas and seven rajyangas shows his knowledge of works on state-craft such as Kamandakiya Nitisara and Kautiliya Arthasastra 1,8.

Habibulla, 47 C. Nanku Mahton, 29 I. Ajodhi v- E L. Section 90; Hari Chintaman Dik- shit V, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

Moro Lakshman, 11 B. See sections 16, 34, Giidhardas Coorji v. Katasani Rama Lakshmamma v. The scripts and the languages of Crete and Bharata have not satisfactorily been deciphered. Ratan Gond v. I- ; Bishen Singh V. EM. N- see also Mohammad Arif V. Muzaffar v.

It is specifically for this failing that the whole mass of the Indian scholars is today entertaining unhistorical and false beliefs. The Poet and bis Patron. Our critical researches into the Puranas is very meagre. The ethnic material in the Xxxx ramana vateya vidio has been studied from the Brahmanic point of view.

Jayadeva wrote the life of Nagakumara as we know from the mention of Mallisena see below. Var-Prakrta Prakasa of Vararuci, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, ed. Abhimana-cinha does not seem to be a proper name but a title like the Abhimana-meru Xxxx ramana vateya vidio our poet, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

This is a gigantic task but gigantic ends can not be achieved without gigantic right efforts. Besides the present work, I have been able to discover the following authors and works or their mention in the works of others. Inspite of their separate residence and independent household, rivalries and jealousies amongst the queens were inevitable.

Nanu Mai, 11 L. Na- nak. Ambai 9. They superimposed their hegemony over the original proto-Australoids of the Deccan. Two works Jasaharacariu and Nayakumaracariu are dedicated to him, the former being called Nanna-kannaharana, an ornament to the ears of Nanna, and the latter 'Nanna-namankia' stamped with the name of Nanna.

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The latest foreign immigrants, the Dravidas, have been discussed in the last chapter. Brahma Ethnology I have treated the subject of the Brahmaryan ethnology with some wider view point in order to unmix the later ethnic mixtures and in order to understand their original jmrer state. We have to be very clear and specific in our purpose also.

We have brought down our Dravidic subject till the establishment of the Satavahana rule in the third century B. The ethnic formations, if any, in Deccan were complete by that time. The Nagas and the Nagaloka Analysis of the work Language and Xxxx ramana vateya vidio Metre The Gloss and its Authorship Index of personal names with notes Index of geographical names Notes Critical and Explanatory Addenda et Corrigenda Apabhramsa Text in 9 chapters with head-lines to each Kadavaka in English and variant readings in foot-notes General Glossary Xxxx ramana vateya vidio XII This MS.

Leaves 88, size 11 " x 5" ; lines per page 9 ; letters in each line about 34; margin right and left 11", top and bottom ". It definitely negates all other theories to the contrary. Pusalkar betrays a Brahmanic bias, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. The SUte of Punjab.

This study reveals to us the making in history of the collective institutions of violence and exploitation and their human bearers. But once it is believed it Monymous quotation in Tn re Arumuga Thevan. The line of research upto now has been to discover a parti- cular ethnic group or tribe, to collect facts scattered here and there regarding that tribe, lump together those facts and 𝑩𝒊𝒆 𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒙 𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒎 a picture of that tribe and its habitat.

Somra Bhuian, 16 P. LJ E. Balram Das, 49 C. Mathura Thakur. It cannot take in acts which have no direct relation to - implicating several persons does not become less credible. This study of the ethnology of ancient Bharata is a part of the science of Austriatics and hence a force for our national integration.

The scheme of the work illustrates the dialectical, chrono- logical and historical perspective and the organic critical method. This we cannot successfully accomplish in Bharata till we rightly understand Austriatics, the culture and civilization of the pre-Aryan people of Bharata.

It becomes diversi- fied and many-sided. The Turvagas always accompany the Yadus. Then, who are these Ahis? Of these Nanna seems to have succeeded his father, either because his elder brothers died premature or because of his surperior talents.

Hem Chandra Chowdhry v. Sections 32 and The accused was charged with murder of a girl A at a lonely spot in a jungle where she and her sister B had gone to pick berries.

The Austric is the master-key to Bharatiya ethnology and hence of Bharatiya culture and civilization. The pre-Aryan ethnological problem of the ancient world fruit- fully deserves better attention than it has so far received from the research scholars. As Puspadanta has mentioned Svayambhu in his Mahapurana, this work seems to have preceded the present work, though, in that case, it seems rather strange that no mention of it is Xxx🔥 video here, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

Whatever names have been given belong to the historical period. The five fiery Pandavas and their destruction of the Kaurava forces, Arjuna's going to Drona for instructions and his Xxxx ramana vateya vidio with Karna, the liberality of the latter and his fight against his own brothers, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, the of the character of Bhisma and his turning away from the battle-field, the righteousness of Yudhisthira and his troubles of exile, and Vrkodara with his mace serve the poet for his similes and metaphors I, 4; II, 14, 12; III, 14, 4; IV, 10, 17; VIII, 15, He mentions Arjuna as Nara and Karna as Ravinandana which shows that he was not deriving his knowledge of the Bharata story exclusively from the Jaina books.

We then have xxii to fall back upon solely upon the Austric culture, civilization, language, script, traditions and history in the pre-Aryan Bharata. Bhavis-Bhavisaratta-kaha of Dhanapala, Barola, Bhavisya Purana, Venkatesvara Press, Bombay. Daulat Kunjra, 0 C. State, H P. Jangir SingK v. Trade-Merchants made long journeys and voyages for purposes of trade.

It has many lines which are not found in ABC and are added in D only in the margin. It was under him that Mahavira made his great contribution to the development of Mathematices by writing his Ganitasara, He himself is said to have written the Kavirajamarga, a work on poetics, in Kanarese. But where the Court is satisfied that the man who made the dying declaration had a good opportunity of recognizing the person who attacked him: that he did recognize him and that he was telling the truth when he made his dying declaration, a conviction can be solely based on Xxxx ramana vateya vidio a declaration.

The State of Punjab, 1 Cr. But the Court must be satisfied that the declaration is truthful, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. A dying declaration mentioned A and B as amongst the assailants. Personal charms, efficiency in music Xxxx ramana vateya vidio in wielding the sword, helped Nagak, under such circumstances.

In another simile he mentions the Katantra grammar VI, 9, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, 7. King Edward College, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, Amraoti.

The Goeblised Dausyanti Bharata is a pure Puranic fabri- cation. This brings us to the middle of the first millenium B. This work really presents the pre-historic and the proto-historic people who played decisive roles in their respective ages. Jagmohan Lai Chaubey, 22 I. Mohendra Narain Singh Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. There used to be special gambling houses tinta in a flourishing rondition where courtiers used to play freely III, The game was resorted to sometimes, even to earn money as was done by Nagak.

Here the ethnic names are identical with the geographical names. The dipolomacy of the cultural conquest proved right. The former are devoid of wealth and riches and the later are rich and the wealthy people. They adopted the more subtle diplomacy. Similarly, the author of sivasimhasaroja mentions a poet named 'Puspa' who wrote a woek on Alamkara in Doha metre about V.

See 'Hindi' by Badrinath Bhatta, page No wonder if here also our author be meant. In fact the whole work Anus facing teeming with sweet alliterations, appropriate and striking paronomasia and delightful fancies.

Po Nyein v, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. We need great courage and wisdom to break this stagnation and usher in the era of freedom and equality in culture. Bombay, An ancient prakrta work of unknown date, Nivvana-kanda, mentions Nagakumara as a great sage who, along with his two associates Vyala and Mahavyala attained salvation from the Ashtapada mountain pub.

Similarly, the Kanyakubja princess was being taken to Simhapura for marriage with the king of that place when she was captured by the king-regent of Mathura V, 2, This points to a custom of the marriage party proceeding from the bride's side to the bridegroom's house where the marriage was performed contrary to the current practice of the marriage being celebrated in the house of the parents of the bride, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

We can not achieve this purpose unless we rightly understand our cultural heritage. A father-in-law was addressed as maternal uncle mama, IV, 11, 8. The Orgasm blond society in this process assimilated much of the original culture and civilization and the conquerers became one with the conquered in eulogising the land as their own, the Bharatiyaculture and civilization as their own and the Xxxx ramana vateya vidio script and language as their own.

It was copied for a layman of Bakliwala family of the Khandelawala caste, a resident of Takshakapur Taxilain the kingdom of the Solamki king Rimacandra. The Iksvakus and the Bharatas appear to be of the pre-Aryan Austric ethnic stock.

The Dravidas do not claim them as their kith and kin, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. The Brahmo- Bharatiya coalesced culture is a historical development of horth India.

I, Balaramayana of Rajacekhara, Calcutta, Beal's Fa Hian Bhand. Its social structure, economic Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, poli- tical organisation and ideological directions are far more important than has presently been appreciated.

Full text of "Ethnology Of Ancient Bharata"

In the Mahapurana Puspadanta describes himself as of tender constitution and ugly appearance, homeless, dressed in rags and barks, bathing in rivers and pools and sleeping on bare ground. North western division has 21 ethnic names accord- ing to the Brhat-Samhita and north-eastern division 35 accord- ing the Brhat-Samhita and 44 according to the Vayu Purana. Their progenitors could not be otherwise. The real Dravidian literature belongs to the post-Gupta age and the Nagas had been completely annihilated in the Golden Age of the Brahmanic Gupta era.

The work is said to be one thousand slokas in extent. The organically amalgamated ethnology of the Varnic system finds place in the nineth chapter. We are told that Prthvidevi was brought from Girinagara to Kanakapura for marriage I, 17, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, 1.

We have today become a noisy conundrum of multiple ideas and ideologies introduced in our national life by these various ethnic groups. C 5D7; E, v. It was held to have been accepted wholly, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

Regular soldiers of the army seem to have been granted lands for family maintenance VII, 6, 7. The Varnic ethnological groups played the most important historical roles in Bharata and historian perversely understanding this problem would never find the reality of Bharatiya culture and civilization. Any critical scholar, and much more an organic critical scholar, is dubbed as. Hari NathDukhu Mia v.

The objection at the first sight appears to be invincible but the deeper com- prehension of the Brahmaryan diplomacy gives us some light. Kings lived in palaces and seven storied buildings were known to the poet.

Narendra Nath Sen, S. Mahasay Ganesh Prasgd Ray v. Slate V. Govinda Pillai Gopala Pillai, T. State v. The Deccan inscriptions have revealed the existence of the Rgvedic Anu and the Iksvaku tribes.

Jharo Singh, 39 ; 18 I. C 61 , Suraitulla Sarkar v. For the same reason, I have even given a tentative reading in preference to the agreed reading of all the MSS. This, however, has been done in a very few cases, and there also when the change made was of one letter Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. So were the Kurus. The assumption in the objection that the minority Brahmanas brahmapised a Xxxx ramana vateya vidio greater majority proves to be wrong and one-sided. Nobody associates them with the Dravidian ethnology.

His allusion to the death of Ravana at the hands of Laksmana III, 14,5 is clearly derived from the Jaina Padmapurana, but his probable reference to Vasistha's falling into trouble for his hospitality to Visvamitra can be from no where else than Valmiki's Ramayana III, 3, 3, see notes. Chowdhari does not recognise the constituents that go to make the Puranas. Keolapati v. Khushal Rao v. E- 10 L, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Mula Singh v. The proceeding should be so conducted that the declarant is as free from personal influence in emitting his declaration as he would be if he were giving evidence in a Court of law.

Their earliest habitat is the Sara- gwaii region which included the modern states of Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Punjab Sindh, Rajasthan, Saurastra and a part of Gujerat, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Nanjappa 20 I. Babhnaji v. If the Aryans and the Dasa-Dasyus the Bharatlyans had been of the one and the same ethnic stock; both the sections should have been Xxxx ramana vateya vidio and black-complexioned; both should have been village and city people; both should have been the poor and the rich people ; Indra should have been both the Purandara and the Pura-Pati; also Vrtra and Sambare should have not only been pura-pati but Purandara also as they also broke the Aryan habitats defeating them several times in war ; both must have understood the language of Wrong wrong torn2 other if they were brothers though warring ; both should have worshipped Signadevas and Munis.

C L. Mahadeo Dewoo, 47 Bom. Gouridas Namasudra v. Gopilal wrote Nagakumara-carita in Hindi verse. A great poet would compose a sentimental kavya in Matra metre V, 2, 4; VI, 9, 5 a good kavya requires a choice of brilliant forms and phrases VI, 9, 8a good poet pays attention to the style of language IX, 2, Xxxx ramana vateya vidioa poet graces himself by means of a story well told IX, 3, 2 and shorn of ornamentation is the story of a quack-poet III, 11, He also tells us that a drama becomes exalted when it combines various sentiments VI, 9, 6.

Mirabai v. The Brahmanisation of the Sramanic people went side by side the Sramanisation of the Brahma system. The Chola, the Pandya and the Chera are geographical names.

Nayakumarchariu - Jain Quantum

The present attempt at the construction of the ethnology of ancient Bharata is generally based upon these foregoing observations. E I. Balaram Das. Bala Nafii Reddi. Its utility, alongwith those of the Upanisads, has completely ceased. It is on very thin paper and is now fast wearing out. The canon of measurements of such buildings formed part of a prince's education III, 1,9.

Next come the Brahmanas of the magico-ritualistic sacerdotal order, The Vedic and the Upanisadic literature has the least hold on them. Though the Brahmanic tradition accepts the Iksvaku Bharata giving his name to this land of ours but an other competetor to Bharata is fabricated in certain Puranas to dislodge at some future date this Iksvaku Bharata and this Brahmanic fraud proved fruitful as designed.

When this successful diplomacy intruded into Deccan in the third century B. Deccan joined the main current of northern Bharata.

A dying declaration impHcating one person may well be false while a dying declaration implicating sever4 Bakhshish Singh v. He is associated with the large commentary on the grammar of Sakatayana which has been called Amoghavrtti after him. It is true that Xxxx ramana vateya vidio purity of blood is a myth but it is also true that the people of a particular predominant blood move in a specific direction. The following articles are mentioned in connection with the game-kaditta boardkitita betXxxx ramana vateya vidio, varadia cowries Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, sari pawn or a piece and pasa dice III, 12, 5; III, 13, Military-Army is frequently mentioned as consisting of four divisions caurangafootman, horses, elephants and chariots.

Austriatics The Austric, the Brahma and the Dravida are the three oldest main ethnic currents of Bharata. It shows a partiality for 5 in absolute Xxxx ramana vateya vidio such as inaula, atla etc. I shall here confine my remarks to the present work alone to show that its author was familiar not only with the Hindu, Buddhist and Jaina religion, philosophy and mythology but also with all those technical branches of literature, a knowledge of which formed a necessary part of the equipment of an accomplished poet in ancient India.

The first five chapters, excluding the Introduction, deal with the pre-Aryan Bharatiya ethnic stocks. Narendra Nath Sen, 17 Cut. Bijendra Narain, A. See Appendix Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Dal Bahadur Singh v. They are deeply associated in blood and territory with the lksvaku and the Ahi ethnic stocks, The Haihaya Yadus are the Austric people speaking the Austric language.

They became the chief queens Mahadevi of Nagak. Both spoke languages unintelligible to each other. The author, who styles himself as Ubhayabhasa-cakravarti, says that he has rendered in Sanskrit verses what Jayadeva and others wrote in prose and verse. Niyvana Kanda, Bombay, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio of Brahmi Alphabet by Buhler.

The author humbly claims to have achieved this purpose for his own as well as for the Bharatiya nations balanced movement forward. These inscriptions belong to second century A. The Iksvalcus — the servants of the Andhras, on the disintegration of the Satavahana rule, established their power in AndhradeSa. Puspadanta was the son of Kesayabhatta and Mugdhadevi, Brahmins of Kasyapa gotra, 2.

The anthropological division of mankind roughly into the the Negroids, the Australoids, the Mediterraneans, the Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, the Western Brachyce- phals and the Nordics is more or less a geographical con- ception. As might be expected, the poet shows a thorough grasp of the tenets of the Jaina faith to which he turns frequently but which he has particularly mentioned once I, 12 and expounded twice IV, ; IX, On these sections of the work, the reader will find in the notes numerous references to the works of Kundakundacarya, Umasvami, Samantabhadra and Vattakera, some of the most ancient Digambara Jaina writers, showing that our poet was well Xxxx ramana vateya vidio in them.

He is credited with the authorship of four other works. Our Bharatiya ideology, along with that of the rest of humanity, has become perverted and tempered with due to historical causes fashioned by particular ethnic groups.

In this Xxxx ramana vateya vidio the choice has been made according to the Sanskrit or vernacular equivalents and the variants have not been recorded. Popularity of the her 6. As we have no device to distinguish short g from long 5 and as readings vary between short and the latter has, generally, but not invariably, been used where the metre required a short vowel. Icons indorsement of refusal on a letter.

It contains fiftysix stories illustrative of the fruit of various religious fasts and practices amongst which is also to be found the story of Nagakumara Kamadeva, which is in substantial agreement with our story.

The second Mediterranean wave came in the xiii first quarter of the first millenium B. They are the famous Dravidians of the Bharatiya history. Samiruddin, 8 C. Fata Adaii. The ethnic history of Bharata was largely constructed by him from the brahmanised Puranas. I have, as a rule, adopted in the text the reading on which all or most of the MSS.

But in a few cases the reading of two or even one MS is preferred to that of the majority where it seemed to be justified by the superiority in sense and suitability. The Puranas have mentioned some other ethnic groups of the Deccan. For checking these tendencies restrictions were sometimes placed upon the liberties of one of the parties and these were followed by defiance and consequent punishment in the form of forfeiture of ornaments III, But such developments seem to have been restricted to cases where the rival queens happened to be Xxxx ramana vateya vidio the same status and of an equally high parental stock as was the case with the two queens mentioned Bokeb indo tetbaru. Indian Historical Tradition;,; ,.

The north increases the complexity; the south helps to solve it. They chose the strategy of cultural triumph through distribution of political gains, also to their erstwhile adversaries, within the ambit of the Brahma. State of Pm L J. Parmanand Ganga Prasad v.

It frequently avoids the insertion of y or a between two vowels unlike all the other MSS, e g. Bharata had witnessed the Greek, the Scythian and the Huna foreign military invasions after the Brahmaryan and the Dravi- dian foreign military invasions and the Puranic lists of these ethnic names include many of these new elements also. That it was taken down in the exact words in which it was spoken, and that wherever questions were put, the exact questions and the answers given to them had been carefully recorded; 3.

These glaring inconsistencies and contradictions necessitate research into this problem afresh. The linguists, the historians and the indological scholars have touched upon this problem.

Nga Mva Dn v E. Fata Adaji, 11 Bom. Ev- 8 th Ed. L J Sulaiman v. Such entries are, therefore, admissible in evidence under this clause, subject, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, of course, to the provisions ol sectionCr- P.

A signature may, of course, be proved in several ways. Kaushalayabal, N. Dwarka Nath Patita, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, 26 I. Lall V. Raikishore Narain Singh, 13 P. Abdul Aziz v. During battles, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, the capture or death of the king was invariably a signal for general surrender. He is said to have worshipped the feet of Jinasena who wrote the Sanskrt Adipuruna and the Parsvabhyudaya Kavya under his patronage.

Bharata was a Brahmin of Kaundinya gotra. Next, Dasas, Dasyus and Asuras belonged to a certain race but that has not rightly been appreciated. Basic Origins I have gone in this work to the basic origins of the ethnic composition of Bharata since the first foreign invasions on Bharata in the fourth quarter of the second millenium B. It is almost impossible to construct the chronological ethnic history of various regions of Bharata at the present state of our knowledge.

Xxxx ramana vateya vidio archaeologists have excavated the material relics of these ancient cultures and civilizations for us. If the present day Dravidians, as has been shown in this work, intruded into Bharata in the post-Aryan period, our whole vision changes. He tells us that his parents were at first devotees of Siva but "they had their ears filled by the ambrosia of the teacher's words and so they died by the Jaina form of renunciation.

This date, therefore, is the terminus ad quem for the composition of our work. This discussion also silences the jingoistic savants who advocate the theory of Sapta-Sindhu as the original Aryan home. Page Bharata, according to this test, has to be brought down after the Daga- rajfla war.

I only follow up the realities discovered by various modern sciences which the modern Indian scholars do not like to do far various reasons, fear from the traditionalists being one amongst the many. Of these, the elephants are said to be specially fond of sallaki.

It is a serious error to admit a dying declaration in part. The Austric interpretation of the Puranas is very very essential for the true construction of the Bharatiya ethnological history in particular and the Bharatiya history in general. All other ethnic stocks of northern Bharata may be traced to the Iksvaku race or its Ahi sub-race.

The capital was founded by Amoghavarsa of the Rastrakuta dynasty in A. During this period of more than a century and a half, it formed a great centro of literary activities and revival of Jaina learning, Amoghavarsa had clear Jaina tendencies. The scientific rediscovery of the Austric culture, civilization, tradition, history and way of life is the historical necessity of the age.

Both should have been Yajflics and both should have followed the same way of life. Mallisena wrote Nagakumaracarita in five cantos. Freedom, peace and unity belong to antiquity but they have to be modernised.

The famous Kanarese poet Ponna also flourished under him and was honoured with the title of:Ubhaya-bhasa- cakravarti by the king himself, Indraraja IV of the dynasty is said to have renounced his kingdom like his ancestor Amoghavarsa, and ended his days according to the Jaina form of renunciation. L-I- 49 Cr. Field, Ev. Dial Singh v.

Kunja Behari Lai, 12 I. Bharmappa, 23 B. Ambica Charan Kundu v, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. It is not now 'the champion of Xxxx ramana vateya vidio beauty of the celestial city, crowded with people and with flower gardens' as it Xxxx ramana vateya vidio in the time of Paspadanta : it is in ruins, the site being marked by a small village.

The Puranas call Deccan Dalcsinapatha, the whole region located Xxxx ramana vateya vidio of Narmada. Jagdish Nath Chantter Rai v. He has been highly eulogised in Kadavaka 3 and 4 of Chap.

In the colophon of each Sandhi we are told that it is the work of Mahakai Pupphayanta, Sanskrin Puspadanta. Girdhardas Coorji v. The poet's play upon the word varana II, 5, and on baddha VII, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, 9 and the series of similes describing Nagakumara's liking for Laxmimati IX, 2 together with the above mentioned examples of yamaka and slesa exercise the mind as well as entertain it, by exhibiting all the elegance and ornamentation of artificial poetry.

The King. The Brahmaryans after their political victory in the DaSarajfta war did not pursue their military career of conquests further. State of Madh 3 'a Pradesh, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, Cr.

Khtishal Rao v. In the body of the work, besides the above invokation, the poet, by means of some stray similes, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, has told us what he considered to be the essentials of good poetry.

The Scythians, the Xxxx ramana vateya vidio and a few others came and submerged themselves in the main current. State of Bihar, Cr. P D Coxon, 3 S8, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Brain v Preece, 11 M. Soney Lai Jha v. Leaves 49; size 11" x 5"; lines per page vary from 12 to 14; letters in each line about 44; margin all round :".

Vyala married for the first time, Ganikasundari who was born of a concubine of the king of Pataliputra, and Mahavyala, after marrying the princes of Pataliputra, married the concubine's daughter of the Pardya king. Leaves 55 ; size " 4'4" ; lines per page vary from 13 to 15; letters per line about It bears the following colophon : saM.

Varand v. Dogar Mai v. Murugap- pa Chetty, 33 I. If the statement is in writing, it must be duly proved. The XXV Puranas could not give any ethnic names of the Deccan because the Ahi or Naga ethnic stock continually remained in complete mastery of their land till the Dravidian military conquest and the Brahmanas had not by then intruded into the Deccan.

Manyakheta a literary centre 5. The ideas, the ideology and the way of life Xxxx ramana vateya vidio the Austric race has very scantily been studied. Maung Po Thi, R. State, Rai Cr. Nga Po Si V. Khurshid Hussain v. It is, hence, of utmost importance to the Bharatiya historian to rightly understand the origin and growth of the Varnic system.

Inayat Ali v. There are several MSS. It has been noticed in the MAR. The story in this work is in substantial agreement with that of our work This work has not introductory part of We are told in the 4. The sheets andl entries could be Xxxx ramana vateya vidio or interpolated at different places, if one were so minded.

Bombay It is probable that some authors utilized the theme prior to Puspadanta, but unless and until their works are discovered and their date is determined, the present work can claim to be the oldest on the subject. Some specific classified groups were so called for their professions and achievements.

Even the materialist school of Brhaspati has not been overlooked IX, Brahma has been called the 'Lotushorn' and ' aja' I, 5, 10; IX, 7. Pratistha-saroddhara of Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, Bombay, V. Ramayana of Valmiki. The MSS. E, as said above, generally avoids it. Nand Lai, 46 A. Dalpatsingh Han- baji, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, 46 B. Kirpa angh, L. Zakeri Begum v. This study of the ancient ethnology of Bharata would help us in correctly assessing the nature and character of the later Muslim and European invasions, by land or by xxxi sea, and in correctly deciphering the cause of the movement of the Indian history as it did.

The study of Austriatics itself and the later history in Austriatic light would suggest us as to what we have to discard from our ideology and way of life as foreign to our innate making and help us in the reconstruction of our true and real innate way.

I have adopted some basic findings of the first volume of this series. Antiquities of the Pallavas by Dubreil. State, S. If a man gasps out his story soon after the transaction which subsequently results in his Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, it may be said that there was no time for him Xxxx ramana vateya vidio fabricate, or for his friends to suggest falsehood.

The seventh chapter deals with the foreign Brahmic ethnology. The prime necessity is to discover the origin of the particular ethnic group. Music of India by Popley, Calcutta, Natyasastra of Bharata, Kavyamala Series, Bombay, Nilamata Purana or Kasmira Mahatmya, Lahore. Of the other brothers of Nanna, Sohana and Gunavarma or Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, while yet young, had a hand in inducing the poet to compose the Nayakumiracariu and Dangaiya is mentioned in the ending eulogy.

Dengo Kandero v, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. And if any one needs proof of this thesis, he needs only to attend the sessions of the All India Oriental Confe- rence, the Indian History Congress and the several States History Congresses. The war might have been necessitated owing to the uncontrolled materialistic greed of the one against the other but that could not have been the cause of these funda- mental and foundational differences.

The problem of the composition of the Bharatiya race and the Brahmaryan race, like Asura-Maya, is still deluding inspite of the best and the most perseverent works of the great pioneers in the field.

The King v. The Purpose The disagrees may point us a danger, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, the danger of the disintegrating forces scaring up. Gobardhan Singh, According to these cases, if the dweased chaukidar had been literate and himself made the entry, the admissible.

The exception to the general rule against Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, enacted in this clause; extends only to statements made during the course, not of any particular transaction of an exceptional kind, but of business or professional employment in which the declarant was ordinarily or habitually engaged.

Xxxx ramana vateya vidio Charan Rudra Pal, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Mafii Ambalavana PiUai v. The materiality in our ideology is the cause of the ruin of humanity. J, Rambira Miss! Adipurana of Jinasena, Calcutta. We have to unantiquate and modernise and Xxxx ramana vateya vidio to antiquate and unmodernise Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. State of Bombav, S. Moharchand v.

A distinct break then occurs. Among corns are mentioned sali or kalama riceyava barleyyavanala great millet, mudga green grain and lankesa or canaka gram.

I shall here draw attention of the readers only to one or two typical and significant similes. Sheonandan Singh Dusadh. C, 37 Cr. Daulat Kunjra. Varnic Ethnology The objection may be raised that some tens of thousands of the Brahmaryan invaders could not Xxxx ramana vateya vidio and brah- manise a land of tens of millions in a few centuries; that xxix history may understand the political subjugation but the whole- sale cultural conversion is undigestible.

It was by seeing the portrait of Prthvidevi, brought by a merchant that Jayandhara fell in love with her I, 4, Picture-making formed a part of a prince's education III, 1, The latter would then be thrown upon individual resources to earn a Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. The Mahapurana is dedicated to him MahabhavvaBharaha-anumannia' approved by the noble Bharata.

This problem reveals its complexity in the opposite order. Jinagunavilasa, Siddhantasara, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, Jivandhara-carita and Jambusvami-carita. Stale of Punjab, 1 Cr. State of Raj- a. Monmohon Pandey, 55 c» I. Kailash Behari, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, 44 I. Ramanadhan Chetty 22 I. Grant, 16 I. Taira Nasya, 6 I. Govind Narayen Bapat, 10 Bom. Balaji Shridhar, 28 B. Books, which are not regular books of account and.

Violence, exploitation and disintegration belong to the modern but they have to be antiquated. It has very little been studied from the Dravidian point of view. Palace and Polygamy The theme of the present story is the life of a prince and as such it gives us a great insight into the life at palace and incidentally also in public. Ganga Sahai, I. Bahhnaji v. The scientific study of Austriatics, as 1 would like to name this Science, would also put in proper perspective the researches done, being done and to be done regarding the aforesaid Brahmic, Dravidian and other races.

The earlier Jewish, Christian and Iranian immigrations though peaceful still maintained their separate entities.

Playing with vagina

This revelation also throws fresh light on the diluted republican institutions of the Mahavira and the Buddha era. V Lucknow, HemHemacandra's Prakrit Grammar ed. Uttara Purana of Gunabhadra, Calcutta. He progenated the race of the Danavas and the Daityas. Pai-Paia-lacchi-nama-mala of Dhanapala, Bhavanagar, V. Practical Path Xxxx ramana vateya vidio C.

Jain, Arrah. It demolishes the myth of their pre-Aryan immigration to Bharata. The former are tribalists, the later are republicans. Rasatala or the Under-world by N. Dey, Calcutta, Sanat Sanatkumaracarita of Haribhadra, ed. Picture of palace and public life, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

The Aryan and the Dravidian provide no solution to the Bharatiya ethnic problem. Of course no value can be attached to a dying declaration when the relatives of the declarant arrange with him as to what he has to say.

Sourmdra Nath Mitra. They, thus, won the wisdom of their adversaries. I have followed the following principles in constituting the text of Nayakumaracariu: 1. They are definitely non-Dravidian. Anthropology has thrown some light on the problem but not yet decisive. Sir R. Bhandarkar bemoaned this natural failing of the Indian scholars more than Xxxx ramana vateya vidio xiv years ago and we can not claim to have learnt anything from his warnings. Our Xxxx ramana vateya vidio constitution was forged by the actions, reactions and interactions of these three currents.

Picture of Palace and Public life 8. The nature and the character of the evolved culture and civilization of our national life before the Muslim invasion was forged by these forces. Moro Lakshman. And there exists one Bharata in the PurSnas. This clearly suggests that the two Rgvedic contenders belonged to two mutually opposed ethnic groups having nothing in common; the former ethnic group with military might and materialistic ideology bent upon subjugating the material richness of the latter mili- tarily weak ethnic group.

In the Mahapurana he tells us that when he reached Manyakheta, he was received with great honour by Bharata, the king's minister who kept him in his own house and induced him to write poetry, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

We shall, then, win the cultural revolution that would wide open the flood- gates of truth, progress and happiness. Thus the admissibility of the entry w the literacy of the chaukidar!

Gossain Protap Chandra, 66 I. An entry as to the amount of dower of a Muhammadan lady, in a register of marriages kept by a deceased priest, is an entry made in the discharge of professional duty and, therefore, admissible under this clause. From Austric society to Hindu Society, is an interesting chapter of Bharatiya history. These three ethnic currents had their distinct ideologies and the ways of life. The deviations and perversions in our national thinking and consequential conduct are the gifts of the post-Austric foreign people, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

Nga Mva Da v. I do not believe in this danger, in this scare. Thakur v. The declaration may he in writinj? One-thin g this work claims to have achieved. They are the Dasas and the Dasyus of the Rgveda, also, otherwise called the Sudras in the Atharvaveda. The ideas and ideologies and the ways of life of the European, the Muslim, the Dravidian and the Brahmic ethnic races have amply been studied.

The conclution to which we are led by these references is that the poet's statement that he knew nothing of the works of prominent writers of yore is a mere modesty as also his statement in the present work that he was unable to describe things being a dull poet VI,and that his titles of Mahakai Vaesaridevi-nikea and kavva-pisalla stand amply justified.

Other gods such as Indra and his consort Paulomi, Yama Vaivasvata and Kubera or Dhanapati find frequent mention while Brhaspati's learning and his defeat by his rival, Rambha's personal charms and Cupid's flower arrows have received our poet's recognition I, 4, 2; IV, 6, 8; IV, 6, For the same purpose the Mahabharata and the Ramayana have been freely drawn upon. The word Damila, at the beginning, denoted the whole country of Deccan and its population but by and by it came to be displaced by the word Dravida and its connotation came to be limited to the Tamila-land and the Tamila-people.

Naimuddin Biswas v. Bharatas are the Brahmaryan opponents in DaSa- rajfla war. Sikandar, I. Unauthorized persons should not be permitted to crowd round when the declaration is being made It is the bounden duty of the Magistrate to take every possible step to ensure that no influence is brought tc bear on the declarant and that he is noV prompted or aided in any way in making his statement. It was during the reign of Krishna II that Gunabhadra completed the work of his teacher Jinasena by writing the Uttarapurana.

That is the con- clusion arrived at by the Dravidian linguists, archaeologists and the anthropologists. Fashion and luxury:-The form of receiving a guest in the home was to offer a seat which consisted of a wooden plank, and betel VI, 17, 10; VIII, 5, Other articles of luxury mentioned in the work are-scents candana sandalghusrna or Kumkuma saffronKarpura camphor. The Rgveda is the most ancient written word in India.

It will be seen that this carries the line given in the colophon of MS, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, two successions further. The subsequent Xxxx ramana vateya vidio and the European invasions complicated the matter. They did not merge themselves in the national life, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

But, unfortunately, so far, the necessary logical deductions resulting from these widely accepted premises have not satisfactorily been worked out. What culture and civi- lization we ascribe to the assumed pre- Aryan Dravidians really belongs to the post-Aryan Dravidians.

These the poet has well succeeded in combining with swift and easy narrative. Dinkar Bandhu v. Political Divisions of India as found in Nayak.

These variations have, in some cases, been noted but frequently ignored. It is within the discretion of the court to require, or to dispense with, corroborative evidence. Bohapahuda of Kundakundacarya Manikcandra Dig. Jaina Series Bombay,No. Some of the poet's similes are derived from the stellar region;for example, his pun on kumbha as water jar and the constellation aquarius or the elephant's temple and the constellation in union with Saturn, on Hasta as the elephant's trunk and the constellation Carvus in union with the moon.

The western division had 17 and 36 ethnic names respectively according to the Brhal-Samhita and the Vayu Purana. This discovery claims to correct several puranic myths and places the conti- nuous flow of the Bharatiya history in the right perspective.

Are they Dravidians or the Austrics? The pitched up tents of Nagakumara's camp looked like the shaven heads of slave-girls : VII, 1, The Pandyan princess did not like any suitor as a person with his mouth burnt with slake-lime of his betel does not like boiled rice VIII, 2, 6Nagakumara liked Laxmimati as a beggar Brahmin likes the Sankranti an occasion for alms- giving IX, 2, 6 ; he was fond of her as a grammarian is of the derivation of words IX.

IX, 2. If we like to discover one fundamental cause of the conti- nuing degradation of the Bharatiya culture and civilization, the existence of the Varnic system is that one basic cause. The Poet's Education 7. This attitude in course of time oblite- rated all the past memories of the conquerer and the conquered.

Danava Kagyapa had similarly also been raised to the Rgvedic Rsi-hood and the Puranic Brahmana- hood. The former are materialists and the later are spiritualists. The former knew no art and architecture ; the latter knew them to the point of perfection.

Raja Amar Krishna Narain Singh. DJG No. Padma Purana, Venkatesvara Press, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, Bombay. II; EC. II; JSS. Popularity of the hero Nagakum ra is recognised by the Jains as one of the twenty-four Kamadevas, i.

The Xxxx ramana vateya vidio was invited even by his own father for a game which he said 'was dear to gods, demons and men alike' III, 13,9. The Agmakas and the Mulakas are of the Iksvaku origin, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio.

The coalescence of the two mutually opposed ethnic races is at the root of the origin and growth of the Varnic ethnology. Various dectrines and beliefs of the Hindu and the Buddhist religions have been mentioned and commented upon in seven passages 5 to 11 Xxxx ramana vateya vidio chapter nine. At the beginning of the work the poet introduces himself as t-he sot of Muddhai, Skt. Mugdhadevi, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio Kesavabhatta of Kasyapa gotra. Stale of Bombay, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, S.

Stale, A. R State of Bombay, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio, S. Nort, Moreover, the particulars of the violence to which the deceased has spoken are likely to have occurred under circumstances of confusion and surpri.

But the teaching that the Rgveda contains no history pains me. Durga Shanker v. Ratan Lai v. These later violent intruders had merged themselves completely in the Hindu society of Bharata, as the earlier Brahmanic and The Dravidian violent intruders had merged themselves in the Austric society of Bharata.

This brahmanised and Dravidised Austric Vak betrays its original traditions and historical events. The scientific treatment of the subject in this work with this purpose is this my first humble attempt in this field. He is the author of that beautiful little Kavya Ratnamalika, which, according to his own statement, 'he composed when he had abdicated the throne on account of the growth Bokep jpng terbaru tanpa sensor ascetic spirit in him ' Bhand.

These variations have been ignored in the footnotes. That they, were ancient and had come from proper custody. The minority successively and successfully succeeded in turning itself into a majority for which it had to pay heavily in culture-coins. The oldest Dravidian written record does not go beyond the middle of the first Millenium A.

Archaeology could not take the Dra- vidian remains before the Xxxx ramana vateya vidio century B. Anthropology has not helped the Dravidian problem either. Dharasena wrote Nagakumaracarita in Sanskrit verse in eight cantos. Slate of Bombav, S. Harbans Singh and another v. The principle on which such statement is regarded as admissible in evidence is that, in the ordinary course of affairs, a person is not likely to make a statement to his own detriment, unless it is true.

Mathura Thakur, 6 C. Rambira Missir v. There was corroboration of the dying declaration in the evidence of other witnesses. The linguistic study of the Dravidi suggests that it superimposed itself on the pre-existing Austric language.

Premananda Dutt, 52 C. Per Cave, J. Mitchell, 17 Cox C. Premananda Dutt. Our purpose today is not to subject the problem of Varna and caste from its utility or disutility, scientific or unscientific and traditional or non- traditional point of view because the problem Xxxx ramana vateya vidio not exist in that aspect. Manyakheta-a literary centre. His somewhat humorous reference to grammarians as fond of derivation of words has already been mentioned.

We have to re-learn our culture and civilization very rightly so that we may rightly plan over future. Their people were so named as they resided in these regions. This is the real problem. Bijoy Chand Mahatab Bahadur. These our disintegrating forces are the results of history. Har Govind. Bala, 77 I. Ghulam Rasul, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. L J ; see also Nga Mya Da v. Only the true Austric interpretation of the Puranas, at some future date, may help us in constructing the Northern, the Eastern, the Western, the Far Western, the Central and the Southern Divisions of Bharata.

State felS W. Tarachand Daniu'Sutar V, Xxxx ramana vateya vidio. No argument can be buiU upon what he has not said in his declaration. This itself is often a difficult task, specially where the statement had not been put into writing.

The complexity increases.